February 25


10 Ways to Make Money Fast, Creative Ideas

Anis Founder of Fulltimehomebusiness.com

By Anis

February 25, 2018

10 ways to make money fast, How to Make Money, Make Money now, Make Passive income

Everyone on the internet is looking for LEGITIMATE methods to make a living, yes the internet is full of ways to generate cash but sadly most of them are just a scam or pay pennies so it’s not worth it to spend time working for pennies.

10 ways to make money fast
Wanna make fast cash?


We all know that the best way to earn a passive income online is to set up a blog where you write your own articles, but many people don’t want to make money blogging because they are looking for something that will reward them right away, in this post I’m going to discuss with you 10 ways to make money fast , you can make money in a shorter period than you will with blogging.


Here’s what we recommend for Making money online in 2018!

But please if you think that you will be driving a Lamborghini after reading this post you are wrong, you will probably start earning money in less than a month using these ideas I’m going to share with you, but don’t expect easy fast money because you are going to work hard to make this money making methods pay off.

I have gathered for your 10 creative ideas to make money fast, I have personally tried these methods, they worked for me and always helped me when I was short of money.

I’m going to start with the first 5 Ideas in this first part, the second part is coming soon with more creative ideas! 😉

1) Make Money from Yahoo Answers using ClickBank


Before creating this blog, I have been always active on Yahoo Answers if you don’t know what is it, it’s just a website where people ask questions seeking for answers, the site has many categories. Yahoo answers is very popular and lots of people use it to ask questions.

You can definitely take advantage of the traffic from Yahoo answers by promoting affiliate products, I suggest you to go for Clickbank because they have many great products with high commissions.


Please don’t spam otherwise they will ban you when you answer a question with your referral link don’t do it every time, you should look natural, I suggest you to post no more than 3 referral links per day.

You know many Yahoo answers questions got popular and sometimes you may find the on the top pages of google.

  • For instance, type this on google ”How to lose belly fat” + Yahoo answers

If you are smart and creative you can target questions that you know will make a buzz and make sure you are the first one to comment with your referral link before anyone else, the question will be indexed by google if it has a hot keyword and your comment will be on the top visible to everyone, that means you will be making a significant amount of money for a long time.

2) Make Money With Yahoo Answers and Fiverr 


This is another good option if you want to get some cash quick, we have already mentioned Yahoo Answers in the first money making method, so you know what is it, the new thing to this post is Fiverr which is a place where you can sell your services for five dollars. If you offer a service to someone you will get $5 but Fiverr will get $1 as a fee.

10 ways to make money fast


Many people that are high-level users on Yahoo answers make $5 every time they answer a question if you are a high-level user and you want to get paid to answer questions you can register on Fiverr and offer your services, you can make easily $20 per day doing this.

If you are not a high-level user on Yahoo answers you can become one by offering helpful answers every day. Once you are ready you can start making money online

3) Make Money With Quora and ShareaSale 


Here’s what we recommend for Making money online in 2018!

Quora is another popular site where you can ask and answer questions, you can make money with Quora by promoting pay per lead programs, these programs pay you every time you send someone to sign up through their links.

10 ways to make money fast

The best site I can recommend is Shareasale this amazing pay per lead program pay from $5 per $50 per lead.

You should be creative here also and try to target the questions that are willing to pay to get the solution, you are smart you can do it, you can earn good money with this as well it just depends on the hard work and your creativity also 😉


4) Make Money with your Social Accounts

If you have a facebook page or a twitter account with lots of followers you can make lot’s of money right away with sponsored tweets, this is a site where advertisers promote their products for an affordable price via the social networks with many followers.

You can create a facebook page about anything work hard to build fans, the more fans you have the more money you can make, there are people that make thousand dollars doing this! 😀


5) Make Money on YouTube

Youtube is the best video platform ever, you know lots of people love videos and you can make a lot of money if you upload great youtube videos.

I want to share with you a creative idea to make money uploading youtube videos.

We will be using Clickbank since it’s a great affiliate program with many products that you can promote, you can get a free account on Clickbank without any approval process you can start to promote products and earn high commissions 🙂

Make a Youtube channel on a specific niche, make sure you pick up a niche that you are interested into, work hard upload good videos, promote them and make sure you pick up the right products from Clickbank.

This way you are going to make lots of money if you stick to it.



Here’s what we recommend for Making money online in 2018!

I hope you liked today’s post

Please don’t try to use all these methods, I suggest you pick up one idea and work super hard towards it if you stick with one idea for at least a month, you will be making a good amount of money.

If you think those bad boys are not for you and want to learn something that will make you a living online in the future I suggest you make a warm cup of tea and read my Wealthy Affiliate review  

It’s like a university where you go take up classes and learn something that will make you make a living online, the only difference that this is way more fun trust me! 😉

If you liked this article and can’t wait for the other 5 bad boys, stay tuned they are coming to help you make money fast soon 😉

Do you know an idea that makes you money? How do you make money online? please share with us your ideas below in the comments section.

If you have any question just drop it below!

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Anis Founder of Fulltimehomebusiness.com

About Anis

Anis Chity used to be a struggling university student under debt from Italy, but thanks to this opportunity he managed to earn a 4 figure monthly income at the age of 24. Anis enjoys helping people avoid scams and find legit ways to work from home. He has many other businesses online as well.

In his free time he loves playing football & hanging out with friends.

Quick update: Anis now is 28 earning over $40k a month on average in affiliate commissions! Learn How He exactly did it here.

  • Hey Anis, I hope you’re doing well.

    I was reading points 1 and 2 and thinking about Quora when you mentioned it! Great stuff and I recently heard that backlinks from Quora are rated very highly in Google’s eyes.

