August 25


Swift Income Blueprint 2.0 Review – $108.84 a Day or Scam?

Anis Founder of

By Anis

August 25, 2018

swift income blueprint 2.0 reviewed

Swift Income Blueprint 2.0 reviewed!

So you were looking for a review of a certain product, you came across the SourceDigest blog who is also trying to sell you this product called Swift Income Blueprint 2.0 but you're suspicious because it looks like a scam?

I got you, you landed on the right website and this review is going to be real honest.

Keep reading if you're sick of scams like me! This is a scam-free blog so keep reading to learn the truth about Swift Income Blueprint 2.0!

Swift Income Blueprint 2.0 Review

  • Name: Swift Income Blueprint 2.0
  • Website:
  • Price: $14.92 + ugly surprises!
  • Owner: Nathan
  • Recommended? No
swift income blueprint 2.0 reviewed

What is Swift Income Blueprint 2.0?

Swift Income Blueprint 2.0 is a PDF file that is supposed to teach you how to make affiliate sales in the fastest way possible.

I came across this website called Source Digest Blog when I was doing my research about another scam I was reviewing.

Source Digest Blog was part of my research as I was reading a review published on their blog  which was the same I was writing about.

But I noticed that at the end of that review there was a recommended product called Swift Income Blueprint 2.0

I clicked on it to read what is all about as I was curious.

Then I started to read things like "make 100$ a day fast without hard work" or this is the easiest and fastest way to make affiliate commissions without SEO or building websites!

I was like what?

This guy was talking about a secret method that will make me fast affiliate sales.

According to Nathan (the guy behind this product) all you have to do to make some quick cash using Swift Income Blueprint 2.0 is:

  • Grab Your Affiliate Link
  • Follow the Easy to follow Blueprint
  • Make quick Affiliate Cash!

This sounds too good to be true exactly like the latest scams I have reviewed that include:

How Swift Income Blueprint 2.0 Actually Works!

I'd like to say that your guts are right!

Swift Income Blueprint 2.0 is NOT an opportunity that is going to make you money.

This product is targeting newbies that have never been making money online, newbies don't have experience and if you tell them they can make money fast they will definitely believe you or at least give your product a try!

That's why we see many scams popping up everyday, giving you these unrealistic income promises!

Just click around my site to see how many scams there are out there!

Anyway below I'm going to give you 5 reasons why Swift Income Blueprint is NOTHING but a scam! 

So keep reading to learn the truth!

5 Reasons Why Swift Income Blueprint 2.0 is a Scam!

1) Nathan (the owner) is a Fake Persona

Nathan is the owner of the Swift Income Blueprint 2.0.

In his blog there is a picture of him.

Maybe it's his real photo or maybe it's not.

Let's see.

nathan the owner of swift income blueprint 2.0 scam

Well, it turns out that the owner is NOT even real, that photo you see on his blog is a stock photo.

You can actually buy this stock photo and use it on your site!

Many scammers use fake stock photos as their photos so they don't get sued once their scam is exposed.

Here's Nathan fake stock photo available to purchase from this stock photography site called Alamy.

fake stock photo swift income blueprint 2.0 review


Would you trust a person that is using a fake photo while trying to sell you something?

I would not.

Sick & Tired of Scams?

Legitimate affiliate marketing training platforms don't give you these fake income claims, affiliate marketing is real but you need a real training and here is what I recommend!

2) Swift Income Blueprint 2.0 is a Cookie Cutter Scam!

A few months ago I did a review on Fast Cash Blueprint 2.0 which is another scam by this guy Nathan.

There is also another scam by Nathan called Instant Commission Blueprint 2.0.

This guys keeps creating these fake products to earn some quick commissions of you, so stay away from his scams!

introducing swift income blueprint 2.0

As you can see the price is always the same $14.92 and remember that you might be surprised with some expensive upsells if you buy Swift Income Blueprint 2.0!

3) Swift Income Blueprint 2.0 is just a PDF!

Yes, Swift Income Blueprint 2.0 is nothing but a PDF.

I don't think people like to read PDF's anymore so I'd prefer video tutorials.

PDF's are so outdated and boring, you probably have a bunch of them on your computer!

A good training should also offer you a platform where you can get support, ask questions and get help when you get stuck.

This is what My Recommended Training is all about!

4) $100 A Day with Little Work is a Fairy Tale!

Well, $100 a day with little work is notù a reality, it's a dream that unfortunately won't come true.

Affiliate marketing is an amazing opportunity that have turned newbies into big money makers, but only through hard work, patience and time!

swift income blueprint 2.0 full of bs

There is no such thing as making money fast with affiliate marketing, don't let scams like Swift Income Blueprint 2.0 fool you!

If Swift Income Blueprint 2.0 is a Scam, then What Do I Recommend?

Swift Income Blueprint is a Scam!

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In my opinion Swift Income Blueprint 2.0 is a scam, because there is no such thing as instant affiliate sales without hard work.

Affiliate marketing is the real deal but if you're always buying into products like Swift Income Blueprint 2.0 you will always lose money without earning.

That's why I recommend you to start looking for a real training that is BS-FREE.

If you need help, I have used one that is the reason I work from home full time.

It's an affiliate marketing training that teaches you affiliate marketing and it also gives you websites and teaches you how to build them and make them attract traffic.

It's an amazing training.

Don't take my word for it, because it's a legit site that offers you 10 free lessons (no credit card required) so you can give it a test before investing.

It's called Wealthy Affiliate, give it a try and see!

If you liked this review and found it useful, please share it and do leave comments below if you have questions or something to say!

Swift Income Blueprint is a Scam!

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Anis Founder of

About Anis

Anis Chity used to be a struggling university student under debt from Italy, but thanks to this opportunity he managed to earn a 4 figure monthly income at the age of 24. Anis enjoys helping people avoid scams and find legit ways to work from home. He has many other businesses online as well.

In his free time he loves playing football & hanging out with friends.

Quick update: Anis now is 28 earning over $40k a month on average in affiliate commissions! Learn How He exactly did it here.

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