May 3


Is Internet Funnel System a Scam? Unaffiliated Review!

Anis Founder of

By Anis

May 3, 2018

internet funnel system fake or real?, Internet Funnel System reviews
Internet funnel system scam

So you're wondering if Internet Funnel System a scam or program that can help you make $1,000 per day without working that hard?

You're about to read an honest review about Internet Funnel System, this system is full of BS and hype, however if you do things right you can make a lot of money with it.

Internet Funnel System can make you money, however there are a lot of things they are hiding from you, there are lots of things you really need to know otherwise you will fail.

If you want to learn the real truth about this system, you must read this review!

Internet Funnel System Scam - Quick Review

Name: Internet Funnel System


Price: $49

Owner: Mike

Recommended? Yes, but proceed with caution.

What is Internet Funnel System?

Internet Funnel System is program created by this guy called Mike, so Mike on the sales video shares with you a sad story about him losing his job due to something that happened to him and damaged his brain.

The accident that happened to him is the reason he lost his job, therefore he started looking online for ways to make a living because no one would hire him as a brain damaged man.

Mike says that he has found some ways to work from home, after spending a lot of time searching online he finally came across this system that allowed him to earn $1000 in a few days.

Fast forward today, he makes millions of dollars online, he has the financial freedom to do anything like traveling and literally anything he wants.

I can assure you that this is a fake story, before I get into why it's a fake story, I'd like you to have a look at some similar systems that also try to sell you by inventing some fake substories

Here are some scams that also try to convince by creating fake substories to touch emotionally:

With that out of the way, I'd like to tell you that even though the Internet Funnel System is trying to sell you their system using a fake story, it's just selling you a different program that is totally different than Internet Funnel System.

This different program works and can make you money, however there are a lot of things about it that can hold you back from using it to start an online business

So in a few words, Internet Funnel System is trying to sell you a different program, they use a fake story, they say you're going to earn $1000 per day, that's complete BS, however the program they promote actually works.

I'm going to explain everything in details so don't worry

How Does Internet Funnel System Work?

Internet Funnel System claims to be a program that is going to give you all the essential online business tools you need to start an online business, they call their system a ''done for you system''.

However it's not done for you at all, because you still need to put in a lot of hard work and that's completely fine, because there is nothing without hard work, right?

Internet Funnel System advertise their system to be all done for you and you can almost just sit back and see the money coming it.

Another thing, they say it's only $49! That's a flat lie, because you will need a lot more than that, when I say a lot more than that I literally mean it!

What Are You Actually Buying?

As I said before, Internet Funnel System is just trying to sell you a third party program that has literally nothing to do with their system.

The program that they are trying to sell you is called Mobe, before I start explaining what that is, do you know why they want you to buy the latter?

Because Mobe pays big commissions to the affiliates that introduce new people to the program, in a few words a Mobe affiliate has created a fake page called Internet Funnel System where he tells all the lies possible and promises the world just so you can buy Mobe!

So What the Hell is Mobe?

Mobe is an online business training that can teach how to start an online business, they offer you page builders, sales pages, newsletters and a lot of tools that you can use to take your business to the next level.

This company is legitimate in my opinion, even though a lot of people call it a scam, I'm not gonna lie Mobe uses a lot of unethical tacticts that includes making their affiliates create fakes websites like Internet Funnel System to introduce new people to Mobe.

However, you can make money with it, if you have a lot of money to invest and can work very hard.

If you want to learn more about Mobe, I invite you to read my full review about it.

How Much Does Internet Funnel System Costs?

Internet Funnel System does not cost $49, at the checkout page they send you to Mobe to pay $49, but that's not all you have to pay, because the latter is not going to teach you anything for that price.

After you pay $49, you will get your personal Mobe coach, this coach is going to see if you qualify to take the Mobe training.

So how can you qualify to join their training?

Simple you need to have $2,497 ready to invest! If you don't have that amount, then no luck you can't complete the Mobe Training.

The worst part is with $2,497 isn't going to get you completely covered because there are more costs waiting for you.

