March 5


Master Writing Jobs Review: a HUGE Scam!

Anis Founder of

By Anis

March 5, 2018

Master Writing Jobs website

This is a review of Master Writing Jobs which is a scam trying to steal money from newbies looking for ways to work from home.

Chances are you have been approached to join Master Writing Jobs on Facebook or you have received a spammy email in your inbox, whatever the case, don’t waste your money and time in this scam.

If you bear with me until the end of this review you will learn why it’s a scam and some legitimate alternatives that actually work.

What is Master Writing Jobs Exactly?

The one needs to be very careful with websites like the Master Writing Jobs

sometimes you know something is a scam but you try to make it legit because it’s great to be able to earn $2,000 to $10,000 per month doing some simple tasks, right?

Master Writing Jobs

Unfortunately, there is a big catch here,

Master Writing Jobs does only one thing which is hyping things way too much and make it seem like everyone can earn $125 per article.

The one thing Master Writing Jobs fails to mention is the fact you need to have some good experience under your belt in order to be eligible to earn that amount per article.

How Does The Master Writing Jobs Scam People?

You need to pay $34 to get inside

you are promised to find a lot of high paying writing gigs that everyone can do but the truth is these guys at The Master Writing Jobs only link you to random writing gigs that can be found on the internet.

The worst part is to be eligible to take those writing or proofreading gigs you will be tested first and asked for a sample of your work.

Sometimes they also send you to products where you have to pay so they earn some commissions of you

That’s basically how they fool people, they don’t teach you anything about writing.

Master Writing Jobs Scam Signs & Complaints

There is absolutely nothing good about the Master Writing jobs.

Here you will find some scam signs and complaints that are common between scams and scam artists,

with that said, next time you come across a work from home site and they have some of these signs, you know probably a scam.

Fake Endorsement

Scammers like Master Writing Jobs love this one, they want to make their scam look legit on your eyes by putting some big media channels logos on their sales pages.

Seen on TV scamNext time you see a website bragging about being featured in Forbes, you can do a simple search on Google to find out (website’s name + Forbes)

if a Forbes article mentioning the website you’re looking into comes up in the search results then it’s legit.

Limited Positions

Master Writing Jobs doesn’t want you to waste time, they want to pressure you to act very fast so you spend that $34 without thinking too much.Positions left

They usually put up a fake counter or a widget that counts down positions so you fall into the trap without doing your research on the product.

A lot of scams out there do this a lot.

Money Back Guarantee

Don’t be fooled by these bogus Money Back Guarantees, whoever behind Master Writing Jobs perfectly knows that you are going to have a very tough time getting a refund.60 days money Back Garantee

In fact, you should consider yourself lucky if you manage to get a refund from bogus sites like these

They put this bogus 60 day Money back guarantee so you are like, alright even if it does not work I’m going to get my money back, unfortunately, you are not going to get any money back most of the time.

Fake Testimonials

Testimonials are a great way to give credibility to a product, want your product to make more sales?

Add some testimonials to give your product more credibility.

Master Writing Jobs knows but since their program is complete garbage they can’t get real testimonials, so they have to buy stock photos and use them as testimonials.

fake testimonials

Master Writing Jobs complaints

There are a bunch of complaints out there while some people are looking for Master Writing Jobs on BBB, some trying to find some contact information on their website, there are those trying to get a refund.

Some have reported Master Writing Jobs to Report Scam.

They all have an F rating at BBB with zero positive review and 61 negative reviews!

Final Review & Recommendation

Master Writing Jobs is a scam, it just takes you to other writing gigs that you can easily find online without paying $34.

You need to have good ratings and experience in order to be accepted for those gigs, yet Master Writing Jobs says you will be earning your paycheck in 30 minutes and it doesn’t even train your or something.

It uses fake endorsements and testimonials to back up what they say.

You can go directly to sites like UpWork to find freelancing jobs, why pay $34 for something you can easily find for free?

A Better Opportunity!

If you want to get better at writing and learn how to market yourself I am sure you will be interested in Wealthy Affiliate.

It doesn’t focus on freelancing but it’s an online business training, that teaches you how to start a website, get traffic from Google and how to write content that actually converts which is exactly what webmasters would want to pay you for.

What’s a better way to get better at writing than practicing on a website and marketing yourself along the way?

Starting your own online business and writing content for your business is better than writing for someone else’s business!

Wealthy Affiliate will teach you how to start a Successful business step by step

Do you have any experiences & thoughts you would like to share with us?

Please add your comments below!

0/5 (0 Reviews)
Anis Founder of

About Anis

Anis Chity used to be a struggling university student under debt from Italy, but thanks to this opportunity he managed to earn a 4 figure monthly income at the age of 24. Anis enjoys helping people avoid scams and find legit ways to work from home. He has many other businesses online as well.

In his free time he loves playing football & hanging out with friends.

Quick update: Anis now is 28 earning over $40k a month on average in affiliate commissions! Learn How He exactly did it here.

  • Hi,

    I just wanted to warn you about an online writing scam that makes you purchase a domain and hosting through with the promise of paying 40 Australian dollars per 1000 words article. Do not ever apply to these websites, although there may be more like these. Its just a new scam method of selling domain and hosting packages and earning commissions. These sites are

    When you click on their Apply button, it takes you to or

    It asks you to sign up with your FB or Instagram account, which should ring a warning bell. After you complete a simple form asking for years of experience and education, you get a email from the WTF Writing Team telling you that they have received your application and it will be reviewed soon. It asks you to please sit tight and wait for a response over the next few days. The next day you receive and email saying they have reviewed your application, and you have been approved as a contributor to their website. Your rate will be : $40 AUD per 1000 words. But you first need to setup your blog to begin as for future jobs you will need a blog / portfolio to show examples of your writing and technical skills.

