June 14


Revital U Review. (2022) An Easy Way to Earn?

Anis Founder of Fulltimehomebusiness.com

By Anis Chity

June 14, 2022

Revital U Review

Welcome to my Revital U Review! (Updated for 2022)

Since you are visiting this review, chances are, you have already heard or encountered Revital U. Moreover, you are either curious about its products and/or eager to accept its business opportunity offer.

Either way, you have landed on the right Revital U Review since I am going to reveal to you everything you need to know about this company! Are you ready? Well, let's get started.

Revital U Review : Quick Summary

Name: Revital U


Founder: Andrew McWilliams

Type: Beverage MLM company

Price: $49.99 + 

Rating: 3/5

Recommended? Only to those who are passionate about selling products

Revital U Review logo


What is Revital U?

Revital U Review website homepage

We shall begin this Revital U Review with a brief background information about it.

Revital U is an MLM company that offers beverage products that it claims to help boost clients' energy, lose weight, uplift their mood and satisfy their appetite. It is similar to another MLM called Arbonne.

It was created in 2016 by Andrew McWilliams. Currently, Revital U only caters in the U.S. and in the U.K.

Apart from providing products, being an MLM in nature, Revital U has a business opportunity for everyone. Read on to learn more.

Revital U Review : Products

Revital U offers different beverage products for its customers. Based on its website, Revital U currently has product categories.

Smart Coffee

Revital U Review Smart Coffee
Revital U Review Smart Coffee 2

This is Revital U's flagship product. Revital U Smart Coffee contains the following ingredients.

  • Nootropics - Boosts your brain performance; furthermore, nootropics are sometimes called as cognition enhancers.
  • Chromium Picolinate - Can improve body's reaction to insulin or controlling the blood sugar of people with diabetes.
  • L-Theanine - Might help with people who has problems with anxiety, insomnia, and stress.
  • Octodrine - Used for weight loss and improving athletic performance; however, there are some warnings in consuming this ingredient.

Smart Caps

Revital U Review Smart Caps

Revital U's Smart Caps contains the same ingredients as their smart coffee. Furthermore, this is for people who don't have time to drink or make coffee.

Smart Cocoa

Revital U Review Smart Cocoa
Revital U Review Smart Cocoa 2

Slim Tea

Revital U Review Slim Tea

Claims to reduce weight and detoxify the body.

Sweet Dreams

Revital U Review Sweet Dreams

As you can see, most of the products have the same prices. Moreover, you get discounts if you sign up to become a Brand Influencer.

Another perk for being a Brand Influencer is that you can earn money through selling products and recruiting people to join. This is pretty much the definition of an MLM.

Free Samples

Revital U is generous enough to actually give out free samples of its products; however, that does not mean that you won't have to pay for anything. The samples are free but the shipping is not.

You need to pay for the shipping fee. Again, only people in the U.S. and U.K. can benefit from this. Usually, the shipping fee costs around $5.

This is still a nice thing because you can test the products before you make a decision on buying them or becoming a Brand Influencer.

Are their claims true?

There are mixed reviews about their products and its effects. Some claimed that they are not experiencing any effects since they changed the formula; however, some claimed that it helped them greatly. Furthermore, they only have a rating of 2.8 out of 5 based on 149 reviews in Trustpilot.

Anis Chity FullTimeHomebusiness.com

Avoid MLMs and pyramid schemes and click here to find out the best way to have a 4-figure monthly income!

How much does it cost to join Revital U?

If you are interested in making money in Revital U, you need to sign up and pay $49.99 for the membership fee.

Then you will be eligible for the discounts and commissions.

However, the membership fee isn't the end of your payment duties since you have to bring in $100 monthly to be able to be eligible for their incentives. All in all, you need $1249 per year to work with them.

This might not be that big of a deal if you can sell their products easily; however, if you can't then tough luck. 

How to make money with Revital U?

Since Revital U is an MLM, there are two ways for you to earn money with it.

  1. Sell their products
  2. Recruit people to become a Brand Influencer and earn money

Now, let's discuss the compensation plan.

Revital U Compensation Plan

I do not know why most MLMs develop a compensation plan that is difficult to understand; however, if you check Revital U's compensation plan, there are terms that are not common.

However, I will do my best to explain to you and simplify everything in this Revital U review.


In Revital U's compensation plan, there are 8 affiliate ranks. Furthermore, the higher rank you get, the more commissions you are eligible to receive. Moreover, you can climb the ranks through recruiting more people.

Apart from that, another requirement is the PV or Personal Volume, which is just basically the total amount that you and your team makes in a month. Each rank has a required PV to maintain. Here are they.

Revital U Review Ranks

Kinds of commissions

Currently, there are 3 kinds of commissions in the Revital U MLM program.