    Do you find other affiliate marketers within Yahoo answer ‘ray you out’ and report you for using these methods or would you only do this for non-make money online niches?

    Looking forward to your reply, many thanks.

  • These are great ideas Anis. I never thought of the Yahoo Answers method before, I might have to give it a try.

    You are right though, you need to answer the questions with enough information that the reader will trust you and check out the link you provided. I’m actually thinking it could be quite difficult to build that trust in such a short space of time. Trust can take time to build, which is where blogging, or building a website can help as it is a longer term relationship with your reader.

    Thanks again and all the best!

  • I love the idea of making money fast. I guess that appeals to just about everyone.

    This is actually really interesting. I currently promote affiliate products on my website, but I’ve never thought of doing it through something like Quora or Yahoo Answers. What is the response like if you include an affiliate link? Do people get annoyed by that?

  • Hi Anis,

    I am in the process of building my site… adding posts and pages. I will be using some of the ideas you offer on this page in the future. Very good information. Thanks much.

  • Hi Anis

    You’ve listed some interesting ways of making money online.

    Regarding Yahoo Answers, are you able to give an idea of how much time you’d spend to earn the $20 – $40 per day?

    I think for people who are completely new to online marketing (and can seldom afford the upfront and ongoing monthly costs), it does look like one could integrate the Yahoo Answers option into creating a conventional blog.

    The money earned from the Yahoo Answers option would then pay for the blogging monthly costs, including the costs of things such as PPC campaigns.

    Overall, a good post for people looking at different options.


    • Hi Peteni, Yahoo answers is a good idea to make money with your affiliate links, you need to share your links to related questions and make sure you help the person asking so they will trust you and check out your recommendation, make sure you promote a good product! if you do this in a regular basis you can expect results in less than a month! 🙂

  • hey there ! what an interesting post on how to make money, of the ways i have tried yahoo answer and clickbank before, it will surely work if you are fast enough and answer the right question, your answer has to be rated too, Other than that, i also used to use my twitter account for the sponsored tweet, they will surely pay you high if you have lots of followers.

  • Wow, those are really special ways to make money. I’ve never heard of most of those mentioned here. Like I know of Fiverr but never knew that people actually sell gigs that answer Yahoo questions.

    Quora and Shareasale working together is also new. So I get paid just for sending someone thru the link? Regardless of whether or not the person buys something? That is what pay per lead means right?

    • Hi Andrew thanks for stopping by, I know ideas like these you can find them easily on the internet, I have written this article because I wanted to share some good ways that I used my self and other people that really make you earn good money

      With Shareasale you get paid if someone signs up thru your link wether it’s a paid service or free, obviously you get more money if the sign up is followed by a purchase but it’s still a valid way to earn money!

      Have a great day!

  • These are some interesting ways to make money online. I didn’t realize that answering questions could lead to earning money.

    Do you think it would be worth while just to take the plunge and set up an account with Wealthy Affiliate instead of trying to work these other ways?

    It looks like it would be more of a long term investment by establishing a real online business.

    • Hi Chris, those methods are the ones that require the less hard hork and that pay the most on the internet , doing these I was making $20 today and $40 after 3 day, going on this rythm all the time.

      If you think blogging is not your cup of tea (even though I think it’s the best way to go for since its for everyone) you can pick up and idea from here and work towards it.

      On Yahoo answers people could delete their questions or something and this may decrease your earning but its still a valid option I guess.

      Blogging though remains the best way to make money online but it requires at least 4 months of hard work and maybe little investement.

  • Hi Anis,

    This was very interesting I’d not heard of most of these. I jumped straight in with Wealthy Affiliate when I found it.

    The 7-day access all areas really showed its potential and it was an easy decision to upgrade, an online university education in internet marketing and all its component parts for a fraction of the cost of actually university fees.

    Looking forward to the next installment.

  • I never thought you could use Yahoo Answers for referring your links. Is that ok to use? Will Google not sue you for placing affiliate links on such sites?

    Although I already have a blog (having a hard time writing articles by the way) I strongly believe that it’s not the only way to earn. I considered blogging a viable option because this will bear fruit in the long term. So for those people who are willing to wait, blogging is the way to go.

    But still, I will consider all your money-making ideas and see if it works for me. Thank you very much for sharing this post.

    • Hi

      Dominic , Yes you can post links on Yahoo answers as long they are not referring to any illegal or adult content, affiliate are fine you can post them but just don’t overdo or it will become a spam!

      These are really great ways that they really work!

      Glad you found helpful this post, thanks for stopping by and have a good day! 🙂

  • These are very interesting ideas on how to make quick money online. I knew about youtube and fiverr, but did not know you could still use yahoo answers to generate money.

    On a side note I was hoping to read 10 ways but was only able to find 5 of them. You might still be writing content for the next 5? Either way I enjoyed your post and might try 1 or 2 of these in the future.

    • Hi Micheal, I have mentioned in the article (even the title says part I ) that I will post the other remaining methods in the near future, glad you liked the post, Let me know what you gonna pick up, thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  • I can certainly see why you would mention not to try and use all of the money making methods you have listed due to the time and commitment it would take.

    I know dealing with social media, that it takes time and you have to choose which ones work the best for your purposes, so I would figure these methods for making money would be the same.

    I’ll start off small and see what kind of time it takes and advance from there.

    • Yeah Travis, you should pick up and work hard towards it, because each idea here requires hard work in order to see results, if you do them all in one go, you will end up working hard without results, work smart not hard 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by 😀

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    This is HOW Newbies like me & You Can Make Money Online