    It says:We will link to your blog from your profile on the Writers.Agency website, and in most cases your Writer Biography at the bottom of your articles. You can begin work as soon as you have setup your blog.

    And when you click on the START NOW button in the email, it takes you to a page with a link to Godaddy for purchasing a domain name and hosting. The link is a Commission Junction affiliate network link that ensures this scammer earns a commission from Godaddy through the network every time a poor writer looking for work innocently purchases a domain and hosting in the hope of getting paid $40 per article. You don’t get any work and are stuck with a domain and hosting and don’t know how to even build the blog because the instructions in the email are just about how to purchase a domain, buy the hosting package and install WordPress. You can’t have a blog without installing a WordPress theme and a professional to edit it.

    So just stay away from this scammer. The person’s name in the email is Chantelle Rodgers but it must be a fake and sounds like one. These scammers should be ashamed of trying to rip off innocent writers who are looking for work to support themselves and their families by working hard.

  • Thank God that I didn’t sign up for MWJ yet. First of all, I am glad I found your information and review here. The reason of that I noticed “positions left” has been running out of time. I knew it must has a scam. That’s why I needed to check the review first before sign up. Thank you very much for the article, Hero!

  • Thanks. I live in New York City, i consider myself fairly street smart and yet…….I almost paid those clowns 34 dollars! Why ? Because I felt momentarily desperate. I worked as a civil engineer for 20 years, but suffered a major injury which almost cost me my leg. I lost my work and the bills kept coming. When I was younger, I worked as a journalist and know how to write. I think what stopped me from falling for Master writing was the lame counter on the right corner ticking away jobs and the “I found something so good I had to share it !!!” OK then why the 34 bucks. I appreciate your post its a real service to people who may be vulnerable and should know better,

  • Thank you – it struck me as far too slick, so I googled it, read your review and it all sounds very obvious, thank you for taking the time to write it out. Much appreciated.

  • are not only a scam. They are also thieves. I actually paid my $34.00 three times. When I complained, I got no response. First, I paid $34 to join and then forgot about it, but when I joined again, no one notified me that I was already a member so that was payment number two. And then, when I made payment number two I got a message that my credit card was declined. This was a lie. So I tried the credit card again and once again I got this message that my credit card was declined so I checked with my credit card company and they said there was no problem with my card. So I was scammed and conned. Of course, I contacted my credit card company to get a refund but these people are crooks.

  • Thanks for the review! Whew! I was just about to hit enter…then a little birdy said to google the name and your review came up. Yeah! It sounded shady. And I noticed that the counter stopped at 3! No real explanation of the training and I did suspect the Forbes and NBC logos. So you saved me $34. If it sounds too good to be true…it probably is! I’ll check out some other sites. Thanks!

  • Hi my name’s Craig. I fell for this too, and I feel really stupid about it. But thanks for sharing info about some websites where you can make actual money online, and I’ll also try to make online articles without master writing job’s help.

  • I was stupid and did this yesterday, I knew I was being stupid! I fell for the Forbes “recommendation” and all the other bull, I guess. It’s a compilation of links to websites FAQs and often PAGE 404 NOT FOUND. When you look at the $250+ writing gigs, 90% are unpaid and openly stated as such. Writing Jobs section is full of random graphic design job listings and other unrelated needs, often needing someone in house, not a freelancer! I purchased about 24 hours ago and asked for my refund almost immediately, I’ll check back in and let everyone know if I ever get my hard-earned money back. I was so stupid!! I never fall for the ignorant scams but they caught me at a great time. Husband is gone 24/7 working and I’m due with our fourth child soon and desperate to help generate an income so he can be home with us more. So. Stupid. I did submit a poem to The Sun and I guess technically I saw about 1 other legitimate source I’d feel comfortable submitting to, but seriously, just go to the websites of magazines and look for their opportunities there. Honestly the likelihood of being picked up by a well-established magazine is highly unlikely as it is, so just steer clear! And to be clear, they do not review your skills or experience and background and send jobs to you. There is no “inbox” where you receive job notifications. You can’t even use a search bar to find relevant jobs because there isn’t one. So embarrassed that I fell for this, but I’m not the only one and I want to at least share my experience so it’ll maybe save someone else from this!

    • Hi, Kylie, I am sorry to hear about your experience with Master Writing Jobs, thanks for sharing your insights, I am pretty sure you will help a lot of people here avoid that scam!
      Please let us know if you can get a refund thanks

  • Wow! Glad I ran across this article before submitting the 34.00
    I’ve been to their page twice and each time I get a weird vibe, like its fake.
    Thanks for the article!

  • So nice to see we have young people with ethics, your views have been useful. Also, the moment some person or company starts the drawing on the chalk board technique, offering big discounts etc., I get suspicious. You are quite right with your insight and observations, so thanks from me as well.

  • Not sure if you can call this a scam, it just offers an opportunity you can provide yourself. More like a useless program with no real benefits. However this was a well put together piece

    • Maybe, but since it says that you are going to earn money in 30 minutes doing little simple tasks, they don’t train you and when you click on an offer it asks for experience, then that’s a scam that only wants to collect 34$ from a lot of people.

  • Hey, great review and some insightful information. It’s good to know how to find out if a site is actually featured on Forbes or other places.
    Thanks for your dedication in helping people avoid losing money to a scam!

  • Hey Anis –

    Good write up! I’ll make sure to avoid this scam. Thanks for calling a spade a spade, this looks shady as hell. Keep up the good work!


  • Money in 30 minutes! Wow, what a claim. It’s sad that scammy programs like this one exist when there really are legitimate work from home jobs and legitimate ways to make money on the internet. You really put some great information in this review, not only about Master Writing Jobs but also about how to spot scams in general. The stock photo on reviews trick is common.

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