July 20


Is Kindle Sniper a Scam? I Bought it & Got Scammed!

Anis Founder of Fulltimehomebusiness.com

By Anis

July 20, 2018

is kdlsniper a scam?

Are you looking to buy the Kindle Sniper from kdlsniper.com? Not sure if it's a scam?

Don't worry I have purchased it and reviewed it for you!

kindle sniper clickbank scam

If you want to know what you're actually buying then you want to read this KDL Sniper honest review!

To make this review easier for you to read I've included t​​​​his quick navigation below!

Kindle Sniper Video Review

  • Name: Kindle Sniper (KDLSniper)
  • Website: kdlsniper.com ​
  • Owner: Martin Price
  • Price: $37 + upsells & downsells
  • Type: Clickbank product
  • Recommended? No

What is Kindle Sniper? 

Kindle Sniper aka KDL Sniper is a new clickbank product that wants to teach you how to make real money ($1000 per day) by using Amazon Kindle Publishing.

The creator of this course Martine Price says that he makes tons of money from this unique niche that not a lot of people are into, however Amazon Kindle is nothing new it's been there for several years.

You can make money with Amazon Kindle but it's not going to be like how Kindle sniper claims.

Kindle Sniper say that they have done the hard work as you don't have to do anything except spending little time like 10 minutes per day to start generatings bags of money every day!

Unfortunately all these promises are fake, I thought this system would really work but after purchasing it I was very disappointed and now I would like to get a refund.

Everything is fake about this Kindle Sniper even the touching story of the author is completely invented and fake!

kindle sniper fake substory

Update: I have been receiving more scams to buy into my email inbox.

I took a screenshot!

ultimate paydays scam

My Experience with Kindle Sniper 

As soon as I landed on the Kdl Sniper website I was so curious to learn more.

Martin talks about how you can make $1000 per day publishing e-books on Amazon Kindle.

You don't even have to do the writing because in the lessons you will learn how to outsource the ebook writing and start making money hands free!

I really wanted to know what this system is all about and if they really have real training that can make me the money they promise.

That's Why I decided to buy Kindle Sniper!

thank you for purchasing kindle sniper

kindle Sniper costs $37 however when I tried to click away from the site I got a $10 discount. I grabbed my discount and purchased the training.

 However after completing my order I was expecting to get my training but I was introduced to a series of upsells.

Below I will breakdown for you the upsells that you have to go through:

  • $97 - Kindle Sniper Premium
  • $67 - I forgot what the upsell was named by it said it will change my life (sure)
  • $77 - Earn an additional $1,800 every week.

Each upsell is presented with an unique video presentation, the author wants you to believe that you can earn more by paying more! But it does not work like that you can't pay for success!

Here's how their upsells look like:

kindle sniper premium

Kindle Sniper is full of useless extra costs!

Kindle Sniper & the Hosting Scam!

The last upsell is the most dangerous one because it's something where I was scammed myself a few years ago!

Before starting my website FullTimehomebusiness.com I was desperate in finding ways to make extra money online, I was recommended by many to Start a Website because it has a big earning potential.

But before I could find a legit place where I can Learn how to start a Site I fell into some scams that include Coolhandle, the same scam that Kindle Sniper wants you to be involved in!

Below you can see where Kindle Sniper encourages you to get your free site from Coolhandle.

kindle sniper coolhandle scam

Basically Coolhandle is in partnership with Kindle Sniper, if you sign up to Coolhandle, KDL Sniper will make a percentage of the commission.

Coolhandle is presented as a free offer to get your free website with free hosting, in oder to get the latter you're going to be told to buy a domain name.

A domain name is cheap as it costs like $12 per year, Coolhandle to scam you they say Google loves sites that register their domain name for like 7 or 8 years.

Google will like your site if you register your domain name for a long time because they think your site will be around for years, because most websites quit in less than 3 months and Google hates that.

Coolhandle says that you will make tons and tons of money if you purchase up to 7 years of hosting, but that's NOT true!

While Google will like that they will still don't trust your site because it's new and you have to write content and work hard on it in order to receive traffic!

Kindle Sniper is VERY SHADY since they allowed such scam in their system!

I have reviewed a scam that also promotes Coolhandle called 700 Profit CodeWith that said you definitely want to avoid this coolhandle and Kindle Sniper scam!

Below you can see how much financial damage this Coolhandle scam has caused!

kindle sniper and cool handle scam

Source: https://coolhandle.pissedconsumer.com/review.html

Inside the Kindle Sniper Training! 

The training at Kindle Sniper in my opinion is pretty laughable, I was expecting a lot more from a product that will teach you to earn $1000 per day.

To my surprise I was slapped with a single PDF File with 70 pages that talk about Amazon Kindle publishing.

It's basically an overview on how to make money selling ebooks on Amazon kindle.

I'm wondering how the one is going to make $1000 every single day from a generic PDF that you can easily find online for free?

That's very deceptive, just think about all that hype in the video presentation.

