Welcome to my 2022 Updated Paparazzi Accessories Review! You will be able to find out the answer to your question, "Is Paparazzi Accessories a scam?” by visiting this review.
You've made a great choice by deciding to read this first before signing up.
I congratulate you and hope to answer your questions about it!
But first things first: please understand that I am not promoting nor bashing Paparazzi Accessories.
I am simply sharing an honest and unbiased review about the business.
So, what are we waiting for? Let’s jump right into the review!
Is Paparazzi Accessories a Scam?: Quick Summary
Name: Paparazzi Accessories
Website: paparazziaccessories.com
Founder: Misty and Trent Kirby, Chani and Ryan Reeve
Year founded: 2010
Type: Multi-level marketing (MLM)
Rating: 2/5
Recommended? Nope
What is Paparazzi Accessories?
Paparazzi Accessories is an MLM-type business that focuses on selling accessories and jewelry at an affordable price (which can be as low as $5).
It was founded by two sisters and their husbands; Misty and Trent Kirby, and Chani and Ryan Reeve, in late 2010 in Hurricane, Utah.
Before starting this business, the sisters were already selling different handmade accessories. Afterwards, they started Paparazzi Accessories. They acheived 900% growth is just six months.
Their goal was to make sure that women can express themselves by wearing stylish and beautiful accessories that fit their personality.
They believe that with this, they can empower women. According to them, “You might think that we’re all about accessories, but Paparazzi is really about change!”
They give women the power to change the way they look by providing different and unique styles of jewelry.
Is Paparazzi Accessories a Scam : Products
Paparazzi Accessories offers a wide range of accessories and jewelry, ranging from bracelets to necklaces, as well as other items.
Some of these start out at just $5! However, some items (like the ones that belong to the Zi Collection 2018) cost $25.
Furthermore, it's not just the price that makes these products attractive, but also the material they use to make them.
The business’ products are all lead-free and nickel-free - that means that almost anyone can wear them, even those who have sensitivities to such.
You can check out their products here.
How can you earn money with it?
Enough talking about their products. I know they are quite nice and very affordable. Now, let’s talk business.
You can earn money with Paparazzi Accessories by selling their products and recruiting others to your downline.
This is the main idea of an MLM business. You have higher earning potential the more people you can recruit for your downline. However, this can be a hassle for some people since it is hard to recruit others to join you and even harder to sell products such as jewelry.
These might make Paparazzi Accessories sound like a pyramid scheme but it is not. Furthermore, a pyramid scheme focuses only on recruiting people and does not have a product to sell.
How can you earn money through Paparazzi Accessories?
When joining Paparazzi Accessories, you need to go through three steps first:
1) Find a consultant
So, what is a "consultant", you might ask?
Well, when you work in Paparazzi Accessories, you'll be considered as a consultant. (Someone who sells their products.)
But before becoming one, you need to find a consultant in your area. This consultant would be the one to help you start your journey.
2) Choosing your kit
If you want to become a consultant, that means that you want to sell their products and earn money.
However, in the second step, you become a customer. You need to choose your “kit” and purchase it first.
This kit contains everything you need to start. The kit prices range from $99 - $499.
3) Check out and get started
After finishing your order, you can then get started. You can hold parties and then sell your products.
Wait, parties? Yes, parties.
One of the main methods for you to sell the products is to hold "home parties".
However, over the years, some people have complained about how they find it a hassle and awkward to hold parties to sell.
That is why, Paparazzi Accessories allowed their consultants to have their own websites wherein they can sell too. Other consultants even hold Facebook parties. Sounds kind of lame, no?
How much money can you earn?
Similar to other MLMs, such as Juice Plus, working for them is like climbing a ladder with ranks on each step.
Everytime you increase your rank, your income, commissions and bonuses will increase too.
I have provided the compensation plan of Paparazzi Accessories.
But before you take a look at it, there are two things that you need to understand…
1) PV
You will always encounter this term when you work in Paparazzi Accessories.
