Hello! Welcome to my "How To Succeed In Direct Sales" article.
Most of you have already tried Direct Sales and just want to know more about it and how to become more successful as a direct seller.
Or... maybe you want to start on Direct Sales and want to learn about it.
Either way, in this article, I will teach you and give you tips on how to succeed in direct sales!
It is a great way of earning money and it is very important to do it properly.
With that, let's get started!
What are Direct Sales?
For those who are new, then you should read this first so that you will be able to grasp the whole thing about direct sales.
This can also be good to those who have experience in direct selling as it can improve your understanding about the business model.
What are direct sales?
Direct selling is when a business or a company allows consultants or distributors, which is basically what you are when working as a direct seller, to sell their products and services to the public.
For each sale you make, you earn a commission. The rate of commission varies depending on the company you are working for.
You don't like selling? Then try out this better option to earn money from home and online!
Direct Selling vs. MLM vs. Pyramid scheme
Most of the time, these three things, Direct Selling, Multi-level marketing (MLM) and Pyramid scheme, are mistaken as the same thing.
However, that is not true. You should know that they are very different so that you will not be confused.
We already know that direct selling is a business model wherein you sell products and services of a company and earn a commission.
We can say the SAME THING with MLMs.
In fact, MLMs are direct-selling. However, the only difference is that it has the multi-level aspect to it.
In other words, MLMs offer you commission on each sale, and it will allow you to recruit people to become a fellow distributor.
Additionally, you can earn a commission from the people you recruited each time they make a sale.
As for pyramid scheme, this is an ILLEGAL business model. It is a big NO-NO.
Pyramid schemes tell you that you earn money by recruiting people to the company.
That's it. Basically, all you have to do is to recruit. No selling.
Sometimes, MLMs can be a pyramid scheme in-disguise. So you have to be very careful!
The video below can further explain the difference between MLMs and pyramid schemes and how to spot one.
Now that we know what direct selling is, let's move on to the tips on how to succeed in direct sales!
Follow them properly and it will be rewarding!
Is selling products not your thing? Is it too much work?
With this free to Join Program I can make money without buying any products and selling them!
I just promote other people products and earn commissions.
I won't even have to recruit anyone!
#1 It is a business
The first thing you need to know is that direct sales are just pretty much the same as any other businesses out there.
Personally, I have always looked at businesses as something close to a gamble.
Because if you think about it, businesses may either bring you down or bring you up.
It won't always be rainbows because there will be challenges and difficulties too.
Another thing is that it requires a lot of work to succeed. The products won't sell themselves. You have to.
And remember, not all of your customers will say "Yes". But don't worry. That's part of the process, my friend.
#2 Choosing a business/company
This is very crucial since this is the company you will be working with, right?
Do some background check, research about the company, including reviews, compensation plans and even the products and/or services being offered.
Furthermore, this is the part wherein you have to check whether the company you are considering to join is actually legit.
Avoid pyramid schemes, ponzi schemes and other scams.
Quick Tip:
You can check out the Direct Selling Association to help you find the legit direct selling companies.
You can also check out the reviews and articles I made about different MLM companies.
There, I evaluate and find out whether they are legit or not.
Click here to see the reviews and articles.
#3 Picking a product
The next thing you need to choose carefully is the product you will sell
If you are interested with the product, chances are you can easily make sales.
Also, you will be knowledgeable about the product, making selling it easier.
Before, direct sales companies usually offer cosmetics products and plastic products.
Now, you have a lot of choices to choose from such as clothing, technology, appliances, healthy and wellness products and many more.
You can also try out these products so gain a first-hand experience with them.
With that, you can enthusiastically promote and sell the said product.
#4 Formulate a plan and strategy
There is nothing more effective than making a plan and a strategy, especially in businesses.
I told you earlier that businesses require a lot of work. To organize all of your tasks, a plan must be formulated.
Maybe you can set a timeline. You can set a date wherein you have to accomplish a certain goal such as "I have to make this number of sales at this date".
A strategy is also important because it can help you figure out properly how to achieve your goals.
How do you want to sell the products? What is your selling schedule? Are you prepared to answer some questions about the products?
Another helpful thing is to make a task list. I know it may seem like an additional work, but trust me, it will be so worth it.
It will make everything more organized. You can easily keep track of your tasks and of course, less stress.
#5 Determine your target market
After choosing a nice company and an excellent product to sell, the next one is to determine your target market.
This one depends on your product.
For example, let's say that you are selling beauty products.
Do you think that someone who is interested in books or in health and wellness products, would purchase the one you are selling?
Of course not. Do not waste your time talking and convincing the wrong market.
It is very important to know who are your customers and where to find them.