  1. Retail commissions - These are your earnings everytime you make a sale of Revital U products. Furthermore, you can make 5%- 25% commissions. In addition, the lowest tier is having recruited 2-9 people and the maximum is 25+ recruits.
  2. New customer bonus - If you managed to recruit people into the program, you get to receive this bonus. You can make $50 - $500  depending on the number of people you have recruited. You have to recruit 5 people to make $50. If you can recruit 25 people you will receive a $500 bonus. Furthermore, your rank will affect your bonus.
  3. Residual commissions - These are the commissions that you get from your downline or basically, your referrals. As you recruit people, they become part of your team. When they make sales, you get a percentage from it.
  4. Achievement Bonus - They offer a bonus of $250 - $50,000 which depends on the rank you are promoted.

Revital U Review : Pros and Cons


  • Offers products
  • Has free samples
  • 30-day money back guarantee
  • Good reputation
  • Pays money


  • You need to recruit people
  • Only available in the U.S. and U.K
  • Not BBB accredited; furthermore, has 2 out of 5 BBB ratings.
  • High competition
  • Low income potential since it is an MLM
Anis Chity FullTimeHomebusiness.com

Hello! I am Anis and I am here to tell you that you can still earn money from home without signing up in MLMs!

Click here to receive my training and start earning. Don't worry! No selling or recruiting required!

Revital U Lawsuit

The good news is that Revital U hasn't been a part of any lawsuits lately; however, the FDA has issued them a warning letter about their products. The warning letter explained that some of their products are adulterated, which means that the preparation of said products did not meet the CGMP requirements for dietary supplement.

Furthermore, the FDA also flagged Revital U's labeling of Octodrine as a dietary supplement questionable.

You can read more about the warning letter here.

Is Revital U a scam?

This is a commonly asked question about Revital U. Is Revital U a scam? To be honest, Revital U is not a scam.

It offers legit products and its MLM program does pay you money. Moreover, it has been around for quite a while. If it was a scam, then chances are, it would have been exposed or taken down already.

However, some people might feel that this is a scam if they do not put the effort in recruiting people and selling its products. In addition, there is also no guarantee you will get rich if you join their program.

Is Revital U a pyramid scheme?

Basically, a pyramid scheme is an illegal business model. It only requires you to recruit people to earn money. However, the chances of you earning money is lower. Only those who are at the top can make it.

Moreover, pyramid schemes do not involve any products. Obviously, Revital U has products which makes it not a pyramid scheme.

But there is a chance that it can be a pyramid scheme in disguise. Some MLMs actually do this. One method they do is that most of their commissions revolve around recruiting people.

Based on Revital U's compensation plan, there is a chance that it is a pyramid scheme in disguise. It is because each rank requires a higher number of people you have recruited!

Revital U Review : Final Verdict

Let's conclude this Revital U review by giving my final verdict. Revital U is not a scam nor a pyramid scheme. There is a chance that it can be a pyramid scheme in disguise, so beware.

Its products are actually great and quite affordable. Moreover, they offer free samples which can let you try them out.

However, if you ask me if it is worth it to fully rely on it for your source of income. Let me be honest, you are better off with other ways. MLMs really have a low income potential.

If you are good at selling and recruiting, sure you can try it out. If not, you can always find another way. Check out the next section for my recommendation!

Thank you so much for reading my Revital U Review! If you have any comments or questions, feel free to leave them below in the comments section!

This is How I Make Money from Home!

Not interested in selling and recruiting? Fear not! Allow me to introduce you to affiliate marketing. It is a great source of passive income and you can do it online through your own website!

Basically, you promote products and when people buy them, you get paid. And the twist is that, you won't have to pay for anything! No membership fees and no requirements or ranks, unlike in MLMs.

Do not worry if you don't have any knowledge about it. Quickly click on the button below to receive training and start earning! 

0/5 (0 Reviews)
Anis Founder of Fulltimehomebusiness.com

About Anis

Anis Chity used to be a struggling university student under debt from Italy, but thanks to this opportunity he managed to earn a 4 figure monthly income at the age of 24. Anis enjoys helping people avoid scams and find legit ways to work from home. He has many other businesses online as well.

In his free time he loves playing football & hanging out with friends.

Quick update: Anis now is 28 earning over $40k a month on average in affiliate commissions! Learn How He exactly did it here.

  • Thanks Anis

    As a former member if 3 MLMs myself. I would recommend that noone joine Revital U

    When you see an MLM being used to sell a product know that something is wrong with that product.

    The main problems are:
    1) The product is a tough sell – Its usually a product that people don’t need
    2) Its hard to quantify the benefits – Yes the product will work but the benefits are not obvious and/ consistent across users

    So people put the product on an MLM to create another reason for users to buy the product apart from its benefits – The reason being to make money.

    Those monthly subscriptions are not for admin. They are the actual sales of the product.

    This, in my eyes, makes all MLMs a scam.

    • That’s true Carl, unfortunately, most MLM’s, pretend they are selling something just to make money through people referring people to do the same thing.

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