March 9


Is Home Cash Code a Scam? Sara Taylor & Donald Trump?

Anis Founder of

By Anis

March 9, 2017

Home Cash Code Website

Today I came across another scam that I have seen before many times it’s called Home Cash Code if you are thinking about buying it then you may want to read this review first!

We all want to make money online, we are all looking for legitimate work from home opportunities.

However the internet is full of scams, it’s a sad thing really when someone is looking for a way to earn a dime but only finds scams on his way.

I have lost count of how many people fell for scams like Home Cash Code, legitimate opportunities don’t say you are going to make $359 per day.

In this review, I’d like to show you proof that Home Cash Code is a big scam and also show you how to avoid these scams and earn money the legit way!

Let’s get rolling!

Quick Review

Name: Home Cash Code


Owner: Sara Taylor

Price: The usual $97

Verdict: SCAM

Legit Make Money Online Training: Wealthy AffiliateAffilorama

What is Home Cash Code Exactly?


Home Cash Code is a site that makes some bold claims, they literally say you will make a lot of money in a few days.Home Cash code website

Who wouldn’t love to earn a lot of money in a few days?

We all want that, unfortunately, the reality is another thing.

It’s possible to make a full-time income from home it’s really possible but unfortunately, it takes time and lots of patience.

Home Cash Code is just a copy of other scams.

Someone is sitting there creating various copies of scams and spreading them everywhere, the goal of this unknown person or people is to collect as many $97 as possible.

You won’t earn any money from these scams the whole purpose is to get your money, once they have your money, they will call you to see if they can steal more from you.

What are you Actually Buying? Any Upsells?


First of all, online jobs never ask for an upfront fee, these guys at Home Cash Code are asking for a $97

Since I have reviewed before their parent scam websites (which you will find further down in this review) they also charge the same upfront fee and spam your inbox.

Other than that they keep recommending you other useless programs that supposedly should earn you more money.

Usually, they would charge a monthly fee around $28-$49 sometimes even more.

The course that should earn you money is all about link posting which is spamming classified ads with products.

Link posting is scam feel free to research it on Google and you will see.

Link posting is just a waste of time if you want to earn money I recommend you to start an Affiliate website.

The owner of Home Cash Code is Sara Taylor

I see people wondering who is Sara Taylor here’s the answer!

Who is Sara Taylor?


Sarah Taylor is a former white house political director!

There is no way she is the owner of Home Cash Code

The scammers are simply using her name to fool people into thinking that she made this system with Donald Trump to help Americans earn money.

Donald Trump: The Simple Plan? 


To promote the scam to as many people as possible, People behind Home Cash Code are spamming many email inboxesDonald Trump CNN scam

To make their emails look legit they use the name of Donald Trump and use Fox News, CNN logos to fool people into thinking that the email was sent by Donald Trump.

When you click on the plan (that is supposed to be made by Donald Trump) you are redirected to Home Cash Code or other similar scams.

These scammers are looking for your phone number and other information to be able to promote to you other spam.

If you ever get emails like these and you are not sure if they are legitimate simply do a Google search.


Home Cash Code Parent Scams


I have mentioned earlier that Home Cash Code is just another copy of other scams which promote the same link posting scam.

These are the sites I am talking about, feel free to read the reviews to see the similarities and how they get away with their scam.Home Cash Code Similar scams


There are more similar scams out there that these scammers keep spitting out.

Home Cash Code – Proof that it’s a Scam


These are some scam signs you need to consider if you are still thinking it’s a legitimate work at home job.

1)  Fake Testimonials


Testimonials give credibility to a program when you buy something you would like to read what people that used it say about it

This photo can be found at


But since Home Cash Code Doesn’t work they had to buy stock images and use them as testimonies.

Home Cash Code uses stock photos as testimonies

There are more fake testimonials there since this one you can see on the photos is fake there is no way the others would be real

2) It was never Seen on CNN or ABC


Don’t be fooled by those CNN or Fox News logos, Home Cash Code and similar sites were never featured on those channels

Those logos are not there for the sake of it, as you see them you will think oh this must be a legit opportunity, I can assure you they just want to fool you.

Don’t fall for it!

Watch this video by ABC and pay attention when they say you need to avoid scams with ” Seen on CNN”


3) Not BBB (Better Business Bureau) Accredited


I know many folks that trust only BBB accredited online job sites obvious that Home Cash Code is not accredited and with a negative rating.HomeCashCode BBB profile and rating


No surprise.


4) Hard to get a Refund


Although they say there is a money back guarantee it’s very hard to get a refund

I have seen many people fighting with other scams to get a refund

These guys will never give you a refund and I have seen this often with their similar scams

With that being said please always avoid any site that asks for an upfront fee and promises easy riches.


Home Cash Code: Final opinion & Recommendation


As you can see Home Cash Code is not a legit online job it’s definitely a scam, I’m sure they won’t stop spitting out other names with the same scammy products to promote.

I hope you will ignore any similar bogus systems.

Donald Trump and Sara Taylor no way know Home Cash Code is using their name.

The reality says there are no shortcuts to earning money

Hard work, patience, dedication those are the ingredients to succeed and earn a living online.

I have reviewed many scams but there are some legit opportunities out there but the best ones that I can recommend are the following

Legitimate & Recommended Work from Home Programs

Wealthy Affiliate: WA is a step by step affiliate marketing training that is perfect for beginners and newbies that want to start making a full-time income online.


With Wealthy Affiliate, you get 10 free lessons, 2 free websites and hosting, 7 days of support and live chat where you can ask questions and hang out with experienced affiliate marketers.

Wealthy Affiliate is free to join (No Credit Card) 

WA allows you to try most of their features for free so try it out today and decide if it’s for you.


Join WA today it’s $0!


Swagbucks: If you don’t feel like starting an online business you can try Swagbucks which is a reward site where you get paid to take surveys, offers, rebates and more

It’s 100% free however it has a low earning potential but it’s trustworthy and legit.


Affilorama: Affilorama is another training that teaches you to build a successful affiliate website

It’s an excellent training but if you are a newbie I recommend you Wealthy Affiliate because it’s more newbie friendly I believe.


I hope you have found value on this Home Cash Code review if you found it useful please don’t forget to share it with your friends so they don’t fall for it.

I invite you to leave your comments below if you have any questions feel free to drop them below!

0/5 (0 Reviews)
Anis Founder of

About Anis

Anis Chity used to be a struggling university student under debt from Italy, but thanks to this opportunity he managed to earn a 4 figure monthly income at the age of 24. Anis enjoys helping people avoid scams and find legit ways to work from home. He has many other businesses online as well.

In his free time he loves playing football & hanging out with friends.

Quick update: Anis now is 28 earning over $40k a month on average in affiliate commissions! Learn How He exactly did it here.

  • Actually, I heard Donald Trump promote it during the presidential campaign last year. That doesn’t mean it’s legit by any stretch of the imagination. He is a fraud himself.

    By the way, please learn what a complete sentence if you’re going to put anything in writing publicly. Your grammar is completely atrocious!

    • You heard Donald Trump promote it during the presidential campaign last year? Are you out of your mind?
      You must be one of the owners of this scam the way you talk
      Donald Trump doesn’t even know this scam exist or using his name nor Sara Taylor
      That’s complete BS!
      Regarding my grammar, I’m not a native English speaker and there’s always room for improvement 😉

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