Top 20 Best Bikini Styles

Bikinis are great... but which style do people prefer?

If you are surfer, you might prefer something more sporty...

Something like this could be okay as well...

If you are just chilling at home, perhaps something more relaxed...

If you don't care to work out and just wanna relax by the pool... this could work

Not the hugest fan of tattoos, but that doesn't take away from the bigger picture, now does it?

Nothing like a hike in the jungle...

This seems to be a highly rated one... what do you think?

And another well like one...

If you like to play beach volleyball, this might be the one...

Or if you just like running in the grass... what about this one?

Not exactly a bikini... but worth a mention, no?

Same for this one... but you get the idea...

How about this one? How does it look to you?

A good ab workout is crucial for a nice core. Maybe ask her for some advice?

Even walking 30 minutes a day can significantly improve health... especially with a pleasant and "uplifting" view...

After your ab workout, don't forget to cool down with some delicious watermelon... they say it helps...

Just to reiterate: surfing offers great exercise opportunities. And it's fun. Especially with a surfing partner...

Not exactly a "bikini" but it's worth a mention, no?

Palm trees are also quite fun as well... who doesn't love coconuts?

Time to cool off...

So, there you have. Some of the best bikinis out there! The question is, are you motivated enough to stay in shape to sport one of these with confidence? Obviously, there are more benefits to working out than just being able to wear your favorite bikinis... but this should be another piece of motivation for you. Eating well is a great first step. Even walking just 30 minutes per day can help. The key is to just start. From there, you can add more things like targeted workouts for whichever part of your body you would like to improve. Get a great ab workout so you can wear that bikini you always dreamed of.

And don't forget to eat healthy! There are countless healthy cooking recipes online that should be able to point you in the right direction, especially when it comes to your diet. Looking into gluten-free recipes might be a great start. Then you can still enjoy things like cupcakes, bread, and other foods that typically use wheat flour. It can be quite tough for many people to give up these foods, so finding recipes that offer a gluten-free alternative (ike rice flour or potato flour, for example) can be a great encouragement. Bon appetit!

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