November 9


Instant Success System Review: SCAM!

Anis Founder of

By Anis

November 9, 2017

InstantSuccessSystem reviewInstant Success System Review

If your dream is to start making serious money every month from the internet, chances are the Instant Success System attracted you by its attractive income claims (earn $5,000 to $10,000 easily every week)

This system claims as you can see above in the image that you can earn thousands of dollars quickly and easily from home like clockwork.

That’s sounds amazing!

But can you trust this or it’s just the typical get rich quick scam?

So this is going to be a full review of the Instant Success System

I promise you that if you read this WHOLE Instant Success System review you will learn a lot of things

You will never fall for a scam again and you will find a legit opportunity today

You won’t be disappointed 😉

Quick Review

Name: Instant Success System


Owner: Paul Richard

Price: $97 upfront + upsells

What Is Instant Success System?

Instant Success System as the name suggests is a program that claims it’s going to make you financially successful online instantly without having to spend time working for hours.

This is definitely so misleading because there is no such thing as instant success.

That’s some fairy tale success that has nothing to do with the real world

But I don’t want to make this review a complete down talk about the Instant Success System as I want to make it as honest as possible.

Even though the name is ridiculous and the income claims are way exaggerated this system does make people money

  • Will you make money Instantly? NO
  • Is it going to make money Easily? NO
  • Is it going to cost you only $97 and that’s it? NO
  • Can You Make Money? Yes! but not like you expect!

I’m going to explain how this system works in details so please pay attention and read the rest of the article to understand and also learn how to ACTUALLY make money online

How Does The Instant Success System Work?

The first thing you are required to do is to give out your personal information

  • Your name
  • Email Address
  • Phone number (this one is optional)


You need to know that when you give out your personal information to sites like these (in the sense they are not trustworthy or well known or they look scammy) it will be sold.

What scammers do is they collect as many email addresses and phone numbers as possible so they can sell them to advertisers with similar offers.

The advertisers to market their products they will spam your inbox and phone number with different offers hoping you purchase from them.

Then Comes the Sales Page

InstantSuccesssystem scam orlegit

When you enter your email address and name and submit you will find the sales video

You have probably watched the whole video with interest

But didn’t you notice something suspicious about it?

The ABC News, What the Hell?

So the Instant Success System starts off with a news video of a woman that seems to be a work at home mom that works full time from home


But what has that to do with Instant Success System?

What the woman in the video talks about is how she likes the fact she works from home and she NEVER mentions the name of the program in question.

I Have seen that News Video Before, Here!

I have done lots of scam reviews on my website ( and I’m really familiar with how these programs work and how they try to scam people.

For example, if you read my review about $500 Cash Club you will find the EXACT same video found on The Instant Success System.

The Instant Success System real or fake

Here are other money making programs that are just similar to Instant Success System

Feel free to click on these reviews to notice the similarities and how they try to scam people.

What Are You Actually Buying?

Digital Altitude Aspire Instant Success System

So Instant Success System costs $97 to join right?

Well it’s not The Instant Success System is what you are buying for $97

It’s Aspire (Digital Altitude!)

So the real program that is being sold is Aspire which is part of an online business opportunity called Digital Altitude.

What is Digital Altitude?

Digital Altitude

So Digital Altitude is a program that teaches you how to start an online business from home selling high ticket products

To make money you need to buy some very expensive products that can cost you up to $50,000.

However, when you buy these products you can resell them for big commissions

You can earn thousands of dollars from just one sale.

However, it’s considered by many like a pyramid scheme where people at the top make the most money.

However, I must say Digital Altitude, in my opinion, is not a scam as you definitely can make money even though it costs a leg and an arm.

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The Digital Altitude Shady Affiliates

What I don’t like about the Digital Altitude are their affiliates (people that promote them)

So the affiliates create fake programs with super exaggerated claims left and right like today’s case instant Success System

They use these fake websites to promote Digital Altitude and sell it through the hype and fake income claims and lifestyles.

For example, Instant Success System asks $97 as to get in

When you pay $97, Digital Altitude will send the affiliate $150 because they invited you to buy the system.

You may be thinking why Digital Altitude pays $150 to the affiliates when they only charge $97 to get their system?

The Instant Success System & Digital Altitude Real Cost

You know $97 is just a starting point that buys you the first step of the DA training (Aspire Today), you pay $97 simply to have a look inside

Aspire today
when you pay $97 you only get Aspire Training which is limited

But to start getting some real training you need to spend at least $2,000

If you don’t have a spare couple thousand dollars you won’t go far with this program.

Is Instant Success System a Scam?

I will say yes and no.

The reason for saying yes is that you get to earn money but you need to spend thousands of dollars first on the Digital Altitude products plus around $100 per week to buy traffic

so it’s a very expensive program but it does make money, in fact, I know lots of people that make a killing every month but it’s both hard and risky to get to their level.

The reason for saying no is that the claimed $5,000 a week profit without doing any hard work is absolutely a lie.

There is no transparency on this program as it’s based on lies and deception which makes me not recommend it.

The decision of whether it is a scam or not will depend on you, the only thing I would advise is that you stay away from it.

The Scam Signs

Well there are lots of scam signs here

  • Fake testimony videos of people claiming to have earned a lot of money from the system
  • Facebook comments and reviews from people that do not even exist.

instantsuccesssytem fake comments

All these comments are positive which is weird because you cannot miss people who are not satisfied with a system or program.

  • The $500 money back guarantee is laughable, you need to pay $97 in order to get $500 which you will never get.
  • limited position, to make you buy the system quickly they have a limited position widget to put you under pressure, it says there are only x positions left in your ”city”

fake limited spots counter

Can You Make Money?

As I said before you can make money with this system however it won’t come instant or easy

You will have to invest lots of money first and give it time and patience

However, I won’t recommend this program because it’s full of lies and huge promises that can’t be real

If you are a newbie you will struggle a lot and will be spending money only which is what the Instant Success system scammers want

Instant Success System Conclusion

I definitely won’t recommend the Instant Success system and I think I have given you many valid reasons above

I would recommend that you go for legitimate online profiting systems that give a reasonable amount of money without giving false information.

If you want me to help you find a legitimate opportunity that you can try for free

I invite you to check out My #1 recommended online Business Training

Your turn!

If you have tried the instant success system before please don’t forget to share with us your experiences to help other people make the right decision!


0/5 (0 Reviews)
Anis Founder of

About Anis

Anis Chity used to be a struggling university student under debt from Italy, but thanks to this opportunity he managed to earn a 4 figure monthly income at the age of 24. Anis enjoys helping people avoid scams and find legit ways to work from home. He has many other businesses online as well.

In his free time he loves playing football & hanging out with friends.

Quick update: Anis now is 28 earning over $40k a month on average in affiliate commissions! Learn How He exactly did it here.

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