August 8


CB Money Vine Review (2022) Learn the Truth Now!

Anis Founder of

By Anis Chity

August 8, 2022

CB Money Vine Review

Hello! Welcome to my CB Money Vine Review! (Updated 2022)

When it comes to affiliate marketing, the challenge lies on building a website and getting traffic. Furthermore, most affiliate links are only associated with one product.

That could be difficult to earn money since the product is specific as well as the targeted audience.

However, what if I told you that there is a system that defies that? A system that will generate an affiliate link that is hardcoded with more than one products?

Well, that is what CB Money Vine is all about!

In this review, we will tackle everything about it and see if it is worth it. Without any further ado, let's get started!

CB Money Vine Review: Quick Summary

Name:  CB Money Vine

Website: Click here

Founder: Tom E and Brian Winters

Front End Price: $20

Launch date: October 7, 2019

Type: Affiliate marketing software

Rating: 4/5

Recommended? Yes for those who want an automated affiliate marketing business

CB Money Vine


What is CB Money Vine?

CB Money Vine

CB Money Vine is a system or a software that allows your affiliate links to be attached to more than 4000 ready-to-go products without having any pending approvals.

If you know what affiliate marketing is, it usually works by matching one product to one buyer at a time.

That could take longer, especially on what kind of niche you are into. Furthermore, that process is a bit specific; a specific product for a specific buyer. However, with CB Money Vine, that process is reversed. How?

The system will give your buyers a lot of options of products they can choose from. With that, the chances of making money will increase!

Moreover, you can simply share your CB Money Vine website or opportunity link with other people and your monthly commissions will multiply exponentially.

Does it sound familiar to you? Because to me, it does. It reminds me of another software that I encountered before called, MoolaVine.

I did some more digging and it turns out that they can be the same thing! Same functionality and yes, same creator, Brian Winters. Furthermore, both names have the word, “vine”. Coincidence? I think not.

Are you in search for the best affiliate marketing training program? Well, here it is! Check it out now!

CB Money Vine Review: The Founders

The people behind the creation of CB Money Vine are the partners, Tom E. and Brian Winters.

The latter is the one who made MoolaVine, which is similar to CB Money Vine. Furthermore, Winters started more profitable products. Some of them are IG Money Tree, Lazy Profit Engine 2.0, Boomerang Buddy, Piggyback Payday.

Tom E. on the other hand is a well known figure in the world of online marketing. He is also a software developer. In fact, he is the one who created Arbitrage Underdog Evergreen, 5iPhon Reloaded, and many more.

The creativity, skills and experiences of these two brought products that have helped  lot of people face and solve their problems.

What can you get from it?

When you purchase the product, you will have access to its two main ingredients.

CB Money Vine Software

The software is basically what you will use. First, you must log in. Afterwards, you will be able to connect your affiliate link with more than 4000 products!

Furthermore, you won't even have to wait for a long time. This will only take 1 minute and you are ready to go. No hassles.

The payment will also go directly to your account.

CB Money Vine System

The next one you will get is the CBMV system. We already know that your will be given 40%-75% commissions with 4000+ products on your affiliate link.

But, these won't work well if there is no system that will convert them into money for you.

And that is the reason why the CBMV done-for-you Reverse Income System or R.I.S., was made.

Your own website for your affiliate marketing is already included here. Furthermore, this system will make you earn money as soon as you join.

Basically, it will "force" people to buy products from you through a built-in incentivization program.

This will go on an on every month. And of course, on autopilot. Even if you are busy, it will still work.

Anis Chity

With this Program, you will be improving your affiliate commissions immediately!

Furthermore, it has everything you need to be more successful at affiliate marketing.

Check it out now!

CB Money Vine Review: Features

The main highlight with CB Money Vine is the website that will be specially made for you. However, do not think of it as a retail marketplace like Amazon or eBay even though it has more than 4000 products.

The thing behind it is that your website will generate you an unlimited number of "vine" of CBMV free version sub-members.

These are the people who will purchase products through your affiliate link because of the incentivization.

The incentive system is already built on your website that will be provided by CBMV. This will make people more determined to purchase products because they will also earn money with this.

That is the reason why the system will increase your commission sales and earnings.

Here are other features you can get from CB Money Vine.

100% Automated

If ever you are busy with other stuff and won't have the time to take care of your website and affiliate marketing business, don't worry. CBMV got your back.

The system will be on autopilot. So you can still do other things and the website will still continue working.

Furthermore, with CBMV, there are no selling and order fulfillment.

More than 4000 Physical and Digital Products

Unlike other programs, there is no need for you to manually choose the product list your customers will buy. Furthermore, you won't even need to wait for approvals.

With CBMV, you will be earning money immediately. More than 4000 products will already be integrated with your affiliate links.

All of these will give you 40% to 70% commissions!

Easy Performance Stats Tracking

Usually when you work, combined with other everyday things you need to do, you might forget to keep track of your performance.

But again, CBMV got you. It has a performance stats tracking tool which you can easily access to know how you are doing.

Furthermore, they will deposit you earnings on your Clickbank or Warrior Plus accounts. Both are free.

CBMV Reverse Income System

Personally, what makes affiliate marketing challenging is the stage wherein you build a website for your business.

But with CBMV, professionals will do it for you! The moment you purchase it and log in, they will provide you with a website immediately.

This is where you will post your affiliate links and products.

Apart from this, a complete and quality training about making more money by inviting others to join for free, will b given to you.

Multiple Income Streams

With CBMV, you will have a multiple income streams thanks to the products that will be integrated with your affiliate links.

