December 16


How to Build an Affiliate Website Easily! Step by Step (2022)

Anis Founder of

By Anis

December 16, 2022

How to Build an Affiliate Website Easily! Step by Step Woman browsing on her laptop

Building a successful affiliate website has never been easier. Nowadays, you can literally build a great affiliate site in minutes. All you need to know is where to get started and take action.

Plus, the best part you can start an affiliate site for free. Unlike brick and mortar businesses, you don't need any huge capital.

You can run a successful website with almost no money. Furthermore, affiliate marketing is better than any job out there.

So, when you put in the hard work and do everything right you can earn a full-time income. Furthermore, you will have an online business that you can take with you wherever you want.

If you are a beginner and don't know how to get yourself in Affiliate marketing's world this post is for you. 

Plus, I have made this table of content so you won't waste your time and can easily navigate within the post.

So without further ado, this is How to Build an Affiliate Website Easily! Step by Step.

What is Affiliate Marketing & How Does it Work?

Affiliate marketing is very simple, it's all about referring people to buy products from companies. For example, if you refer a person to buy a certain product from Amazon you will earn a commission.

Amazon will provide you a unique affiliate link that you can promote wherever you want. If someone purchases something from Amazon using your affiliate link, then you will earn a commission.

Of course, Amazon is not the only affiliate program out there. There are thousands of Affiliate programs.

Most affiliate programs will give you links, banners, ads and tracking tools to make the process easier.

You can do affiliate marketing without a website, however, it's recommended to start a website. It's the most reliable way to get targeted visitors that are looking exactly for the products you recommend.

Another thing I like about affiliate marketing is the fact you need to build it around your interest and hobbies or anything you're interested into.

Affiliate marketing is a 4-Billion dollar industry that is only growing up. If you think Affiliate marketing is dead, then you can learn more about the incredible power of Affiliate marketing here.

This video from Affilorama will go in depth into explaining what Affiliate marketing is and how it does work.

Why build an affiliate website?

Having an affiliate website gives you the opportunity to earn without investing too much money in it. In short, it carries a low risk and high reward potential. Not only you will benefit from it, but also business and product sellers. If what you are promoting is something that you are interested in, then it will make your journey much easier.

Here are some reasons why you should build an affiliate website:

  • Easy to learn - Learning the ropes is easy as long as you keep at it.
  • You are own boss! - You don't need to answer to someone and your decision is all that matters. Plus, all earnings will go straight to you!
  • Passive Income Opportunity - Once you get your affiliate website enough traction and traffic, it will basically earn money all by itself without you doing a lot of work.
  • Wallet friendly - You won't need to invest a lot unlike other business types. This means that you only need a small capital to get started. 

What do You Need to Start an Affiliate Website?

As I said before you don't need any big capital to invest in this online business to make it work.

These are some crucial things you need to launch a good affiliate website.

1) Website Hosting

How to Build an Affiliate Website Easily! Step by Step Website hosting

Hosting is simply where your site will be hosted, hosting allows your site to be accessible on the internet. Website hosting is not expensive it usually costs less than $10 per month.

Learn more about Website hosting in Wikipedia

2) Domain Name

A domain name is simply the name of your website, you need a unique domain name that nobody is using. You don't have to waste a lot of time searching for a keyword for your domain name.

Just choose a name that is short and clearly shows what your site is all about.

Domain names cost around $10/$15 per year.

3) Visitors

How to Build an Affiliate Website Easily! Step by Step Google

The most important thing about affiliate marketing and any business is visitors. You need people to make money. But how can you get people to visit your site?

This is where Google, Yahoo, and other search engines come in. The Search engines are so generous and are willing to send you tons and tons of targeted visitors that are desperately looking for the products you promote.

However, to make the search engines generous they need something from you in exchange.

Google and other search engines wants to show the customers the best content possible. So, you as a webmaster need to write quality, thorough, and in-depth content on a regular basis.

The key to succeeding in this business is to keep delivering quality content on a regular basis. One important thing I would like to highlight is you need to keep pushing forward even when you don't make money.

Google won't send traffic to new websites until they prove they are going to keep writing content consistently.

As you can see affiliate marketing requires hard work but the results are super worth it.

