March 22


Affilorama (2019 Review!) Scam Or Good Affiliate Course?

Anis Founder of

By Anis

March 22, 2019

affilorama, affilorama affiliate program review, affilorama complaint, affilorama jetpack, Affilorama review, affilorama vs wealthy affiliate, Mark ling

Affilorama reviewed

In this Affilorama review, I cover everything you need to know about this affiliate marketing course.

​Is Affilorama a scam or another useless training that is not worth the money?

Does it really work?

There are many Affiliate training programs out there but most of them are junk and contain information that worked in 1998.

Is this the case with Affilorama?

In this review, I will cover everything related to Affilorama, the actual training, the features, membership levels, alternatives and more.

So keep reading the learn how Affilorama actually works!

Affilorama Review – (2019 Updated)

Name:  Affilorama


Founder: Mark Ling

Price: free membership + premium membership $67/month + upsells.

Recommended? Yes

Affilorama reviewed

What is Affilorama?

Affilorama is an online community dedicated to affiliate marketing created by Mark Ling in 2005.

After years and years of brilliant success in the affiliate marketing world, Mark Ling decided to create a platform where he teaches all his secrets and techniques to help you learn affiliate marketing and succeed in it.

The platform that he created based on his immense experience is called Affiliorama.

It’s a great community to learn everything about the affiliate world step by step for both beginners and experienced people.

Affilorama has different membership levels and products that I am going to be walking you through below.

So keep reading 🙂

The Affilorama Membership levels

Affilorama has two different membership levels and different products to help you become a successful affiliate marketer let’s check them out.

The Affilorama Free Membership

Affilorama’s free membership is perfect for anyone that is new to affiliate marketing and wants to learn step by step the basics of Affiliate marketing.

I really like the free membership because it offers a lot of information in different formats videos, articles, interviews.

The lessons included in the free membership are really good and I can assure you that other sites would charge to give you access to such useful information.

If you are a beginner affiliate marketer and want to get started, the course of the free membership will teach you to:

And much more! There more than 100  lessons in the free membership.

The Affilorama Premium Membership

The free membership is awesome but the Premium membership is even better.

Here’s a quick Affilorama premium membership review.

The premium membership costs only $1 for the first 30 days which is pretty cool.

The free membership offers basic lessons while the premium membership offers more advanced lessons in various formats as well, videos, interviews with successful affiliate marketers and step by step guides.

When the 30 days trial expires and you want to continue to use the service you will have to pay $67 every month.

Here’s the difference between the free and premium memberships.


Now let’s jump to the products that you will find inside:

The Affilorama Products

AffiloBlueprint ($197)

Here is a quick Affiloblueprint review

If you become a premium member I don’t think you will need this product, in fact, it’s an upsell.

it contains 13 lessons and 60 videos covering all the affiliate marketing techniques that Mark Ling use to generate lots of commissions.

In this course, you will have access to videos and lessons about Mark showing you step by step how he makes a website from scratch and how he optimizes it to generate leads and sales.

The lessons are very clear and easy to follow, no doubt.

AffiloBlueprint costs $197 (one-time payment) with that price you get only AffiloBlueprint without support or anything unless you are a premium member.

This Affilorama product is not very different from what you get in the premium membership.

If you decide to join as a premium member, I recommend you to ignore this product.

Affilotheme ($97)

This is a WordPress theme with support training showing you how to use it the best way.

If you buy Affilotheme that costs $97 you get 1 year of free hosting.

However, after one year you will need to become a premium member to maintain the hosting or you can go for another hosting company.

You will also have access to the private member’s forum and the graphics creator tool.

Affilojetpack ($497)

Affilojetpack is a course where Mark Ling will teach you how to promote his products and services you will have access to the following if you buy this package.

  • 5 Niche Packages (you should choose one niche that you like from these niches)
  •  Newsletter email series, one per niche.
  • 3 ebooks that you can use as free reports for your email list, you have three per niche.
  • Access to Affilotheme.
  • 20 PLR Articles.
  • Graphics for your niches.

This product costs $497.

Affilojetpack is a great way for Mark to earn more and more money from you since you are working hard to promote his products.

I don’t understand the $497 price tag.

Affilotools ($17/month to $97/month)

Affilotools is a browser-based tool that will help you to track:

  • Your keywords
  •  Traffic
  • Social media
  • And revenue.

This tool will help you to find out which keywords are working very well for you.

You can connect Affilotools to Google Analytics and get reports of your site’s performance.

This tool also helps you to find websites where you can build quality backlinks.

You can try Affilotools for free, here are the different plans for this tool.


As you can see the basic Affilotools membership you will be able to monitor one site only, search 3 keywords per website.

If you want unrestricted use of the Affilotools then you’ll need to upgrade.

