December 22


7 Halal Ways To Make Money Online! (These Are Great!) (Updated 2020)

Anis Founder of

By Anis

December 22, 2019

Halal Ways To Make Money Online

Hello! Welcome to my “7 Halal Ways To Make Money Online” article!

This article is specially made for our Muslim brothers and sisters out there! As technology continues to progress and innovate, new things tend to rise! That includes our sources of income, which can come from online!

Everyone can do it. However, to some, there are limitations, whether because of ethics, morals, or even religion.

For our Muslim brothers and sisters, here are 7 Halal ways to make money online! These are great and let me know what you think in the comment section! And be sure to read the whole article!

With that being said, let’s get started.

What is Halal?


First things first, let’s get to know what Halal is or what it means. Some of you may not know it.

Halal is an Arabic word that translates to lawful or permitted. Although it is commonly used in reference to food, which are the ones that Muslims can eat, based on the Qur’an, it applies to different aspects in life.

Be it in food, pharmaceuticals, personal care products, or even work! The opposite of Halal, is Haram which means unlawful or prohibited.

With that being said, here are the Halal ways to make money online!

Halal Ways To Make Money Online

#1 Start an online business from your passion

Halal Ways To Make Money Online online business

An online business is 100% halal and very profitable.

The most exciting thing about it is anyone can do it. Moreover, the process is quite simple!

You just set up a website or even use any social media site we have today! Then choose a topic or niche. It must be something you’re passionate about so that it will be better.

Write content and monetize it there are many ways to make money with your website, the most profitable way to make money from a website I believe is affiliate marketing which is selling other people’s products.

If you want to start a successful website from your passion, then you will love Wealthy Affiliate it will teach you how to do it correctly they will also provide you with websites, support and training to succeed.

An alternative is to use social media sites to sell products! For example, Facebook has the marketplace feature.

In Instagram, you can post pictures of your products that you are selling.

You just need to widen your mind and transform your wonderful ideas into a reality! Selling online is easier and faster than ever before.

#2 Teach your native language online

Halal Ways To Make Money Online teach native language

There are many great Halal ways to earn money online. One of them is by just teaching your native language online, there are many people that love your language and are willing to pay to learn it.

Moreover, there are websites that will allow you to find interested people. These sites also allow you to set your own hours and terms, and work whenever you feel like.​

A lot of people make a living teaching online and there is no reason that you can’t!

The two top websites that come at the top of  my head right now to earn Halal income online teaching languages are Italki and Verbling

Anis Chity

When it comes to earning money online, there is nothing better than this program!


You can earn a 4-figure monthly income!


And to top it off, it is Halal!


Check it out now!

#3 Start a YouTube channel

Halal Ways To Make Money Online youtube channel

YouTube is not just a video platform where you can watch funny videos only. It’s the second most used search engine in the world after Google.

Billions of people watch videos and lots of people make a full-time income by making videos about things they are passionate about and uploading them on Youtube!

I am sure you now some YouTubers out there. Guess what? They make a lot of money through their channels and you can too!

However, making money on YouTube is not simply uploading videos. You have to respect a lot of rules to make sure you channel is successful.

Also, you have to make sure that you can provide excellent and entertaining content that people will love! And yes, there are subscriber number requirement.

If you want to know more about this. here is an article about how to create a successful Youtube Channel.

#4 Writing articles for people

Halal Ways To Make Money Online writing articles

Another great, Halal and reliable way to earn money online is writing articles! There are many webmasters out there looking for writers. You can write articles about things you’re interested into.

You can look up webmasters or join websites that will match you with webmasters. Sites like HireWriters and The Content Authority are great for newbies to get their feet wet into writing.

Moreover, there are a lot of people out there who own blogs or even companies who are looking for writers to provide quality content for their websites!

Being a freelance writer online is one of the great Halal ways to make money online.

#5 Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing

We have discussed this above. However, I am going to put it in another number because affiliate marketing deserves it!

One thing that really makes it excellent is the passive income you can earn. Moreover, the concept is very simple and easy. You just need to promote the products and services of various companies and businesses.

When you make sales, you earn commissions. This is in fact, the way I earn money online!

I totally recommend it. Speaking of that, Wealthy Affiliate is the best program for you if you want to start affiliate marketing! You will be provided with everything you need.

#6 Blogging


The next one we have is blogging. It is pretty simple. You make a blog, which is kind of like a website. Then you write articles and fill it up with content based on the topic or niche it focuses on!