4) Good Affiliate Marketing Training

How to Build an Affiliate Website Easily! Step by Step Onlineentrepreneurcertificationlessonone

If you are a newbie and don't know where to get started, then you need a platform where you have a step by step training that will guide you to set up a successful affiliate website.

When I say a training I don't mean books with tons of information that just makes the process more confusing and overwhelming. 

I think a good training is a one stop shop where you have everything you need in one place. Hosting, domain names, support, keyword tools, an affiliate program, and the ability to ask questions, instant answers and more.

I think the perfect training that I personally tried and can confidently recommend is Wealthy Affiliate.

It has all the features I have mentioned above and you can try it for free without a credit card. The first month will cost you $19 then $49 per month, but you literally have everything you need in one place and there are no upsells.

You can try Wealthy Affiliate for $0 take the first 10 free lessons and decide if it's worth it for yourself.

You will also get 2 free websites and website hosting. They have a very fast affiliate site builder called SiteRubix.

It's really a great community and training platform that will teach you how to start an affiliate website using WordPress.

How to Start a Successful Affiliate Website

We have talked about things you need to start a good affiliate website but to build a successful affiliate website you need to bear in mind some other things which are the following.

1) Choose the Right Niche

A niche is a specific group of people looking for things online, you don't want to start a website that talks about general life, you need to target a specific audience and help them fix their problems through your content.

There are many profitable niches out there, however, the perfect niche is the one that is of your interests, if you are passionate about something you are more likely to write endlessly about it all the time.

You need to love what you are doing if you chose a niche just because it's the most profitable chances are you are going to abandon it anytime soon.

2) Promote Only Products you Trust

One mistake you should not do is to promote every product that has big commissions

You need to promote only products that you have used and that you can actually recommend. Also don't splash your affiliate links everywhere, both Google and your visitors hate that.

3) Find Low Competition Keywords

We all know that practically within any niche there is competition, but to make sure you get a chance to compete with the competitors and build an authority site you need to find low competition keywords.

Where do you find low competition keywords?

There are a lot of keyword tools out there that will help you find good keywords with traffic and low competition.

Google Keyword Planner and Jaaxy are great keyword tools that really work.

Google keyword planner is 100% free while Jaaxy will give you 30 free searches then you can upgrade if you wish.

GKP is good to make sure your keywords are correct and to see search volume, Jaaxy is great at spitting out keyword ideas it also shows you the competition, search volume and more.

In Wealthy Affiliate, there is a free Keyword tool included in your membership which is very similar to Jaaxy.

4) Write Quality Content

Now that you have a great list of good keywords, it's time to write quality content. It's recommended to write at least 3 blog posts per week (the more the better) on a regular basis.

Three posts per week is fine; however 50 posts today and no post for the rest of the week is not good.

Make sure your content is search engine optimized.

Your keyword should feature once in the title, URL and within the first paragraph of your post.

Don't forget to use LSI keywords which are synonyms of your target keyword, you can use LSI graph is one of the best SEO tools that you need to use.

5) Don't Give up

This tip is huge, you are not going to make an income within the first months. It takes a while, you need to prove to Google that you will keep writing content in the long run.

Keep writing quality content until you gain the trust of Google and other search engines.

Help people first and the money will come.

What kind of content to create.

The type of content that you put in your website will ultimately decide whether it will be successful or not! So, here are some ideas on what type of content you should put in your website.

Top List Articles

A top list is basically just a list of top things in a category that you choose. Plus, this can help you drive traffic to other articles in your website. This will also provide your readers a condensed article in which they can compare their different choices easily.

Product Reviews

A lot of people look on reviews before buying something. So, you must capitalize on this and write a product review that is well informed and honest. Doing this will build credibility towards your website and will make people trust what you promote more.

So, here are some tips to keep in mind when writing product reviews:

  • It is recommended to try out the product you are reviewing in order to have all possible information.
  • Don't just write positive product reviews. Furthermore, do not be afraid to point out problems in the product. This will make your review more realistic and reliable.
  • A simple rating system that your readers can understand easily is recommended since it can convey your opinion about the product well.
  • The most important part is making sure you put a lot of research into your reviews. Furthermore, you have to be as thorough as possible.

Comparison Articles

Just like product reviews, the goal of this kind of articles is to compare two products and show their pros and cons. However, you must make sure that your writing tone is to educate people about the differences of the said product. In this way, you will give them an opportunity to choose for themselves.

