Club 365 Reviewed!
Can you really make money with Club 365? Is it a big scam?
My review will give you the real answers and the actual truth!
Don't invest your money before reading this review!
Club 365 Quick Review
- Name: Club 365 (Rapid Wealth Creation)
- Website:
- Price: $27.99
- Owner: Justin Powell
- Recommended? No
What is Club 365?
Club 365 is a membership site that claims to offer you the latest techniques and methods to make money online in the easiest way.
Club 365 owner says that the membership is updated every month with new groundbreaking techniques that will earn you up to $1,500 easily.
You're told that you will learn different things like:
All these methods are legitimate and can make you money, however the problem is Club 365 is saying that they are giving you easy shortcuts to make thousands of dollars fast which is a big red flag to me.
We all know how hard affiliate marketing, dropshipping and E-commerce are.
Affiliate marketing takes a long time and hard work to pay off same for dropshipping, E-commerce and Cryptocurrrenty are too expensive for newbies with a tight budget and surveys are just pocket money earners.
That's why I'm having a hard time believing Club 365 promises.
What makes me even more skeptical is the fact that this product is sold on Clickbank.
Clickbank is an a digital products marketplace and in a few words it's full of low quality digital products, especially when it comes to making money online.
I'm going to talk more about that later and also show you proof.
below I'd like to talk about some things that make think Club 365 is nothing but a scam, I'm going to get started with the owner Justin Powell.
Who Is Justin Powell?
At the bottom of the website you will see this (have a look at the screenshot below).
Obviously the creator of is trying to make it as less visible as possible but because of the law he is forced to say that his name is fake.
As you can see Justin Powell is NOT even a real person, in the video there is no picture of him so how can you trust a person that is hidden?
The real creator is not hiding his identity for the sake of it, that's because there is a problem with
Scammers prefer to keep their real identities anonymous so they don't get into trouble once their products are exposed!
That's a big red flag.
I'd never invest my money into a training where the owner is hidden, the first thing I do before I invest in a training platform is to research the owners and see if they are actually legitimate and know what they are talking about.
For example when I was a newbie I came across a Training for Newbies to earn online.
The owners are Kyle & Carson, during my research I found out they are very supportive and they know how to teach newbies like me how to create a full-time income from home.
Fast forward today I'm earning a full-time income and I'm truly grateful.
I had my fair share of wasting money to scammers, but I learned my lesson.
If you bump into any product do your research and only invest your money after an intense research.
This industry is full of scam artists!
The Club 365 Training is Awful!
The sales videos of products like Club 365 are always over hyped.
I understand that a sales video should convince you into buying the product but Club 365 is trying to convince people with lies and BS promises!
The biggest problem of this is the actual training, the training is just a collection of some random PDF files!
The training offered by Club 365 is literally nothing like what you have been promised in the sales video.
They give you 3 VERY generic ebooks about Cryptocurrency, Ecommerce and some other random ways to earn online.
I fell for these scams before and I know how much money I've wasted, and these scams are exacly like Club365.
They promise the world but when it comes to the training they give you some low quality PDF files.
These PDF files never go into details, they are not actionable, they are just boring pages with lots of confusing ideas.
Club 365 PDF's are basically summaries of different ways to earn money which are going to make you confused!
You're going to waste time and energy if you buy Club 365 because the training is just terrible.
I was a newbie too just 2 years ago, I used to fall for scams like these, but it wasn't until I came across a Real Legit Training for Beginners that I started learning how to earn online.
The training I personally used comes with video tutorials, actional step by step tutorials and lots of support and help from the members and owners of the training.
These are the most important things you need to succeed online, and the training I recommend for newbies is the reason of my success making a full-time income from home.
Can You Earn $1.5k per Day with Club 365?
I don't think anyone will be making $1.5k per day from Club 365.
The training is aweful there is no way you will make that amount of money daily not even monthly!
To make money online you need a realistic training that actually gives you the tools and training to make your dreams happen.
Nothing comes easy, there is no way you will start making money easily.
You need to work hard for several months, be frustrated, make mistakes and then you will see your hard work paying off in case you don't give up.
I like to say things exactly like they are without misleading people or telling them lies, making money online takes a lot of hard work and patience.
But once you don't give up many amazing things will happen and you will be proud of every hard work you have put in.
Unfortunately, Club 365 is not the right program to get started with because it's clearly not a legit site!
Club 365 is a website that has been copied and rehashed from multiple scams!
Club 365 is Nothing new (Another Copied Scam)
Club 365 as I said earlier is a product from Clickbank, the Clickbank products are VERY misleading and full of BS.
I review scams all the time on my site
One thing I notice is these Clickbank products are pretty monotone and similar!
They are basically copied from each other.
Here are some other scammy Clickbank products I have reviewed in the past!
If you have a look below you can see how their websites are full of misleading info and promises and notice their design is pretty similar!
Is Club 365 A Scam?
I think Club 365 is a scam and I don't recommend it because:
Remember this is my honest opinion and you're free to invest in any product you want, but if you're looking for a legit training I recommend you to read what I have to say below.
Here's a REAL Club for Making Money Online!
Club 365 is not a real club, their training is awful, there is no support team or anything and charging $27.99 for a system that will make $1.5k daily does not make any sense.
I used to fall for these kind of scams but two years ago I came across a genuine training that is a real club.
This training allows you to sign up for free (no credit card) as soon as you sign up you will be greeted by the members who are very friendly and supportive.
The training is super high quality, the owners are supportive too.
You will get two free websites and you will learn how to start a successful website using your passion as a topic which is pretty exciting.
If you want to finally learn how to make money online just click on the orange link below to learn more!
Do you have anything to say about Club 365?
Did you buy it?
Let us know in the comments section!
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