#6 Expand your network
Before, direct sellers are very limited in ways to sell their products. Most of the time, they go around and sell their products.
Doesn't that sound a bit tiring?
Luckily for you, we are already in the 21st century. We have a lot of ways to promote and sell your products.
You can use social media websites to sell them. With that, you can reach out to lots of people, who can be your potential customers.
But wait. Before using the internet in your direct selling business, you have to inquire the company first.
Some companies are very strict and won't allow you to use the internet and social media websites.
Expand your network and get more sales which can lead to more commissions.
Hello there!
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​Note: No selling of products is included
#7 Develop relationships
What's nice about direct selling is that you directly sell it. (You don't say. Duh.)
What I mean to say is when you sell these products, you will be able to interact with the customers directly.
Be friendly and approachable.
Develop relationships with them.
If you can do that, they can be your loyal customers and will purchase other products from you in the future.
#8 Be a listener
Most direct sellers lack this one.
You should be a great listener to be successful in direct-selling.
Sometimes, companies give you somewhat like a script that you will have to study and follow when selling.
It might contain answers to some questions about the products and other information.
However, besides talking and promoting the products, you listen to the customer too.
Most of the time, they give "clues" or 'hints" about what they really need or want.
Once you know, you can use that to your advantage.
You can present ideas and suggestions to them which you can sell.
#9 Always be honest and ethical
You probably heard stuff or even read stuff about how MLMs and direct sales are frauds.
One reason that led to that is how distributors tend to overhype their products to the point that it sounds too good to be true.
If you talk to much and keep on convincing people to buy your products, you may already irritate them. Avoid that.
Learn to accept when they decline.
Be honest with what you say and give out the real description, features and other information about the products.
NEVER EVER create stories to get the attention of your customers.
#10 Work hard and never give up
Don't expect that you will immediately get successful and rich when starting out.
In fact, the people you know who got rich because of direct selling went through a lot too. And the most common thing between them is hardwork.
The most important and final tip on how to succeed in direct sales I can give you is to always work hard.
This is not that of a surprise since hardwork applies to almost anything in order for you to be successful.
Never ever give up. Sure, you will experience a lot of difficulties, especially rejections.
But just keep on moving forward and be optimistic. Along the way, you will learn lessons and experiences which will be your friends in the future.
Bottom Line
Thank you so much for reading my article! I hope that you learn something about how to succeed in direct sales.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them in the comment section and I will get to them!
Direct sales has been a long-running industry. It existed when you were a kid of even when your parents were kids.
It can be a great source of income and can be the reason why you will be broke.
That is why you need to know the proper way of doing it. Also, never give up! Just keep on improving and working.
Direct sales may offer a very small chance of you making money, according to statistics, but it simply just requires you to do an active work.
There are other ways to work from home or even online. Me? I recommend affiliate marketing.
This is How I Make Money from Home!
So, yes. I mentioned above what I recommend which is affiliate marketing.
For a long time after trying out ways to earn money online, I have finally found a very reliable source of income online.
Affiliate marketing.
Basically, I just have to promote products using my websites. I will put links on it that will lead to a merchant website.
Whenever people click those links and make purchases I can get a commission.
I have been doing it for a long time and let me just say this to you.
It is a lot better than direct sales.
Why is it better than direct sales?
- You don't have to sell anything.
- You can work anytime and anywhere.
- It is fun and easy.
- You don't have to purchase the products
- It pays you a PASSIVE INCOME!
Yes, a passive income.
You can just leave the links on your website for a long time and they can still give you commissions.
Affiliate marketing is very worth it and is very rewarding.
In fact, because of it, I have been earning affiliate commissions daily.
You don't believe me?
Well, here's my proof!
My November affiliate commissions thanks to Wealthy Affiliate!
thanks for such an easy to comprehend insightful post on how to succeed in direct sales. I really enjoyed reading and learning your tips whic i would put into practice.As someone who has been a victim of two failed pyramid schemes where i lost all my savings I loved how you outlined the difference between direct sales and ponzi schemes(pyramid) and i agree with the video on how to spot a pyramid scheme.
Hello! Thank you for reading my article and I am very glad that you find it helpful!
Yes, a lot of scams are out there and they are improving as time passes by. So be very careful. Always research first before making your decision.
Hi Anis,I have looked in to various way of starting my own business. Direct sales was one of them, but you have to buy, store and ship the products. This is one of the reasons I started affiliate marketing. All I have to do is write about the products and subjects around them. When I give my recommendations, people buy through my website, but I don’t have to physically post them myself.
Hello Tom! I am very glad that you started affiliate marketing. It is indeed easier than direct-sales. I hope you will do even better with your journey!