PathWay to Passive

Pathway to Passive is another upsell at Affilorama and it’s geared towards those affiliate marketers that have an affiliate site but struggle with earning sales and getting more traffic.

So if you have an existing website that is struggling to scale then you probably want to check out Pathway to Passive.

Buy buying the Pathway to passive guide you will learn exactly:

  • How to optimize your existing website
  • See the reasons your website is stuck
  • Learn simple tweaks to increase traffic & sales.

This guide is going to cost you one $37 and it comes with a 60 days money back guarantee.

To be honest with you $37 sounds to be good true compared to what offered in this guide.

I’m not going to get surprised if Mark Ling pulls up more upsells for this Affilorama guide.

Affilorama All Memberships Pricing

The price of Affilorama’s services and products in a glance.

  • Free Membership $0
  • Premium Membership 30 days trial $1 then $67 per month
  • Path2Passive $37 one time fee
  • AffiloBlueprint $197 one-time payment
  • AffiloTheme $97 one-time payment 
  • AffiloJetpack $497 one-time payment
  • Affilotools Free Plan 0$/ Basic Plan $17  / Bronze Plan $47  /  Gold Plan $97

Affilorama is Cool but WHY SO Many Upsells!?

Check out This Cheaper & Better Alternative!

How is the Affilorama Support?

The support in Affilorama is not bad, they have a forum where members can ask their questions and get responses.

The forum has different categories where you can drop your questions.

In the Affilorama forum, you can expect your questions to be answered.

You can also contact Mark Ling and Sarah (Affiliate Manager) privately they are helpful and do respond.

Sarah will also send you actionable tips every week trust me they are very helpful.

Don’t Forget that…

Affilorama offers you support and you can even email Mark ling but don’t forget that you should expect a response to your questions within a few days.

Many affiliate marketing training platforms don’t even offer support.

But I personally get instant help at Wealthy Affiliate when I need it because the community is bigger the Affilorama’s and the support is always available (24-7).

The Affilorama Affiliate Program

Affilorama’s affiliate program is one of the best Affiliate programs I have ever seen, they will literally teach you how to make money with their program.

For instance, they would tell you when to promote the Affilorama free membership and when you should not.

I think this picture will explain very well what I want to say, in fact, a photo is worth a thousand words.


You can promote your Affilorama products with your referral link or banners.

The best part is you will receive regular emails from Affilorama affiliate manager Sarah.

Her job is to send you tips and tricks to earn more money from the Affilorama affiliate program if you have any questions you can contact her via email or Skype.

Affilorama Reviews & Complaints

Well, Affilorama does not have many complaints but the most few complaints I have found are about the high pricing.

But the training is good and everything is easy to understand and straightforward.

I have found some Affilorama reviews on Warrior forum a bit old but still relevant click here to read the reviews.

If you want to read more Affilorama reviews from members then you can check out Trustpilot & the Affilorama Facebook page.

Below you can read some of my Affilorama complaints and concerns.

Low Members Activity

Affilorama has some good training and tools but there is one important thing that in my opinion makes Wealthy Affiliate a lot better than Affilorama which is the activeness of the community.

WA has a VERY active community while Affilorama’s community is pretty inactive.

That’s not good for newbies because they need to be surrounded by many successful affiliate marketers and get help instantly and not wait for days.

Lots of Upsells & Extra Costs

I personally don’t like any program that has so many upsells.

Affilorama could very well charge one monthly fee (for example $67/) and offer you all the tools you need to succeed online.

Their main competitor Wealthy Affiliate offers everything for $49/month that’s why they have more members 😉

To make things worse Mark Lings even promotes and cross promotes third-party affiliate products.

I think this will just make the Affilorama students more confused.

It looks like Mark Ling is trying to make as much money as possible from his members, this is something you will NEVER see Kyle & Carson (WA founders) do.

For example, why would Mark Ling create another course like Affilorama called Learn Build Earn (with $2,500 price tag!) instead of putting his focus on Affilorama?

This proves that Mark only cares about selling & not helping!

I decided to unsubscribe from the Mark Ling newsletter because honestly I was tired of all the products he keeps promoting.

He would cross promote those biggest internet marketing gurus that will charge you a small fee or send you to a BS-free webinar initially and follow up with TONS of expensive upsells.

Affilorama Still Recommends PLR Content in 2019?

I honestly was surprised to read that Affilorama recommends you to ​use PLR content on your website.

It’s 2019 and no one uses PLR content as it was relevant back in 2010.

Now Google will rank high-quality content ONLY.

Well, Affilorama on their training they do recommend you to rewrite the PLR content but it’s still cheap advice from Affilorama.

You just can’t be an authority in your niche if you use PLR content.