That's really disgusting!

kdl kindle reviews this is your training

I have read the PDF you can learn something or two from it, but can you make $1000 per day? Simply IMPOSSIBLE!

I can't show you the training but I can show you the headlines and some paragraphs of it.

Just look at the chapters below, does this info look like it will make you $35,000 per month?

  • Kindle Publishing Overview
  • Fiction or not fiction
  • Signing up to KDP
  • Amazon reviews & star ratings
  • Pricing
  • Search Engine Optimization
weak training

Each chapter is explained in 4 to 6 paragraphs.

For example there is a chapter about Search Engine Optimization and to explain it there is a little wall of text for you to read.

Here's how it looks like:

kindle sniper search engine optimization pdf

I have blured out the text because I'm now allowed to show you the training, but come on we live in 2018, who reads PDF'S nowadays?

I'm guessing that the author of Kindle Sniper has bought this PDF for cheap somewhere else and now he is selling it to you and many other people to make a quick buck.

My Recommended Training has some amazing step by step video tutorials and support to help you achieve success online!

Pros & Cons of Kindle Sniper


  • You can get a refund (here's how) since it's a Clickbank product.


  • Another Low Quality ClickBank Product
  • The Testimonials are Fake
  • Where is the Support Team?

Kindle Sniper is another low quality clickback product

Clickbank is a reputable affiliate network where affiliate marketers find a lot of good products to promote in different categories.

But when it comes to the make money online niche, most products are complete garbage.

Kindle Sniper is one of them, trust me there are many low quality products sold on Clickbank I have reviewed some of them that include:

The Testimonials are 100% Fake!

All the scam products I review like to use fake testimonials, because they think people when they see these testimonies say good things about their product they will trust it more.

That's true, testimonials can add a good deal of credibility to any product.

Too bad the Kindle Sniper testimonies are not real as they were purchased from the usual Fiverr.com where you will find lots of testimonial actors offer their services as low as $5 per video!

Below you can see some testimonials of Kindle Sniper and the proof that are 100% fake.

Fake paid actor
kindle sniper scam artist
fake paid artist
fiverr fake actor

Where is the Support Team?

The Kindle Sniper training is a PDF file, the information is limited so you will have tons of questions for sure.

To make things worse, there is absolutely no support team or someone to ask in case you have questions.

I'd never buy a product where there is no support, you can't even see the creator of the course!

Is Kindle Sniper a Scam?

I will let you be the judge here. 

Does a product that promises you the thousands but only give you a PDF file sound legit?

Making money with Amazon has NEVER been easy, Kindle Sniper in my opinion is a low quality deceptive product which won't make you a single cent.

They even want to scam you with that Coolhandle hosting scam which is the same trap I fell into a couple of years ago.

Kindle Sniper is also expensive because you have to spend hundreds of dollars in ebooks as you are taught to outsource them from sites like Upwork and Hirewriters let alone the upsells.

Below you can find a legit way to make money from Amazon.

Legit Way to Make Money from Amazon

Earning money easily like Kindle Sniper says is not REAL, that's some fairy tale success that does not exist in the real world.

It's not easy to make money with Amazon if you don't have the right training and tools.

Today is your lucky day because I'm about to share with you the training that I discovered in October 2016 .

This training has trained me and today I make more than $2000 every month.

This training is basically an affiliate marketing training where you can learn how to promote legit products like Amazon products and make commissions.

That's affiliate marketing and it's how I make money every month from the comfort of my house!

You can do the same if you check out:

My Recommended Affiliate Marketing Training.

You can give it a try absolutely free you don't even have to provide your credit card!

Did You Try Kindle Sniper? Let us know by dropping comments below!

0/5 (0 Reviews)
Anis Founder of Fulltimehomebusiness.com

About Anis

Anis Chity used to be a struggling university student under debt from Italy, but thanks to this opportunity he managed to earn a 4 figure monthly income at the age of 24. Anis enjoys helping people avoid scams and find legit ways to work from home. He has many other businesses online as well.

In his free time he loves playing football & hanging out with friends.

Quick update: Anis now is 28 earning over $40k a month on average in affiliate commissions! Learn How He exactly did it here.

  • Hi Anis,

    Awesome roundup and So glad you actually bought it and reviewed Kindle Sniper. It’s a real shame that products like these are still found on clickbank for dupe unsuspecting buyers.

    The fake testimonials you pulled out are a real eye opener, some really scammy developers out there.

    Kindle is such a great platform for aspiring writers, and I hope (fingers crossed) they find your review before jumping in and spending their cash.

    Any of the Kindle programs you’ve come across that you do recommend?

  • Hey man, thanks a ton for this review. Looks like a total waste of time and money…I’m going to be staying way clear of this one!

    In general, it seems like any product that promises an “easy” way to make money…or $1000’s of dollars a month with only minutes being spent on your business…they are going to be scams!

    So, I know that you can make money with Kindle. Are there any legit programs for Kindle? I’m writing a lot through a couple of blogs and feel like a lot of this content could go into an eBook.

    Thanks again for the review! Very helpful.

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