January 16


Is eCom Profit Sniper A Scam? Everything Is Fake!

Anis Founder of Fulltimehomebusiness.com

By Anis

January 16, 2019

eCom Profit Sniper reviewed

Are you having a hard time telling whether eCom Profit Sniper is a scam or not?

This program is promising you to make $44k every single month from the comfort of your house.

I know this program is suspicious that's why I have put together this review which is going to literally uncover eCom Profit Sniper and give it to you without the mask! 

Want to see the real face of this program? Just read this review!

eCom Profit Sniper Summary Review

Name:  eCom Profit Sniper

Website: ecomprofitsniper.com

Founder: Tom Parker

Price: $37 + upsells

Best for: No one!

eCom Profit Sniper reviewed

Summary: eCom Profit Sniper is a borderline product that is not a scam but I CAN'T comfortably call it legit!

In this review I share with you some worrying truth and scam signs, I will even show you the training and you decide whether it's worth buying or not.

Rating: 1/5

Recommended? No!

What is eCom Profit Sniper?

eCom Profit Sniper is a basic e-commerce course that teaches you how to use Shopify to create a drop shipping business. 

This program was created by a person called Tom Parker, I did some research on the founder of eCom Profit Sniper and did NOT find anything about him or his success.

Isn't that kind of a red flag? Yeah, I'm going to talk about that in details later in this review. Do you know what's more worrying about eCom Profit Sniper?

The fact they promise you $44,000 every single month!

How much effort does it require to work?

Just 20 minutes a day and you're ready to start banking real money.

If it was that easy everyone would be doing it!

Reality check here! I started this website 2 years ago and I have some success with it thanks to my hard work and persistence, trust me I did not work 20 minutes A day while sipping Martinis on the beach!

When I was just starting out I worked my butt off several hours a day! Because that's the only way to create a successful online business!

The point here is what eCom Profit Sniper promises you is too good to be true!

Here are some of the claims made by eCom Profit Sniper!

  • You can make $44k a month using a secret system.
  • You only need to work 20 minutes a day.
  • You will start earning money from day one.

If you think these claims made by eCom Profit Sniper can be real then I highly recommend you to read this full review, because it's truly going to save you a lot of money and time. 

You will also learn about legitimate ways to start an online source of income along the way, so keep reading if you want to learn the truth about eCom Profit Sniper!

How does eCom Profit Sniper Work?

eCom Profit Sniper will teach you how to build your own Dropshipping e-commerce store using a platform called Shopify. 

Well at least that's what they promise you 😀 I had a look at their training and I don't think this kind of training will be enough to make you successful at dropshipping.

Later I will walk you through the training and you be the judge if such training will actually help a complete beginner learn dropshipping & e-commerce which is something that takes months if not years to master.

But What the hell is Dropshipping & Shopify?

Chances are Dropshipping & Shopify are new words to you, nevermind here I will explain in details what they are and how they work. 

If you're already familiar with them feel free to jump to the next section of this review.

Dropshipping is basically creating an online store where you sell products without keeping them in stock when you sell a product you tell it's merchant about it and you give them your clients shipping details.

The merchant will take care of everything like the shipping, the returns etc.

Here's a short video that explains dropshipping in details.

Now that you have an idea what Dropshipping is, now you want to know about Shopify which is the platform you will use to do Dropshipping.

Shopify is a popular e-commerce platform that allows you to manage your dropshipping business.

In the eCom Profit Sniper sales video Tom Parker says that he is going to unveil a big secret that no one has heard about but it turned out to be Shopify.

As far as I know, everyone and his dog know what Shopify is 😀 unless you're someone new the internet marketing world.

shopify vs ecom profit sniper

The eCom Profit Sniper dropshipping training will teach you how to create a Shopify store which costs money. 

Below you can see the pricing of the Shopify memberships.


ecomprofitsniper vs shopify

The eCom Profit Sniper Training.


Module 1: Introduction

  • Lesson 1: Shopify SetupLesson
  • Lesson 2: Image HuntingLesson
  • Lesson3: Settings Note Slides
  • Lesson 4: Shopify Settings in Action
  • Lesson 5: Theme Note Slides
  • Lesson 6: Theme Settings in Action
is ecome profit sniper legit?

