November 10


Surveys2Cash Review (Get Paid For Your Opinions?) (2019)

Anis Founder of

By Anis Chity

November 10, 2019

Surveys2Cash review

Hello! Welcome to my Surveys2Cash review!

When it comes to earning money online, surveys are one of them. Although, let me be honest, most of the time, you will not be having a full-time source of income with it.

It is only great for earning extra money. Furthermore, it is perfect for those who have a spare time since doing surveys is very flexible. One survey site is Surveys2Cash.

What is it? How does it work? Is it a scam? Find out here in this Surveys2Cash review!

Surveys2Cash Review Quick Summary

Name: Surveys2Cash


Founder: Unknown

Launch date: 2018

Price: Free

Best for: No one!

Rating: 1/5

Recommended? No!

Surveys2Cash review


What is Surveys2Cash?

First and foremost, let's get some informational background about this site. Surveys2Cash is another website that claims to give people the opportunity to earn cash by simply answering surveys.

However, it does not actually provide you the surveys. Surveys2Cash serves like a middleman in which it will help you find companies or websites that do provide the surveys.

I did my best to gather more information. But I was unable to find the person who founded or created the website. Furthermore, Surveys2Cash never disclosed any information regarding the creator.

That can be a red flag in my book.

Anis Chity

No need to answer surveys with this program  to earn money!


Because of it, I earn a 4-figure monthly income!


Check it out!

How does it work?

Surveys2Cash review How it works

According to them, Surveys2Cash connects people with high-paying surveys. However, in truth, that's not the case.

You better prepare yourself for the harsh truth!

The only thing that Surveys2Cash need are your personal information, which you will provide upon signing up. We will discuss the process in the next section.

Why does it need to do this?

The reason behind this is that they are being compensated by providing information to third-party companies.

Furthermore, the said companies need these information because these can help them increase exposure. Also, these people will be targeted for selling their products and services.

And that is exactly that will happen when you sign up in Surveys2Cash! When you do it, you are giving your information to the website. Moreover, you will be answering redundant questions.

Afterwards, you will be receiving a lot of emails and even calls and texts from different companies. They will urge you to purchase their products and services.

That is very annoying and a waste of your time and effort!

Surveys2Cash review set page

I actually tried signing up, and I got the same thing as other people did. This page appeared. It looks like Surveys2Cash has already found high-paying survey sites for you.

But isn't that a bit odd? Everyone who signs up arrive at the SAME page. Exactly the same. This is what we call a set page. Furthermore, no matter how different your answers will be during the sign up process, you will end up in the same page.

I checked out the pages presented above. All of them are useless except for one, Paid For Research. Unfortunately, it was still the same set up when I clicked on it.

Surveys2Cash review no survey page

The website still won't give you anything. It is useless and you will go through another sign up process that will probably lead you to another rabbit hole.

Sign up process

Surveys2Cash review sign up process

If you visit the sign up page of Surveys2Cash, you will arrive in the form shown above. At first, it will seem like a normal survey website. You will be asked for your information then you must answer a couple of questions.

However, there will be a hidden agenda behind this. First, you must provide your name. email address and your birthday. Furthermore, you will be required to tick the box that says you agree to the site's policies and terms.

Surveys2Cash sign up address

The next step is for you to provide your address and your phone number. Moreover, another box must be ticked. In this case, it will be you giving them consent or permission to give you calls and texts.

This part, I already sensed something odd. Afterwards, you will be asked questions. It will be indicated that you are already building your profile in this step.

These questions will filter out your interests so that Surveys2Cash will know the best survey websites to match you up with.

However, that will not be happening.

Surveys2Cash questions

The first set of questions that was asked was to choose the magazines that I am interested from RewardBee. Furthermore, it says that I will receive $30 in rewards. But as I expected, I received nothing.

Afterwards, there were a lot of unrelated questions such as things regarding insurance. An example is this.

Surveys2Cash questions 2

These are just Yes or No questions. To be honest, I thought that the questions would be more relevant such as my background information.

But nope. These questions were just a part of ads.

What happens after the questions?

Usually, we would expect that we can start earning money already. However, that will not be happening with Surveys2Cash.

Long story short, I only received endless spam emails, calls and texts. Mostly, they are offers that are not legit.

Some of the offers, when you click on them, you will be redirected to another page in which you will be required to sign up again. And I guess, your information will be given to third-party companies again.

Surveys2Cash seems legit if you look at it. However, when you are done with everything, you will realized that you wasted your time and effort on it!

Anis Chity

Avoid scams already and earn money legitimately!


This program will help you do it like how I do!

Red Flags

#1 Your personal information is unsafe

If you checked out Surveys2Cash Terms and Conditions, it is indicated that your information will be shared or sold to different third-party companies.

This is the idea behind the website. They only need your information so that certain companies can add you to their mailing list. That is why you will be receiving emails, calls and texts about different offers.

But that's not all. It is not indicated what third-party companies these are. So, you are not assured that they will use your information properly. So be wary.

#2 False advertisement

Surveys2Cash claimed that it will give you opportunities to earn money by answering surveys.

However, this is not true. There will be no surveys and you will not be compensated.

Basically, Surveys2Cash lied to you.

#3 You won't be earning anything

If you signed up to Surveys2Cash, chances are, you did it because you wanted to earn money. Unfortunately, you can't do that with Surveys2Cash.

The only people who can benefit from this are the people behind the website. You are better off with other ways to earn money online, like affiliate marketing.

Is Surveys2Cash a scam?

For my final verdict, is Surveys2Cash a scam?

Unfortunately, in my book, it is a scam. Although there have been cases wherein people make a few bucks because of Surveys2Cash, it is not enough for them to be labelled legit.

It is because, first, the false advertisement and claims it makes. Furthermore, the owner is not even introduced!

And of course, your information are being sold for the benefit of the people behind Surveys2Cash. That can endanger you even if they say that they only use it so that companies can promote their products to you.

With that, I do not recommend you Surveys2Cash is you want to earn money online. You will simply be wasting your time and effort with this website.

If you want to know how to legitimately do it, read the next section. Thank you so much for reading my Surveys2Cash review! Leave your comments and sections below and I will gladly respond to them!

​Earn a 4-digit monthly income legitimately with this program!

This is how you make money legitimately!

The method I am introducing you is affiliate marketing. This is actually how I make money from home! This is a lot better than survey sites because you can earn a passive income.

Basically, I just promote products and services on my website. When people purchase something, I earn commissions. It sounds a bit complicated, I know. But Wealthy Affiliate is ready to help you like they did!

They are the best training program for affiliate marketing.

When you sign up, you get a lot of benefits. Some of them are the following:

  • Complete and comprehensive step-by-step training
  • Affiliate marketing tools and materials
  • A website of your own
  • 24/7 support
  • Live chat with professional marketers
  • And many more!

Because of this, I am now earning affiliate commissions on a daily basis! I have an example right here for you!

I earn affiliate commissions regularly

My November affiliate commissions thanks to Wealthy Affiliate!

0/5 (0 Reviews)
Anis Founder of

About Anis

Anis Chity used to be a struggling university student under debt from Italy, but thanks to this opportunity he managed to earn a 4 figure monthly income at the age of 24. Anis enjoys helping people avoid scams and find legit ways to work from home. He has many other businesses online as well.

In his free time he loves playing football & hanging out with friends.

Quick update: Anis now is 28 earning over $40k a month on average in affiliate commissions! Learn How He exactly did it here.

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This is HOW Newbies like me & You Can Make Money Online