Furthermore, don't be biased when comparing products. This will have a negative impact on your credibility.

Successful Affiliate Website Examples

To prove that any niche is successful and also to see how successful affiliate look like or to learn a thing or two here are some successful Affiliate website examples

The first example mentioned in that list is an affiliate website about pillows and it generates $10k/month have a look at the other websites.

Everyone can make money online thanks to affiliate marketing, it's easy to learn.

Best Affiliate Marketing Programs for Beginners to Make Money

The are billions of products that you can promote, here are some of the best Affiliate programs where you can find products related to your niche.

1) Amazon Associates

People absolutely love and trust Amazon, I love to shop on Amazon and there are many people that are like me.

You can use people's trust towards Amazon in your favor by recommending great products within your niche. One thing I love about Amazon is you just need to send them people, they perfectly know how to sell and recommend related products.

Another thing is when someone clicks on your affiliate link say a tennis ball, even if they buy a smartphone you're going to get a commission. Just send Amazon traffic and even if they buy something irrelevant to your niche you will earn commissions.

You will have a lot of tools, banners, links, native ads, tracking, their site is easy to navigate.

If you're looking for a good affiliate program Amazon is one of the best out there.

2) ClickBank

Clickbank is another popular affiliate program where you will find tons of products.

What I like about Clickbank is the fact you can register without being asked for a website and choose the products you want to promote.

Clickbank owns most of the products on their marketplace.

However, some of their products are not good enough.

But, you the publisher, need to find and promote the best products that your audience will love.

There are other affiliate programs but I think these two are enough for beginners to get started.

More Websites with Affiliate Marketing Depending on Niche

Crypto and Finance

  • Shopify - When you promote Shopify subscription plans, you can get $598 up to $2,000 depending on the subscription plan you sell.
  • AWeber - Earn 30% in commission through affiliate links.
  • Colmex - Earn up to 40% in commissions for each lead you make.
  • Binance - Sign up as an affiliate and you can earn a 20% commision. Plus, you can double this by storing 500 BNB on your Binance wallet.

Fitness and Lifestyle

  • iHerb - Earn 10% affiliate commission when someone buys a product through your link.
  • eVitamins - They give you an opportunity to earn 12% commission with every product purchased through your affiliate link.
  • DietBet - Earn a 5%-10% commission.

Products and Goods

  • eBay - If you get accepted on their eBay Partner Network, then you can earn a 50%-70% of the total commision eBay gets from each purchase through your link.


  • Travelpayouts - You can earn 1.6% per flight tickets and 6% for each hotel reservations you sell.
  • Skyscanner - Skyscanner does not pay you when people purchase through your link. However, they pay you when someone clicks on your link which is $0.25 per click.
  • - Earn up to 25% commission for when someone checks out their reservation through your affiliate link.

Best Step by Step Affiliate Marketing Training

If you are a newbie and you really want to succeed at affiliate marketing I recommend you to follow an Affiliate marketing training.

You can buy hosting, domain name and build your own affiliate marketing website but I'd recommend you to check out Wealthy Affiliate or Affilorama

They are the best affiliate marketing training programs out there.

But I think the perfect training for newbies is with Wealthy Affiliate.


The best part about it is you can try it for free, read the first 10 lessons and see if it's the right training for you.

Wealthy affiliate is not simply a training it's a community with over 500,000 entrepreneurs that help each other every day.

In Wealthy affiliate, you will find support, training, hosting, domain names, keyword tool and more.

The first month is $19 then $49 but it's totally worth it.

I have built this website thanks to their amazing no fluff training also thanks to the kind WA members that answer my questions in the community.

A great place to get started!

The Best Affiliate Website Builder

Building a website now is so easy, there are many affiliate website builders.

But I have tried Siterubix website builder and I think it's the best.

This is Kyle (co-founder) of Wealthy Affiliate showing you how fast SiteRubix is at building websites.

The Bottom Line

Affiliate marketing is a very profitable business however it requires some effort and it takes time, the key to succeeding is not to give up.

If you don't make money just keep pushing forward.

Keep learning and making your affiliate website better and better every day.

Wealthy Affiliate and Affilorama make the process easier

Don't forget to add your comments below I'd love it if you share this post using the social buttons.