As you can see above this eCom Profit Formula module comes with 6 lessons, these 6 lessons are nothing but some basic info on how to create your Shopify store where to get images and some basic stuff like that.

There is nothing ground-breaking here this info can be easily found online for free.

Module 2: Categories & Products

  • Lesson 1: Category Selection Slide
  • Lesson 2: Product Finding

This module is going to talk about how to choose your dropshipping niche, a successful dropshipping business does not sell any product but you it should be around a certain niche (aka topic) in order to be successful.

eCom Profit Sniper in this module is going to talk about how to choose your own niche and where to find products.

Again this is some basic and uncomplete info which is NOT enough to help you decide how to find your own e-commerce niche! 

This post about choosing your niche I have linked to above (orange link) is a lot better than this whole eCom Profit Sniper module!

Anis Chity FullTimeHomebusiness.com

Tired of Scams?

 Check out My Top Recommendation Here!

Module 3: Adding Collections & Products

  • Lesson 1: Adding Oberlo Extension
  • Lesson 2: AliPay & Oberlo
  • Lesson 3: Collection Creation
  • Lesson 4: Adding Products

The eCom Profit Sniper in this module talks about wholesale suppliers where you can get products for a lower price to sell on your dropshipping store for a higher price. 

One of the wholesale suppliers is called AliExpress where you can find products for a low price.

aliexpress vs ecom profit sniper
oberlo vs ecom profit sniper

In this eCom Profit Sniper training module, you will also learn about a nice tool called Oberlo, this is a browser extension which allows you to save time finding products to sell.

Instead of researching different wholesale suppliers for products you can use Oberlo to to find them and export them to your Shopify store.

Module 4: Facebook

This last module comes with 3 lessons  which are the following:

  • Lesson 1: Facebook Page
  • Lesson 2: Facebook Post
  • Lesson 3: Facebook Pixel

As I was reading this module I was expecting to find some training on Facebook Ads.

Facebook Ads is a platform where you can buy targeted traffic that is actually looking to buy the products you sell on your store.

But I was shocked to read that the eCom Profit Sniper is ONLY going to teach you how to set up your Facebook page, how to create a Facebook post and a quick overview on Facebook pixel.

And this is where the eCom Profit Sniper training ends, how are you supposed to make $44k every single month fast if you don't even know how to drive traffic?

The eCom Profit Sniper Templates

At the end of the training, you will find all the templates and resources mentioned within the training for you to download.

Here's a video below where you can see the training in action, that's what you get after spending $37.

What I like about eCom Profit Sniper

1- OK Training for Complete Newbies

I really don't like the eCom Profit Sniper, this training is VERY basic but if you're a total newbie it might give you an idea of what Dropshipping is and might inspire you to get started.

This training won't teach you anything besides creating your Shopify store and adding products. It costs $37 so you're getting what you have paid for.

2- You Can Get a Refund (Within 60 Days)

The good thing about eCom Profit Sniper is it's sold in the Clickbank marketplace, all the products listed in the Clickbank marketplace have a 60 days refund policy.

If you have bought eCom Profit Sniper and you want a refund just follow the instructions found in this link.

Usually, the refund is "no questions asked" but if you have requested refunds from Clickbank multiple times in the past they might make it hard for you this time.

What I don't like about eCom Profit Sniper

1- Fake Income Screenshots!

It's so easy to fake screenshots online, and this eCom Profit Sniper screenshot is fake!

There are actually 2 problems with this screenshot.

The first problem as you can see on the red arrow at the top of the screenshot it reads 76 orders while on the arrow on the bottom you can read 46 orders.

If you look closely at the time frame it's October 1st to the 31. 

ecom profit sniper review

As you can see that proves that this is a fake screenshot!

Another proof is out of 46 orders Tom Parker has earned $44,290.11!

What the hell? Is that $1k per sale? 

That's completely fake, in the dropshipping world $1000 per sale is unheard of!

