June 12


The Best Dating Affiliate Programs (Legit And Pays Cash!) (2019)

Anis Founder of Fulltimehomebusiness.com

By Anis Chity

June 12, 2019

0/5 (0 Reviews)
Anis Founder of Fulltimehomebusiness.com

About Anis

Anis Chity used to be a struggling university student under debt from Italy, but thanks to this opportunity he managed to earn a 4 figure monthly income at the age of 24. Anis enjoys helping people avoid scams and find legit ways to work from home. He has many other businesses online as well.

In his free time he loves playing football & hanging out with friends.

Quick update: Anis now is 28 earning over $40k a month on average in affiliate commissions! Learn How He exactly did it here.

  • Anis,

    Thank you for opening up my eyes to this niche.  

    I have used online dating services before, but did not know a lot of them have affiliate programs attached.   I know a fe couples who met each other online and got married as a result.  

    Online dating definitely works and is something I will look into for reviewing purposes as you have done here.  

    Don’t worry, I will not copy your reviews!

    Thanks once again for this information. 

    All the best. 

  • Hello Anis,

    I found your review interesting. 

    I am doing affiliate marketing, and I had not thought about dating websites as potential affiliates.

    Since I am blogging in the self-help and health spheres, I guess there could be a number of my readers who are single.

    I’d say my biggest worry is about turning off my other readers with adverts of dating sites. Would you have any suggestions on how to be discreet about that? Maybe the adverts would run only on pages that are addressed at single people?

    Thanks, Phil

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