Moreover, I suggest that you make a blog that is based on your interests and passion. In that way, you won’t feel like working because you totally enjoy and love it.

Blogging is a great way to earn money and share your thoughts to everyone in the world.

#7 Virtual Assistant

Halal Ways To Make Money Online virtual assistant

If you are into administrative jobs, then being a virtual assistant may be perfect for you!

The demand for virtual assistants is huge online. A lot of businesses and companies are in need of them to carry out different tasks for them, while they do other personal errands.

Moreover, the tasks have a wide range of categories which depend on your clients. But the common ones will be data entry, research and scheduling.

There are a couple of websites out there wherein you can find such job, like, Freelancer, People Per Hour and Upwork.

Bottom Line

There you have the 7 Halal ways to make money online! I suggest that you pick the ones that really fit your skills and experience. However, there will always be a time for firsts.

So don’t be afraid to explore and try them out! If you feel like these sites are not for you here are other +20 Halal work at home sites where you can earn money online.

Thank you so much for reading my “7 Halal Ways To Make Money Online” article! If you have any comments or questions, leave them below on the comment section!

This is How I Make Money from Home!

Like I said above, the way I earn money online is through affiliate marketing. And let me talk to you more about Wealthy Affiliate!

It is a community of professional marketers who are willing to help you out. Moreover there are a lot of benefits you can get including:

  • Complete and comprehensive step-by-step training
  • A lot of affiliate marketing tools and materials
  • Your own websites
  • 24/7 support
  • A live one-on-one chat with professional affiliate marketers
  • And many more!

Below is an example of my daily affiliate commissions, thanks to Wealthy Affiliate! So if you really want to try out affiliate marketing, then I totally recommend getting Wealthy Affiliate to be your training program.

I earn affiliate commissions regularly

My November affiliate commissions thanks to Wealthy Affiliate!

0/5 (0 Reviews)
Anis Founder of

About Anis

Anis Chity used to be a struggling university student under debt from Italy, but thanks to this opportunity he managed to earn a 4 figure monthly income at the age of 24. Anis enjoys helping people avoid scams and find legit ways to work from home. He has many other businesses online as well.

In his free time he loves playing football & hanging out with friends.

Quick update: Anis now is 28 earning over $40k a month on average in affiliate commissions! Learn How He exactly did it here.

  • Hi it Naveed Ali I am from Bradford Uk I am 39 years old I have a passion for working online business I had passion for few years but I am interested in Affilliate marketing also I am interested selling products online also I am interested doing a YouTube channel I don’t know where to start I am interested working for Amazon shopifi there are lots of platforms which I don’t know where to start I am overwhelmed can you please provide me info my contact number is deleted also I don’t know how much money I need to invest

  • Hi Anis, as you wrote about italki and verbling, we also hire people who want to teach a language. People can teach any language.
    you can view the website here
    link removed

    if anyone is interested, sign up and we accept new tutors in 48 hours

  • Hello Anis, nice to meet you

    thank you for the tips I hope I can start your tips as soon as possible 😀

    Very nice post (y)

  • Good information on ways to make money. Youtube is a very strong way to leverage an audience. Most people would rather watch a video over reading because that is the way of the world these days. So yeah, I can see why you mentioned this as a way to make an income. Thanks.

  • I really like the suggestion of teaching your native language online – is this difficult to do? I speak some very rusty Italian, would either of those programs be suitable to brush up on my own language skills while teaching others?

    • Hi Shirley, to be qualified to teach a language you on those websites you need to be fluent at it, the good news is thanks to Italki you can learn interact with fellow members and they have a training you can take to improve your language and it’s free for the members.
      Hope this helps

  • ” I have followed Patric’s program to the letter and can say that My list is building fast. I also have few sales witch make me very happy.”

    • Hi Smith, thanks for your comment but I had to delete your affiliate link, sorry but I don’t allow affiliate links in the comments section, thanks for understanding.

  • Great ideas, Anis! There are so many easy ways to get started (though I cannot speak for the Halal part of it, so I appreciate your perspective on that!), but what it requires is for a person to actually jump in and do the work, and then to keep doing it, over and over (as you’re doing). They’re all great opportunities, and a wonderful way for people to express their authentic and creative selves, which I believe we really need!

    Keep up your great work!


  • Hey Anis,

    Great post man. Those are definitely some great ways to make money. Wealthy Affiliate has greatly helped me in developing my own business. It is certainly worthy a shot. Great work. Keep it up!

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}


    This is HOW Newbies like me & You Can Make Money Online