PLR (Private label rights) is content that you can rewrite and use as your own on your business but the problem is everyone and their dog has access to the same PLR content!

If you type on Google “PLR pack” you will see how many spammy sites that sell these PLR content for cheap!

Affilorama & Building Backlinks

So Affilorama encourages you to start a website and also teaches you ways to build backlinks.

I’m not going to say that backlinks are not important, they are very important and one of the most important ranking factors.

But guess what?

Backlinks shouldn’t be your focus from day 1.

When you start a website you should focus on writing lots of high-quality content, this content is going to eventually rank and get you backlinks naturally.

The problem of Affilorama is they label themselves as a training for newbies and their first lessons are about backlinks.

I’m pretty sure that a newbie that joins Affilorama will spend tons of time focusing on backlinks instead of writing quality content which is what actually Google wants.

And Don’t forget that…

Backlinks are slowly losing their importance, just a few years ago people with  higher domain authority and a good a backlink profile would outrank everyone.

Well, today high domain authority sites still rank well but I see lots of new websites with 8 of domain authority and sometimes they outrank high domain authority sites when their content is better & longer!

This is a sign that Google is slowly reducing the power of backlinks and giving more power to those that write better content.


And that’s exactly the reason why I prefer Wealthy Affiliate over Affilorama because the WA founders knew that long time ago that’s why you see Kyle & Carson suggesting their members to focus on quality content only & not backlinks!

Is the Affilorama Training Really Newbie Friendly?

Affilorama claims to be a training for newbies but is it really for newbies?

With WA siterubix you can create a professional looking website in 30 seconds!

But with Affilorama you have to use a complete computer software called Dreamweaver which is so expensive by the way.

Just this website creation lesson from Affilorama to see what I’m talking about!

Looking for a Training that is Actually for Newbies? 

Check out This Cheaper & Better Alternative!

Who is Affilorama for?

I think Affilorama is for those affiliate marketing that already have a website and want to improve it.

I don’t think this program is suitable for newbies because in one hand is complex for beginners because it has many things that newbies don’t need to learn at the beginning like backlinks.

On the other hand, it’s expensive as there are lots of upsells to buy.

There is a better alternative to Affilorama and below you see how they compare to each other.

Affilorama Vs. Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate is the first competitor of Affilorama they are both Affiliate marketing training portals.

They are both great and work perfectly if you follow the lessons and put the hard work in of course.

But which one is better?

Well, that’s hard to say.

But here is a quick overview of the differences in terms of the features, memberships, and pricing.

The Membership Levels & Price

Affilorama has 6 membership levels while Wealthy Affiliate has only two membership levels.

You have seen the cost of Affilorama’s memberships, Wealthy Affiliate has the starter membership which is free and the premium membership that costs $19 the first month, then $49 per month.

Wealthy Affiliate is cheaper but it’s still as good as Affilorama, of course, Wealthy Affiliate does not offer something (read the update below) like affilotools where you can track your keywords.

Affilorama 2019 Review update!

Now Wealthy Affiliate has a keyword research tool called Jaaxy where you can track the rankings of your keywords.

Wealthy Affiliate members have Jaaxy included in the $49/month price.

That’s why I love and still use Wealthy Affiliate because they keep adding more features without increasing the price.

With Wealthy Affiliate, you get EVERYTHING under one roof and for one monthly fee.

Affilorama makes its members pay for every single tool!

I have tried both pieces of training I think they are both good, however, I decided to go for Wealthy Affiliate.

But that does not mean I hate Affilorama I really like their products and training but the price of their products made me go for Wealthy Affiliate.

What I don’t like about affilorama is their delayed support, some outdated training, and the high pricing.

You can learn more on my Wealthy Affiliate Vs Affilorama comparison review.

Affilorama The Pros & Cons

As you may have already noticed this community has a lot to offer but there is some stuff that I don’t like.


  • Affilorama is legit
  • Easy to follow step by step tutorials and video tutorials
  • Lot’s of valuable information available for free.
  • Active community
  • Free to join
  • Interviews with Internet Marketers that made it online.
  • Good support
  • The interface is easy to navigate
  • Good Affiliate Program.
  • All the services offered are high quality and easy to use.
  • You can contact the owners.


  • Various upsells
  • I find some of their products quite expensive.
  • Some outdated training like using PLR products and the site creation lessons.

Is Affilorama a Scam? Final Review

Affilorama is 100% legit you can join them if you are an advanced internet marketer, but I think some of their products are a bit pricey.

I prefer Wealthy Affiliate because it comes at a price that most people will afford and it’s as good if not better than Affilorama.

I’m not telling you that you must join Wealthy Affiliate feel free to try Affilorama’s free membership and Wealthy Affiliate free membership and decide which one you prefer.

Both free memberships have a lot to offer and are perfect for beginners too.