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Anis Founder of

About Anis

Anis Chity used to be a struggling university student under debt from Italy, but thanks to this opportunity he managed to earn a 4 figure monthly income at the age of 24. Anis enjoys helping people avoid scams and find legit ways to work from home. He has many other businesses online as well.

In his free time he loves playing football & hanging out with friends.

Quick update: Anis now is 28 earning over $40k a month on average in affiliate commissions! Learn How He exactly did it here.

  • Anis,

    I have already signed up on wealthy affiliate for free as a starter I really enjoyed their training I have completed session 10 of training course 1 then everything I want to do asks me to upgrade to premium. If I got the fund I will pay today I have 3 remaining days to pay in the discounting period. On my PayPal, account there is no $. I have also created this a website but I can’t to upgrade it.
    Please can you help me.


    from Ethiopia

  • Please can I make online money from Nigeria? Which Affiliate Marketing or online business really pays out earned cash?

    • Hi Ikechi, Affiliate marketing it something you can build an online business around following your passion, you need to have a blog where you promote programs, when people buy, you get paid.

  • I’m impressed how you have put all this together to show any new person how the can get started with WA as I think you have just about covered everything they would need to know to get started.

    I also think that you give people some very good advice on starting out so they can avoid making some costly mistakes that may come back to haunt them later on.

    Well done on putting this post together as I think you should see many people come through to WA because of it, great post.

  • This is a great overview of starting an affiliate website. When I first started there was so much information that it was a little overwhelming.

    But it also made me feel like I made the right choice with Wealthy Affiliate.

    I have been working at it for a little while now and while I still feel like I have a lot to learn, I feel like I’m starting to hit a rhythm.

    Great info!

  • Hi Anis,
    Thank you for this detailed description of how to start your own site. I have most of the information she knew from before but I really needed training, step by step, how to do it in practice. Thank to WA, for 15 days I have 3 own sites, of which I was a particularly active and I believe we will soon begin to earn well.
    I just wanted to add that I come from a country where you can not be affiliate for Amazon, but because there is CJ, Shareasale and other sites where you can find hundreds For thousands of products for sale.

  • Hi Anis, what a great overview of affiliate marketing. So you got the most important points to the point. I hope that many people will open their eyes right away and finally realize that Affiliate Marketing, as you describe it, is the best job in the world.

    I wish you all the best,

  • Hi Anis
    What a thorough post you have on how to do an Affiliate website. You are right, affiliate marketing is only going to become bigger as more and more companies and people come online. It is such an inexpensive business however does require time to build and you do a great job in outlining it here. Really good article.
    Cheers Sharon

    • Hi Sharon thanks for dropping a comment on my post, yeah affiliate marketing is getting bigger every day become more people come online and everyone prefers to buy stuff online including me lol

  • Hi Anis
    What a thorough post you have on how to do an Affiliate website. You are right, affiliate marketing is only going to become bigger as more and more companies and people come online. It is such an inexpensive business however does require time to build and you do a great job in outlining it here. Really good article.
    Cheers Sharon

  • Hi Anis,
    Awesome article and step by step of how to build an affiliate website.
    You have covered all of the important aspects on how to be successful doing it. If people followed your training and accompanying posts they would be able to build their own profitable website.

    The best online training platform in the internet universe is Wealthy Affiliate. Where else can you go for all this training, help and support?
    I don’t know. You can try other programs but you will eventually end up back at Wealthy Affiliate. If you are willing to work hard good things happen. I tried Affilorama but the community is small and everyone there is on there $1 trial so not many internet marketing experts left around to help you out. This is not get rich quick and sometimes people forget that.
    Thanks for this, really well done.

    • Hi Peter, thanks for visiting I’m glad that you liked my post, I agree with you Wealthy Affiliate has a great and supportive community, even as a free member you get lots of support and help, I like how people help each other inside the community.

      Affilorama does not have a supportive community like in Wealthy affiliate but still an excellent training, Mark ling really over delivers and I love how Sarah Chrisp keeps sending you great stuff on your email even if most of the time is only to promote Affilorama but yeah it’s amazing I like Affilorama so much.

      Regarldess of the training an online business takes effort and time to work.

      Thanks for stopping by and have a great day

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}


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