November 3


Best Work From Home Jobs For Women (Try These Out!) (2019)

Anis Founder of

By Anis Chity

November 3, 2019

Best Work From Home Jobs For Women

Hello there! Welcome to my "Best Work From Home Jobs For Women" article!

Isn't it beautiful how today, we can actually work from our houses? That is nice and very convenient.

We won't have to wake up early and go out, heading to our offices. Furthermore, say goodbye to your "bosses" who you probably hate.

Anyways, in this article, I will give you the best work from home jobs for women. However, some of these will also be applicable to men!

Try these out and pick the ones that fit your interests. In that way, it will be more than just a job!

Without any further ado, let's get started.

#1 Online Writer

Perhaps the most common job one can find online is writing. You can write about a company, about other people or your own life.

And there are tons of reasons why you write, whether you want to promote, inform or entertain. However, if ever you want to have a stable job by writing online, chances are you’ll be writing for a company or doing a blog for yourself.

The mode for each task varies on your company. You may be required to write with a certain requirement of word count, you may be tasked to interview someone and then write about it. Furthermore you will be engaging in research from time to time.

Online writing

Being an online writer requires flexibility. This is a great job for those who can speak their minds, who aren’t afraid to share their experiences and have a passion to inspire others.

Some companies may require a potential employee to have a degree in writing. But others are not so strict, as long as your grammar is good and you have a knack for words.

The average salary for online writers is about $24 per hour and there are plenty of platforms where you can start such as LinkedIn or

#2 Social Media Manager

One has to be familiar with technology and the world of the Internet to become a social media manager.

Almost every person is engaging in social media these days no matter the age. With social media, everyone is aware of the happenings, trends and other news. The name of the job is pretty self-explanatory.

Social media manager

Social media managers manage brands as well as create and grow them to further their recognition.

Furthermore, they create content, do campaigns and of course, advertise on social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Mainly, what you do is to make sure that the brand you’re promoting is continually gaining followers, subscribers or viewers to ensure recognition.

They have to be creative enough so people will not get bored of whatever they’re promoting.

This job makes about $13-$14 per hour. You can either apply directly to companies or visit sites like Indeed

#3 Virtual travel agent

To all travel lovers out there, this may be a job worthy of being worked on. Becoming a travel agent or consultant, you must have knowledge about places, about etiquette in certain countries.

Perhaps you have done a lot of travelling yourself and you want to part your experiences and knowledge to your clients.

Or if you haven’t done a lot of travel but you are fond of places and you are good at making itineraries, this job is also suitable for you.

Virtual travel agent

You start by booking tickets for your clients, and then you write them an itinerary and maybe book a hotel.

It’s really just accompanying people so they can have wonderful experiences and trips in amazing places.

If there are conflicts, you must also know how to handle the situation and provide alternatives.

This is actually a fun and interesting job because it’s like you’re travelling yourself and you get to help others create memories. ​

The average pay of this type of job is around $13-$50 an hour and you can check out at Zip Recruiter or Glassdoor.

#4 Search Engine Evaluator

When you search for something, say, an assignment about American presidents, with one click, you get tons of results.

And you see that what you’ve searched for matches with the results that come out. This is the job of search engine evaluators.

For one to be effective at this job, you must always be updated about what is happening recently, the current trends, different cultures common knowledge and more.

Search engine evaluator

Search engine companies rely on you to keep their results accurate and timely. Your essence also helps in maintaining the quality and relevance of the results.

You must also be proficient in English if you’re up to this job. A search engine evaluator makes about $13 per hour and you can apply at firms like Leapforce At Home and Appen Butler Hill.

#5 Transcriber

This job is quite convenient that it doesn’t require a lot of experience. What you do is to simply listen to audio files and type out what you hear.

Basically, what you need are:  a computer, headphones, fast typing skills and good listening skills.

Some companies also let you make your own schedule so there is less conflict.


Mostly, you will be listening to college lectures of a doctor’s medical dictation. You must also watch out for punctuation marks so as to not misstate sentences or ideas.

If you want to try this job out, visit or, and earn up to $60,000 a year.

You can also check out the best online transcription jobs here.

Anis Chity

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#6 Pet Sitter

If you’re not up to a job that involves technology, then perhaps you can consider being a pet sitter.