The owner of eCom Profit Sniper says that these earnings are the total profit and if you're familiar with Dropshipping and the Shopify payment reports dashboard you know that these figures are revenue not profit!

It costs money to drive traffic from Facebo​ok ads and to buy the products from the wholesale supplier.

You need to minus these costs first and then you will see your profits.

2- Who is the eCom Profit Sniper Owner?

Another worrying thing which is a big red flag is the owner.

Do you know who is the owner of eCom Profit Sniper? I don't.

I have watched the whole video presentation, I had access to the training, I clicked on all the links available on the site.

Nothing, you won't find a single line about Tom Parker.

What do you think? Isn't that a big red flag? Of course it is!

Well, on this blog I have lost count of how many scams from Clickbank I reviewed that use a fictional owner with a hidden identity.

Most of these scams use stock photos of random celebrities and use them as owners.

Don't believe me?

Just read the following reviews and be the judge!

3- No Training about Traffic!

I'm still here wondering how the one is going to earn money from eCom Profit Sniper if they don't even teach you how to get people to buy stuff from you!

If eCom Profit Sniper does not teach you how to get traffic then it's useless.

eCom Profit Sniper only teaches how to create a Facebook page and posts which are pretty easy to do with a Google search.

They also talk about Facebook Pixel which allows you to track your visitors and see what is converting and where it's coming from.

But this is useless because you need this info only if you do Facebook Ads which eCom Profit Sniper does not teach you unfortunately!

They don't even teach you other traffic generation methods like SEO. They briefly talk about keyword research in a 6 minute video!

Anis Chity FullTimeHomebusiness.com

Tired of Scams?

 Check out My Top Recommendation Here!

4- Hidden Costs Involved!

It costs $37 to get started but remember this is not the only cost. Other than the Shopify, Oberlo and paid ads heavy costs.

eCom Profit Sniper will also send you via email upsells and different products to buy, this is something that all the Clickbank scams do.

Here's my inbox after buying into a Clickbank scam in the past.

ultimate paydays scam

5- It's the Same Clickbank Junk!

eCom Profit Sniper is another Clickbank scam I review on my blog, you won't believe how many Clickbank scams I have reviewed!

They all have the same design and that advanced-fee scheme of $37.

Here are some screenshots of these Fake Clickbank products!

cryptochallenge.co review
ultimate paydays reviewed
tube crusher reviewed
smartmoney.click scam reviewed

eCom Profit sniper is not the only program that has "sniper" as part of it's name.

There are different scams that have the same word part of their name.

Here are some of them.

I have even made a Youtube video about the latter make sure you watch it to see how it's training is pretty similar to the eCom Profit Sniper training!

Is eCom Profit Sniper a Scam?

eCom Profit Sniper is NOT a scam because although it's packed with misleading claims and red flags it still offers some basic dropshipping training which is better than nothing.

But other than that I don't recommend eCom Profit Sniper for the reasons I talked about in this review which I will wrap up for you below:

  • The eCom Profit Plan Payment Screenshots are fake.
  • Who the hell is the founder of this program? Nowhere to be found.
  • You can't make money without traffic (no training on that)
  • There are upsells coming for you.
  • eCom Profit Sniper is another low quality Clickbank product.

Because of all these reasons unfortunately I have to say that eCom Profit Sniper is a low quality product which is NOT going to give you the promised results.

Here's a Legit Way to Work from Home.

Dropshipping is definitely a legit business where you can make money and I recommend you this Amazing Shopify Dropshiping Course which is 100x times better than eCom Profit Sniper!

But if you're a newbie I'd recommend you to do like me and start an affiliate website.

An affiliate website will allow to sell other people products without buying anything or talking to anyone. 

You don't even have to buy traffic as you can get traffic from search engines like Google for free (chances are you came to this review from Google right? 🙂 )

Yeah, you're not the only one as I get over 1,500 visitors a day from Google that read my articles and buy using my affiliate links!

Now I earn a full-time income doing this from home!

If you want to learn how to do this too then check out my recommended program below! It's the same program I have been using and you can give it a try 100% free!

