June 3


Is Project 303 A Scam? (2022) Reliable Stocks Advice?

Anis Founder of Fulltimehomebusiness.com

By Anis Chity

June 3, 2022

Is Project 303 A Scam

Hello! Welcome to my "Is Project 303 A Scam?" review! (Updated for 2022)

Have you just encountered an advertisement, a post of something that led you to Project 303? Then perhaps you have heard about its promising claims of giving you an opportunity to earn a lot of money within a short period of time.

Yes it does sound good. But the question is, is it actually legit and not a scam? That is what you are going to find out here in this Project 303 review. Let's get started.

Project 303 Review Quick Summary

Name: Project 303

Founder: Andrew Keene

Price: $129 per year

Rating: 3/5

Recommended? No, if you want to earn money without any risks

Is Project 303 A Scam website homepage

What is Project 303?

The first time you heard of Project 303, you were probably promised and easy $2500, $10,000 or even more, weekly. Moreover, it won't even take you much time! In fact, you only need 30 minutes of 3 of your days every week, to attend the live sessions and you are on your way. But what is Project 303?

Project 303 is a trading service or platform that was created by Andrew Keene, who works at the financial publishing company, Money Map Press.

Basically, by availing Project 303, you get access to a virtual trading place wherein members can witness the trades that Andrew makes. This is a live 30-minute session that goes for 3 days in a week.

What members can do is to copy the trades that they see in Project 303, and apply those in their own trading accounts. However, there is no 100% guarantee that by doing this, you will actually earn money because that is another story. But according to Andrew, there are a lot of people who are successful at following his trades.

Is Project 303 a Scam : The Founder

Before I emphasize on what Project 303 is, let's get to know the founder, Andrew Keene. Who is he? He works in Money Map Press, which is a financial publishing company. Moreover, Andrew is a professional options trader. Aside from Project 303, he also created The 1450 Project.

I checked out his Money Map Press profile and I found out that he was already a millionaire at the age of 30, after having some ups and downs in his work at the financial markets at the Chicago Board Options Exchange.

I can say that he has a good and solid reputation because he was a guest in various shows including CNBC, along with other financial gurus like Mike Ward and Tom Gentile.

According to Andrew, he associates all of success to an algorithm he developed, which is called SCAN. Currently, he aims to help other people learn how to effectively trade using his SCAN algorithm and of course, with the help of Money Map Press.

Is Project 303 A Scam Andrew Keene

How does Project 303 work?

To gain access to Project 303, you need to pay $129 to $599 annually. They receive payment via PayPal or credit cards.

Basically, what you are availing is a trading session. Project 303's main goal is to help people become a good trader with the help of Andrew Keene.

What happens is that for 30 minutes, you will be attending a live session wherein Andrew shows the trades that he places. Members then can replicate or use similar trades in their own account, hoping that it will work.

How does Andrew's strategy work?

Andrew uses his SCAN algorithm to run his strategy in placing his option trades. Basically, it is a type of stock market that is a lot more advanced. Moreover, it requires speculating the movement future prices. SCAN is actually an acronym which stands for...

S - Spot the tell
C - Confirm the signal
A - Automate and execute
N - Net worth boosted

Let me give you a brief information of what you will be getting when you are a member of Project 303.

  • Trade Alerts - Members receive emails from Andrew himself, to let them know when to sell, buy or trade.
  • Keene's Trade Picks - Every week, Andrew gives three trade picks to the members. This happens in the virtual trading room every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9:00 to 9:30 am.
  • Member website - This is a website that is exclusive to members. It serves as a storage or archive of all the training and live sessions.
  • Weekly Wrap-up - After the trades of each week concludes, Andrew emails all of the members a summary of the trades he gave them. Moreover, he discuss the coming week.
  • Training - Members also receive training on how to start and perform paper trading. This is basically a training wherein you will be trading a pretend money in order for you to learn what is happening and how to do it right before using real money. This is very good at reducing the risks of options trading.
  • Profit Pregame Subscription - Before the market opens, Andrew takes the time to entertain the members, answering all of their answers. Furthermore, he will share news and updates regarding the markets.

Is Project 303 a scam : Pros and Cons


  • They offer you refunds within 60-days if you are unhappy with the service; however, the conditions are vague.
  • Teaches you some pretty important things in dealing with the stock market.


  • Expensive!
  • They offer you upsells.

Is Project 303 a scam?

Project 303 is not a scam. It is legitimate trading service and training developed by Andrew Keene, who has a good reputation in the financial industry. Moreover, he is a professional trader which means that he knows what he is doing. Money Map Press, a legit financial publishing company also vouches for Project 303.

For only $129, I believe that what you will get for that amount is good. You will be trained and taught how to properly trade options. Also, there is no need to worry because there is a 60-day money back guarantee and Keene guarantees you at least 52 trades throughout the 1-year membership you paid for.


However, there is a misconception about this, especially the claims of giving you an easy money in just 30 minutes. People tend to believe that they are guaranteed to make money. That's not the case. What you are paying for is a training service. Moreover, trading itself does not guarantee that you will be always on the winning side. That is just its nature, which is why it is very risky.

Also, don't forget the fact that a lot of members receive the same trades from Andrew Keene. It is not just you. Yes it is good to be trained and educated by a professional trader. You are encouraged to do the same trades that he did, which makes you very dependent on one person instead of learning on your own, making your own decisions and trades.

If you think about it properly, you are just entrusting someone else your investments and wealth.

Is Project 303 a Scam : Final Verdict

Overall, Project 303 is not a scam. Also, what you can get for $129 is worth it in my eyes. However, I am not a fan at this, especially options trading. I highly do not recommend pursuing it if what you are looking for is a source of income.

Options trading in its nature, does not guarantee you money always. It is too risky. Even professional traders can lose money. The market itself is nearly impossible to predict. Its behavior changes from time to time.

If you truly want to earn money, then I suggest a reliable, safer and a sure way to do it. You can check out my recommendation below because thanks to that, I earn a monthly passive income.

Thank you so much for reading my "Is Project 303 A Scam?" review! If you have any comments or questions, feel free to leave them in the comments section!

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Anis Founder of Fulltimehomebusiness.com

About Anis

Anis Chity used to be a struggling university student under debt from Italy, but thanks to this opportunity he managed to earn a 4 figure monthly income at the age of 24. Anis enjoys helping people avoid scams and find legit ways to work from home. He has many other businesses online as well.

In his free time he loves playing football & hanging out with friends.

Quick update: Anis now is 28 earning over $40k a month on average in affiliate commissions! Learn How He exactly did it here.

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