Below I'm going to show you the costs that you need to go throught to complete the Mobe training.

Internet Funnel System Mobe real costs

Full Info about MOBE pricing:

Do you see how lying they are and how they are trying to fool you by saying Internet Funnel System only costs $49?

As you can see just to get started with the 21 Steps Mobe training you will need to spend $2,497 just for the first few steps.

After you go forward with the training you will notice that the next steps are locked because you will need to unlock the the next phases of the training that are hell expensive.

Here are the next steps of the 21 Steps Mobe training!

  • Gold - $4,997
  • Titanium - $9,997
  • Platinum - $16,667
  • Diamond - $29,997

You need to also know that Mobe wants you to spend $400 per week on buying traffic to your offers and there is no guarantee that you're going to earn your investments back!

Do you see how expensive this program is? Do you see how lying they are when they say it's only $49?

You're in luck because you have a friend like me that says the truth about dishonest programs like Internet Funnel System 🙂

My Recommended Online Business Training only costs $49 per month and it includes literally all the tools you need and training.

There are no risks involved or any hidden costs, most importantly it works!

Can You Make Money with Internet Funnel System?

First of all, Internet Funnel System is full of BS when they say you're going to earn over $1000 per day without working much, because there is nothing true about that.

Internet Funnel System is trying to sell you MOBE, a system that can make you money, however you will need to have deep pockets because you have seen above how expensive it is.

Do I Recommend Mobe?

Yes I do recommend Mobe because their training is great and does work, you can make a lot of money with them because they offer high commissions.

However I don't recommend newbies to be involved with it whatsoever, because it's both expensive and difficult, Mobe is perfect for marketers that have experience or at least have a mailing list with ready to buy subscribers.

If you're a newbie there is a better program for newbies that actually works and doesn't cost a leg and an arm.

Is Internet Funnel System a Scam?

If Internet Funnel System is telling you you're going to make over $1000 per day by simply paying $49 and once you get to it you realize it costs thousands of dollars and you have to work extremely hard to start earning, then this screams scam everywhere to me.

However Mobe as I mentioned before is not a scam, because unlike Internet Funnel System they offer great training and support, but they are extremely expensive and I showed you above how much money they are going to cost you!

Another thing I'd like to show you, is how the Mobe members are doing.

62% of the Mobe members earn less than $1000 per year!

Here's the proof!

Mobe how much they earn


This does not mean that Mobe is a bad program, it just means that a lot of newbies join them with a bad mindset.

The proof is there are members that earn over $1 million per year with Mobe, but those are experienced affiliate marketers that has started their businesses somewhere else before joining Mobe.

Final Words

The Internet Funnel System is just selling you a different product called Mobe which is legitimate.

However the latter, is extremely expensive as you need to invest over $2000 upfront and there are more costs coming as you go forward with the training.

Mobe is legitimate, however it's perfect for experienced affiliate marketers that already make money online and want to take their businesses to the next level!

If you're looking for a system that is affordable and newbie friendly then just read my recommendation below.

Recommended Online Business Training for Beginners

If you're a newbie and have never made money online, then you definitely want to avoid Internet Funnel System.

It costs thousands of dollars and that's something a newbie cannot afford especially for a program that is full of risks.

If you're a newbie and you're looking for an affordable training that works

I invite you to check out My #1 Rated Program for Newbies

It's free to join, so even if you decide it's not for you, you will have only created a free account.

Did you buy Internet Funnel system?

What do you have to say about it? Make sure you drop your comments below!

0/5 (0 Reviews)
Anis Founder of

About Anis

Anis Chity used to be a struggling university student under debt from Italy, but thanks to this opportunity he managed to earn a 4 figure monthly income at the age of 24. Anis enjoys helping people avoid scams and find legit ways to work from home. He has many other businesses online as well.

In his free time he loves playing football & hanging out with friends.

Quick update: Anis now is 28 earning over $40k a month on average in affiliate commissions! Learn How He exactly did it here.

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