PV stands for “Personal Volume”.
Think of it as a currency when you work in Paparazzi Accessories. The business uses it instead of dollars when determining the amount of your commissions.
You need to sell at least 50 PV with Paparazzi Accessories, which is worth $125 of products per month.
2) Active
This status can be attained when you make at least 50 purchases in a month.
Being active can lead you to earn bonuses and commissions from your down-lines (consultants you were able to assist).
How much does it cost?
Working with Paparazzi Accessories can be pretty costly for you. For starters, you have to pick a starting plan which is valued at $99-$499 dollars. Furthermore, there is the monthly PV quota which is worth $125. However, if you use your discount of 45% you will only need to pay $56.25 per month. That is $675 dollars per year!
So, overall you will have to pay $774 - $1,174 per year!
Pretty expensive.
Paparazzi Accessories Compensation Plan
In the MLM business you have to recruit people to increase your potential earnings. You can get 2-3% of the sales that your recruit's downlines will make on top of the 5-10% of the "organizations" earnings.
They also offer bonuses when you reach the top ranks. These bonuses are:
- Luxe Jetsetter for $25,000
- Impressionista - $50,000
You can avail these bonuses by being consistent in maintaining a PV of 250 (125 sales per month) and an OV of 1,000,000 - 1,500,000 (500,000 - 750,000 organization sales).
Being consistent with these requirements is no easy feat! This is why some are discouraged by joining MLMs because of these requirements and why some are focusing on recruiting more people than selling.
Listed below are benefits you receive while climbing ranks:
- You will receive 15% commission from your recruit's initial starter kit.
- A 10% rebate for a single receipt of 1,000 PV
- Bonuses when you level up your team.
Is Paparazzi Accessories a Scam : Red Flags
#1: One location
When you are already working in Paparazzi Accessories, you will be selling their accessories.
Unlike other MLMs, you are only allowed to sell in ONE specific location, preferably the one closer to your address.
This can be a hindrance to your selling strategy because you will not be able to maximize your selling opportunities.
If you are stuck with one location, chances are, you will be having a difficult time selling when everyone in your neighborhood has already met you and the accessories (and probably avoid you for fear of the possibility of you trying to sell them something else).
#2: Cheap prices means low profit margin
Think about it, Paparazzi Accessories sells its products at a very affordable price, sometimes as low as $5 each.
This is one thing that made them unique and what makes people be inspired to buy the products.
However, with that being said, you might be in for a bit of a trouble.
Reason being, if you're selling at a cheap price, that means that your commission is not that high. You can only earn a small amount of income.
Additionally, people will not be convinced to buy from you when they can buy from other consultants or better yet, from the business’ website.
Remember, Paparazzi Accessories is designed to earn money because it is a business. It wasn’t designed to be a job.
(You can probably earn more money online in many other ways such as affiliate marketing.)
#3: BBB rating
Some people out there really depend on BBB ratings to determine whether a business is legit or not.
For those kinds of people, you should know that Paparazzi Accessories is not BBB accredited and has a rating of F (the lowest possible rating).
#4: Monthly costs
In Paparazzi, each $5 sale provides you with 2 PV.
Now, let’s do some math.
According to the compensation plan, you can climb to the Star Consultant rank if you can sell 25 pieces of accesories in a month.
Let’s say that the total revenue of 50 PV is $125 and the commission rate you can earn is 45%, that means that you have to pay $56.25 each month for you to maintain your rank...
#5: They do not give online marketing training
In business like this, it is important that you know how to market your products to be able to reach your monthly quotas. This is why online marketing trainings are important; however, Paparazzi accessories does not offer their consultants training on how to attract customers.
#6: Negative reviews
Is Paparazzi Accessories a Scam : Positive Notes
#1: Positive reviews
#2: Great commission rate
When you first start in Paparazzi Jewelry, you can start earning 45% commission, which is quite impressive, considering that most MLMs only offer a 25% commission rate.