How does it work?

#1 Sign up and activate

The first thing you have to do is to purchase CB Money Vine. Afterwards, you will need to create an account and log in.

Before you can monetize and earn money, you must activate your account first. You can do this by purchasing one product from the CBMV marketplace.

You will be presented with a lot of options or products that are classified in niches. Choose what you want and buy it.

They will give you a receipt afterwards. Copy and paste it on a blank form that will appear. Then click "Activate".

Then you can start!

#2 Website and affiliate links

CB Money Vine Link

You will be given a ready-made website for your affiliate marketing. Everything will be set up for you already.

Afterwards, you will have to go through a couple of steps to be able to hardcode your affiliate links into a lot of products.

You can also share your website and affiliate links to other people to be able to earn more money.

#3 Earn commissions

CB Money Vine marketplace

You will need to grow your vine. You can do this by inviting other people to join CBMV.

Once people who are members of your vine purchase a product, you will earn commissions.

These people can become free users. They will be given a free website and earn money. However, to keep this, they must purchase at least one product from the CBMB marketplace every month.

How much will you make?

The ultimate reason why I consider affiliate marketing as the best way to earn money online is because of the passive income.

With CB Money Vine, you will earn as much as you can! Furthermore, it just depends on how well you can manage.

It may not be easy. Let's say that you have about 50 active members on your vine who purchase at least one product each month.

And each purchase will earn you $20. Then that means each month you can earn $1000! That is if you can keep those 50 members.

Some people would just quit once they realize that it is challenging.

CB Money Vine Review: Pricing

CB Money Vine ($20)

CB Money Vine

This is the main product that they offer. To be specific, this offer is the Reverse Income System.

It will hardcode your affiliate links to more than 4000 products. Furthermore, in this offer, a website that is engineered for you to earn money immediately is already included.

By simply sharing your website link, you can increase your commissions!

OTO 1 - Commission Accelerator ($47)

The CBMV Commission Accelerator will be multiply your earnings by automatically "passing up" commissions from your referrals or vine members.

CBMV Commission Accelerator

OTO 2 - 10K List Mogul ($97)

With the 10K List Mogul, you will be able to cash in by gettings leads from your CBMV website automatically.

Moreover, this includes DFY follow up emails.

CBMV 10K List Mogul

OTO 3 - 4 Figure Commission Club ($197)

The 4 Figure Commission Club will enable you to add an instant high-ticket backend through auto-webinars that pay up around $500 per pop in commissions. 

Also, this one won't just be seen in your direct referrals. It applies to your entire CB Money Vine referral base.

CBMV 4 Figure Commission Club

OTO 4 - Autopilot Traffic Co-Op ($197)

CBMV Autopilot Traffic Co-Op

If ever you don't have the time to spend on your CB Money Vine, then this is for you. 

The Autopilot Traffic Co-Op will deliver traffic to you on autopilot. With this, you won't have to do anything but to buy. Afterwards, these will be added into the vendor's traffic rotation automatically.

OTO 5 - 6 Figure Empire ($397)

CBMV 6 Figure Empire

When you purchase this one, you will multiply your income streams. Furthermore, you will be given access to their 6 best-selling income systems.

This will include 5iPhon Reloaded, ShopMonopoly and IGMoneytree.

Actually, if you purchase this, you will be able to save money rather than buying these systems separately.

CB Money Vine Review: Pros and Cons


  • High-income potential
  • Reverse Income System
  • Training video
  • Ready-made website for you
  • Built-In Incentivization
  • Performance tracking
  • Multiple income stream
  • 4000+ products on one affiliate link 


  • "Forced" to buy to keep your account activated
  • May lose income if your affiliates are not active
  • Can be challenging to get long-lasting referrals
  • Uses fake scarcity tactics

Is CB Money Vine a Scam?

To conclude this CB Money Vine Review, it is important to know if it is a scam or not.

After a very thorough research, CB Money Vine is not a scam. It is a legit system that can make you earn money with affiliate marketing.

Furthermore, it was released recently. It is too early to be detecting red flags for it to be declared as a scam.

Speaking of its release, if you want to purchase it, you should do it now. The price may increase in the near future.

Furthermore, it has a 14-day money back guarantee.

Thank you so much for reading my CB Money Vine Review! If you have questions or comments, please leave them on the comment section below! I would love to answer it.

This is how I earn more affiliate commissions!

CB Money Vine is great. It is legit and will make you earn affiliate commissions. However, I still prefer my top recommended program, Wealthy Affiliates!

This program will give you everything about affiliate marketing. The training is comprehensive and complete. You will really get to know what affiliate marketing is and how you can be successful at it.

Apart from that, the community is composed of professional affiliate marketers who are willing to help you. You will have access to a live chat with them.

Furthermore, a 24/7 support will be on stand-by to solve your problems.

Wealthy Affiliates is a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to affiliate marketing. Because of it, I earn affiliate commissions on a daily basis. Here is my proof.

I earn affiliate commissions regularly

My November affiliate commissions thanks to Wealthy Affiliate!

0/5 (0 Reviews)
Anis Founder of

About Anis

Anis Chity used to be a struggling university student under debt from Italy, but thanks to this opportunity he managed to earn a 4 figure monthly income at the age of 24. Anis enjoys helping people avoid scams and find legit ways to work from home. He has many other businesses online as well.

In his free time he loves playing football & hanging out with friends.

Quick update: Anis now is 28 earning over $40k a month on average in affiliate commissions! Learn How He exactly did it here.

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