April 23


NotionCash.com Review – Watch out from This New 2019 Scam!

Anis Founder of Fulltimehomebusiness.com

By Anis

April 23, 2019

notion cash reviewed

Did you come across NotionCash.com and you are wondering whether it's legitimate or a scam you should avoid?

Notion Cash claims sound too good to be true, and probably that's the reason why you're doing your research before joining.

In this Notioncash.com review, I'll show you some scam signs that will make run away from this site!

So, is NotionCash.com a scam? Are their claims real? Can you make Money with this website? You'll find the answers below. 😉

Notioncash.com Summary Review

Name:  Notion Cash

Website: NotionCash.com

Founder: Unknown

Recommended? No

notion cash reviewed

What is NotionCash.com?

NotionCash.com is a new website that popped up a few days ago who claim that you are willing to get a $25 sign up bonus and you are going to make hundreds of dollars quickly by completing some easy tasks and referring your friends.

Unfortunately, this website is just a joke, and none of those claims is real!

This website is similar to a lot of sites that I've reviewed including the following:

These websites all have the same $25 sign up, the same $10 per referral, and the same BS.

Below, I'll be talking more about how NotionCash.com actually works and why you should avoid it. 

How Does NotionCash.com Work?

NotionCash.com doesn't work as they claim, in fact, it doesn't work at all, this website just want you to join and refer your friends so they can scam you all together!

NotionCash.com is just a copy of other dangerous scams that I listed above that is going to sell your personal info in third-party websites!

This is the video of Viralpay.co, watch it and see how similar it is to Notion Cash:

Notioncash.com is basically using you to bring them traffic, they are making tons of money this way, and when you reach the minimum payout and try to cash out they will kick you out of their site!

However, to give you proof, below, I'll show you some scam signs that will prove you that Notion Cash is 100% scam!

NotionCash.com Scam Signs!

1# The Usual "$25 Sign Up Bonus" Joke!

Notion Cash and all the similar sites that I've mentioned above have the same $25 sign up bonus.

All the similar fake sites claim that they will give you a $25 sign up bonus but the truth is that this $25 will only display in your Notion Cash account!

NotionCash.com knows that they will attract a lot of people with the $25 sign up bonus and unfortunately a lot of newbies think that free to join sites are not dangerous.

They may not steal your money but they will steal your data and I'll be talking more about this below just keep reading.

Anis Chity FullTimeHomebusiness.com

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2# Fake Tasks!

Notion Cash claims that you are going to earn up to $50 per every task you complete.

These tasks require your email and even your phone number, and it's just ridiculous how they claim that you'll make $10-$50 for a 4 minutes task.

These tasks are a CPA (cost per acquisitions) offer.

Notion Cash owners will only earn from $1 to $2 per every offer you complete so this is another red flag and another way they are using you to make money.

3# Hidden Owner

There are no info about NotionCash.cpm or it's owner, I mean why would someone hide their identity if their website is legitimate?

I personally don't trust websites with hidden owners because I believe that there is no reason to hide unless you are planning to scam people.

4# Fake testimonials

You probably went to the testimonials page so you make sure that this website is legitimate, right?

Well, have a look at the video below.

This woman claim that she is making money with Influencer Club NOT Notion Cash.

InfluencerClub.co is the old name of Notion Cash, and it looks like they couldn't afford money to pay this actor again, so they just used the same video twice lol!

However, I've seen this actress promoting another similar scam site that I reviewed a few months ago called Cashooga,

 have a look at the video below:

This woman and all the people on the testimonial page are paid actors from Fiverr.com, and I've seen them in a lot of scam sites that I've reviewed!

viral pay fake testimonials

5# NotionCash.com Is A rebranded Scam!

As I mentioned above NotionCash.com is just an old scam with a new name!

If you go to their terms of service you will read "Kids Influncer Club terms of service" then you will read Kidsearnmoney.co (kidsearncash.com now)  Privacy as you can see below.

notion cash terms of use

I'm so confused their website's name is NotionCash.com, and their testimonials say that they make money with a site called Influencer Club, then "Kids Influencer Club terms of use."

This Website is a joke!

6# The NotionCash.com Paid members!

Chances are that you came across this website after seeing a lot of people promoting it all over social media right?

I personally came across Notioncash.com after watching a youtube video where a "fake member" is claiming that he found NotionCash.com and he already cashed out...

These scammers are really doing their best to make you believe that this BS site is legitimate.

Don't get fooled by this cheap trick, and if you see someone saying good stuff about shady sites like NotionCash.com you better believe it's a paid member.

Anis chity

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7# Will you Make Money With NotionCash.com? Nope!

Unfortunately, Notion Cash will waste your time and will use you to promote them and when you ask for payment you won't hear from them again!

None of the old copies of this scam paid their members, and NotionCash.com is not planning to pay either!

Notion Cash is not stealing money from you, but they are making tons of money when you promote them and complete the tasks.

They will also sell your personal info in third-party sites, scammers and con artist are ready to spend hundreds of dollars on email lists to promote their products.

Another thing I want to mention is that a lot of people use the same email and password on anything and this can be very dangerous especially with sites like NotionCash.com.

These scammers are hoping that you use the same email and password that you are using in other accounts so they can steal money from you or even your identity.

If you have joined Notion Cash using the same email and password that you are using somewhere else then go change your password RIGHT NOW!

How Do I Delete My NotionCash.com Account?

A lot of people who joined the old copies of Notioncash.com say that they received tons of spams and they are looking for a way to delete their accounts.

If you joined NotionCash.com and you want to delete your account, then all you have to do is to unsubscribe and report the notioncash.com emails as spam.

You can read this article that will show you how to get rid of spam!

Is NotionCash.com A Scam?

There is no doubt that NotionCash.com is nothing but a huge scam that you should avoid.

This website is just using innocent newbies to bring traffic and complete the tasks and when it's time to get paid they will deactivate your account.

Please stay away from Notion Cash or any similar site and always do your research before joining any shady site to stay safe!

How To Actually Make Money Online

I hope this review was helpful and if it was don't forget to share it with your friends so they don't fall for this ugly scam!

If you want to make money online them let me introduce you to Affiliate marketing!

I used to be a newbie myself, and I used to fall for a lot of scams until I come across an amazing community that thought me how to build this profitable website.

If you are tired of scams and want to finally make money from the comfort of your home like me then check out my free step by step training and learn how I went from a total newbie to someone who makes over $3k/month online!

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Your opinion matters, so if you want to share your experience or your opinion about NotionCash.com feel free to drop a comment below. 🙂

0/5 (0 Reviews)
Anis Founder of Fulltimehomebusiness.com

About Anis

Anis Chity used to be a struggling university student under debt from Italy, but thanks to this opportunity he managed to earn a 4 figure monthly income at the age of 24. Anis enjoys helping people avoid scams and find legit ways to work from home. He has many other businesses online as well.

In his free time he loves playing football & hanging out with friends.

Quick update: Anis now is 28 earning over $40k a month on average in affiliate commissions! Learn How He exactly did it here.

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