Of course, to be a pet sitter, you must know your way around pets. To make it easier, you can maybe limit yourself to dogs and cats because this job poses some risk too especially if an animal doesn’t like you.

Furthermore, you just need to be confident in taking care of these pets, make sure they are in good hands and you must know how to handle situations.

Pet sitter

This job is perfect for pet lovers out there and not only do you get paid, you’ll also have the pleasure of hanging out with lovely critters.

This job also requires patience as pets are not all the same. You must know how to tame them so they’ll get used to you.

Most importantly, you must not lose sight of them. You can apply for this job to your friends, neighbors or at DogVacay and ​Rover and earn potentially at $1,000 monthly.

#7 Survey Taker

The title says it all. This job is great for those who don’t want complex jobs but still want to get paid.

Your task is to simply answer surveys, take an opinion poll or be asked to make a review about a certain product.

Really, what they need from you is your opinion so they can continually improve their products and services better.

Survey taker

Your opinion are also helpful in the research they conduct. Your pay can range from $1- $50 per survey depending on the amount of time spent on each one.

There are plenty of companies that are in need of survey takers, so you can check them out at,, and more.

#8 Online Tutor

Usually, people who work as online tutors are very proficient and fluent in English because most of the tutees want to learn about the English language.

Even if this is not the main goal or lesson, being great at English is like a requirement of being a tutor because it’s the mode of communication and relaying messages and ideas.

This job also requires a huge amount of time, depending on the agreement per session.

Online tutor

If you are tutoring in Mathematics, you have to have extensive knowledge and background on the subject so you can be of better service to your tutee.

You also need a means of information and communication transaction like Skype. You can visit at if you are interested and earn about $14-$25 an hour.

#9 Vlogger

Vloggers are everywhere these days. Whatever their purpose is, it sure does make them happy.

If you’re into vlogging, you can apply for a company to strengthen their brand and get paid.

If you want to be independent, you can create your own YouTube channel and posts your vlogs their.

Vlog content can be about anything, as long as it is useful, entertaining and you’re good at it.


Women are good at cooking, designing, making DIY stuff, makeup tutorials, family vlogs and more, the list is endless.

Moreover, some even do vlogs about how their day went, their past experiences, what their thoughts are about life and people.

You just need and account, a camera, a pleasing personality, confidence and interesting content.

Your pay is dependent on how many subscribers you have and how many views your videos have.

#10 Virtual Graphic Designer

Women being naturally great at designing are perfect for this job. Creativity is key here as people will patronize your work for its meaning, beauty and creativity.

Mostly, you will be working on graphic arts by creating or assembling images, develop digital designs and create logos or labels for brands.

You must also know how to use Photoshop or any other editing software to enhance your work.

Virtual Graphic Designer

Because it happens virtually, the employee is not only required to create amazing designs.

Additionally, to make them better with the help of technology, because some people may be only good at drawing their designs but not as good in making them digitally.

You can look for this type of job at Glassdoor or Indeed and earn an average of $19 per hour.

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Bottom Line

Well there you have them! The best work from home jobs for women! All of them are great and can be really rewarding, if you work hard.

Furthermore, again, my advice is to pick the one that really fits your interest. Think about it, you will not just be doing your job, but also something that you love!

Personally, I am one of those people who love to work online and from home. I just feel like I have more freedom and to be honest, they pay more than traditional jobs.

If you want to know how I do it, proceed to read the next section.

Thank you so much for reading my "Best Work From Home Jobs For Women" article! If you have question or comments, please leave them on the comment section below.

This is How I Make Money from Home!

As promised, here is how I make money from home. It is called affiliate marketing. Yes, it may sound complicated but don't worry. Let me explain it to you in simple terms.

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Anis Founder of

About Anis

Anis Chity used to be a struggling university student under debt from Italy, but thanks to this opportunity he managed to earn a 4 figure monthly income at the age of 24. Anis enjoys helping people avoid scams and find legit ways to work from home. He has many other businesses online as well.

In his free time he loves playing football & hanging out with friends.

Quick update: Anis now is 28 earning over $40k a month on average in affiliate commissions! Learn How He exactly did it here.

  • Hi Anis.Thank you for all the recommendatios.
    Please are these offers restricted to any country?I am based in Nigeria.Can I apply for these jobs too?

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