I hope you have enjoyed my Affilorama review.

Have you ever tried Affilorama or Wealthy Affiliate?

What are your experiences?

Any feedback, comments or thoughts are more than welcome.

0/5 (0 Reviews)
Anis Founder of

About Anis

Anis Chity used to be a struggling university student under debt from Italy, but thanks to this opportunity he managed to earn a 4 figure monthly income at the age of 24. Anis enjoys helping people avoid scams and find legit ways to work from home. He has many other businesses online as well.

In his free time he loves playing football & hanging out with friends.

Quick update: Anis now is 28 earning over $40k a month on average in affiliate commissions! Learn How He exactly did it here.

  • This review is well written and in depth, providing comparisons to Wealthy Associate and detailing the free and paid features of Affilorama.I was considering trying this program, but by the end of the article I was convinced to stay away from Affilorama as they really were a money grab.Thanks for a fair and detailed review.

  • Thanks for this review on affilorama, it sounds like they have some awesome content but the lots of upsells is always a turn off for me, I prefer to buy a fixed amount from the beginning that way I know what I am required to give for the knowledge offered, that is why I really like wealthy affiliate, lots is offer to you and little or no upsells after you upgrade to the premium membership.Thanks for this review, very detailed and very informative.

  • It is good to see someone give a really honest review of an Affiliate program and you haven’t disappointed me with this review of Affilorama. I have joined several of these Affiliate programs in the past which give tutorials on setting up niche websites but I have never heard of Affilorama before. It looks like it has good features in the free program but usually you find that the training that helps you get a first page ranking for a new website can only be found in the premium membership and Affilorama’s premium membership is quite expensive. I prefer by far a premium membership in the Wealthy Affiliate program which has a long proven track record of delivering excellent results for its affiliates at a much more modest price for its premium membership.


    • Hi Jim, you are right! Many programs offer good information for free but the most useful stuff is in the paid membership, Affilorama asks too much money! I am very happy with Wealthy Affiliate! See you around in the community James and thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  • Hi Anis, what I like about Affilorama is the support and the active community. However, Wealthy Affiliate is definitely better value for money. It’s a lot cheaper too and with the Black Friday deal you can save around 50% for the year. There’s way to many upsells in Affilorama for my liking.

  • I’m glad to know that WA is still better than Affilorama as I’m a WA member 🙂 Also, the monthly cost is much cheaper especially if you consider the Black Friday deal!

  • Hi Anis, to be honest it really sounds like a no-brainer selecting between these two. Affilorama is good but its so expensice you can get the same results with WA!

    Thank you for this review Anis

  • Hi Anis, I didn’t know about this Affilorama platform and I’m glad I didn’t find it before Wealthy Affiliate. The cost seems a bit outrageous! Wealthy Affiliate on the other hand also has an annual option of $359, bringing down that monthly fee to just under $30, this includes ALL tools and access, no other fees. Black Friday sale will bring this down further which I can’t wait for! 🙂

  • I really like your honesty in this Affilorama Review.

    I am a member of both Affilorama and WA. I find that Affilorama is very structured and the training is really straight forward.

    I like the fact that the Affilorama platform has a package for the newbie up to the advanced marketer.

    They are doing something good for sure. I would definitely put them in second place below Wealthy Affiliate.

    I also wanted to point out that Sarah Crisp (affiliate manager) will be leaving the company as of November 24, 2016. She has really done a great job for the company.

    I appreciate your review and hope to see more from you in the coming future.

    To your online success.


  • Wow! You are brilliant! I had heard of Affilorma and even read a few reviews but no one dug in the way you did in this article! I am truly impressed. I must admit, I love trying out different online marketing and business communities. I was considering joining Affilorama but I am already a member of Weatlhy Affiliate as well. After reading your review, I can see that I am best to stick with what’s working. It’s easy to get caught up in the hunt for the next program I guess it’s human nature to a certain extent but it sounds like yo and I both agree…Wealthy Affiliate is the best option for serious entrepreneurs wanting to earn an income online.

    I made money online before joining WA, but have truly valued what I have learned from not only the WA training but also all of the wonderful community members. I look forward to reading more of your writing, as I can see you are a thorough and talented writer for sure!



    • Hi, Joy you have no idea how happy I am after reading your comment! As you know you are one my favorite bloggers, I admire your work and personality, you are always available to help everyone in the community and I love that!

      I am very happy that you liked my article, and thank you and thank you for your compliments!

      You are right Wealthy Affiliate is a great community I don’t know if there are other communities that can be compared to this amazing community, I think Affilorama is close but Wealthy Affiliate is the best! always 😀

      Thank you again, Joy, for your awesome comment I appreciate it so much and I wish you a wonderful day! 🙂


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