#3: Cheap products
Ok, wait. I know it seems a bit confusing.
I mentioned above that having cheap prices is a negative thing. However, it can be a positive thing, too.
If you think about it, if you sell cheap accessories that are very attractive and nice, you can easily make sales.
Unlike other MLMs (which sell very expensive items) Paparazzi Jewelry can easily make sales.
#4: From a small business to a great one
One thing that I really love about this business is the fact that it proved that small dreams can really turn into a bigger and greater reality.
The sisters who founded the business are a great example, because in just 6 months, the business grew big-time and had a growth rate of 900%!
Is Paparazzi Accesories a Scam?
To answer that question, NO it's not a scam. It's a legit MLM business that provides real products for you to sell.
Its business model is structured just like Juice Plus. You buy their products, sell it, recruit, earn money (theoretically). Also, it has a ranking system. The higher the rank, the better the earnings one can acheive.
The products are undoubtedly beautiful and can be purchased at an affordable price.
When I was researching about Paparazzi Accessories, I kind of noticed the smartness behind the idea. Women love to wear accessories.
Some of them use it to boost their confidence. And almost all of them prefer to not wear the same accessories again.
So, they used this to their advantage. Make attractive accessories and sell them at a very cheap price.
They don’t have to worry about products breaking, because, come on, these are oftentimes just $5. The customers can buy accessories from them again.
However, can you earn money from them? Sure, you can (if you are lucky and hardworking).
But to be honest, it probably cannot provide enough for you to have a stable income.
MLMs, like Paparazzi Accessories require a lot of time and effort in order to sell the products and you can probably only get a small amount of income as a result.
In the end, you will likely end up losing more money than you made.
You are still the customer even if you are working in the business. I prefer ways that can give me a passive income, just like affiliate marketing.
This is How I Make Money from Home!
Paparazzi Accessories offers great products. But great income? Not so much. That is what turns me off when working in an MLM company. It's a good thing that I found affiliate marketing!
Affiliate marketing is so much better compared to MLMs because...
In fact, because of affiliate marketing, I earn affiliate commissions like this!
My November affiliate commissions thanks to Wealthy Affiliate!
What makes it the best is that I can earn money 24/7 (passive income) without paying for much of anything...
I worked and worked very hard and honest for this ungrateful company. If you are not in the upper top sales group you are burnt toast. Please find another company to spend your money on.
Sorry to hear about your bad experience, thanks for sharing with us!
What? Did you say hold parties so as to sell products of $5??Well, that is really a hustle considering how much you’ll spend to have a party kicking!Some of these MLM’s are just too much work with little or no pay. Surprisingly, the leaders of the program will convince you with all their might only for you to regret.I believe that affiliate marketing is the number one online earner. I have joined the Wealthy Affiliate Program and I can already see progress.Thanks for the review.
Hello Carol! Yes! I couldn’t agree with you more. Most MLMs really require a LOT of effort and time, especially since that you will mostly do direct selling. And yes, affiliate marketing is WAY much better. You can work anytime at your own convenience and the best thing about it is that you can have a passive income.
I have always been sceptical of MLM but I still look around to see if there are legitimate businesses that will help me succeed working online.I can’t say I have ever heard of Paparazzi Accessories but judging by your review they are just another “Pyramid Scheme” which I wouldn’t touch with a barge poleIt seems a bit restricted if you can only sell in your own district, I mean, what if you have a wide range of an audience online if you have a website? Are you not allowed to sell to those people if you want to?
Hello Matthew! Thank you for reading this review. Based on my research, you are only restricted to sell on your own area. That is because other areas have their own consultants. However, there was an update. You can sell online but it wasn’t mentioned if you can only cater to the ones who are located in your area. Furthermore, if you want to sell online, you can do it in your own free website that they will provide, you can also sell in Facebook groups (but you have to be an admin). But Paparazzi Accessories do not allow you to sell online auction sites, such as Amazon and eBay.