0/5 (0 Reviews)
Anis Founder of Fulltimehomebusiness.com

About Anis

Anis Chity used to be a struggling university student under debt from Italy, but thanks to this opportunity he managed to earn a 4 figure monthly income at the age of 24. Anis enjoys helping people avoid scams and find legit ways to work from home. He has many other businesses online as well.

In his free time he loves playing football & hanging out with friends.

Quick update: Anis now is 28 earning over $40k a month on average in affiliate commissions! Learn How He exactly did it here.

  • It is great to see people reviewing this scams and recommending more reliable. What is amazing for me is to see how many people that are scammed out there. I once said that we asked for too much and we got too much, but the problem is that now that the internet has got too powerful and vulnerable people are being creamed for their money. Good work and I wish I had come across your articles sooner. 

  • Hi Anis, 

    Thanks for pointing out this scam alert! There’s so many ”how to make quick money” tutorial online and we don’t know what to choose. In general, they are way more bad than good ones. 44K a month is a red flag no doubt! I never used Shopify since you need to pay after 30 days but Im still curious to use it in the future when my business will grow up. Thanks for sharing this with us, entrepreneurs. Al 

  • Thank you for sharing this great review about ecom profit sniper well explain it.

    I been trying to build a e-commerce website and like you said this information is basic that it won’t help a lot to anybody who wants to start a e-commerce business, plus this course don’t teach more of what we can find on YouTube or google.

    Do you have any recommended training on how to start a dropshipping but using woo commerce?

    • Hi there, unfortunately, I don’t know any dropshipping course that is specific to WooCommerce but you can search on Udemy I’m sure you will find a good one! 

      Thanks for your comments I really appreciate it!

  • Sounds like a very incomplete product when they don’t teach how to get visitors to the shopping platform. My guess is Shopify and Oberlo provide good training because they want their ecommerce store owners to succeed. Whereas guys like Parker are in it for the money. And not necessarily helping people who buy his Sniper product. I would not blame Clickbank. They let the “marketplace” sort out the good from the bad products and vendors. That’s why it’s important for those buying from Clickbank report problems they have with vendors. That’s what I did with a JVZoo vendor who was not responsive.

  • Great detailed review. Thanks for sharing very helpful and honest reviews about make money products. There are a lot of people out there like me who will benefit from website such as yours. As many scams out there right now, I always try to find reviews about the product before purchasing. You’re right traffic is the bread and butter for an online business. No traffic no sales, no income. Maybe not worth trying for me. Thanks again for sharing.

  • Thanks for your honest review about eCom Profit Sniper! I know you’ll save hundreds and thousands of people from lots of scam programs online and this is particularly why I appreciate your work. I bookmarked your website because of this so I can read other reviews that you may publish in the nearest future.

    With the rating given to eCom Profit Sniper, I don’t think I would choose to try it out at all. Thanks for your review and recommendation! Kudos!

    Israel Olatunji

  • Thank you for this amazing review. Your review was honest and typically unbiased. I have been scammed of my hard earned money in time past by schemes that promise high rewards of this kinds.i won’t advise anyone to venture into this. Making $44k a month sounds too good to be true.if it were to be, then it will require more than the 20 minutes work per day.Thamk you. 

  • I couldn’t agree with you more in regards to not your liking of the eCom Profit Sniper. What you didn’t like, I didn’t like even more. Loving those fake screenshots promising quick and easy money. I mean even based on the graph it does not add up to $44,290.11.

    So we have 31 columns each representing one day. So the average a day should be $1428.71. On average supposedly half of the days, he should be making more than that and half – less. If you zoom in the screenshot this guy has only four days in which he surpassed the $1200 mark. One of those days he might have made between 2.4-3.0k, then one might be about 1.5k and the two rest might be about or little below that average mark. Every other day he earned less than $1200. Thus, the math clearly does not add up.

    Meaning, based on the graph he earned about $18,500, yet the picture clearly indicates that supposedly he made $44,290.11. In this regard, I do believe that even one lie, means more lies. And it’s not a person to be trusted.

    Feel free to add this observation to the post if you wish to.

    Cheers, and thank you for the honest review. I appreciate it!


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