November 23


Is Voice Cash Pro a Scam? 3 Ugly Red Flags Revealed!

Anis Founder of

By Anis

November 23, 2018

Voice Cash Pro Reviewed

Voice Cash Pro Reviewed!

Wouldn't it be so nice to make over $9,800 a week making voiceovers as Voice Cash Pro promises you?

Or is the latter just another scam trying to fool you?

In this review, I'll share with you 3 ugly scammy red flags that Monica White (creator of Voice Cash Pro) doesn't want you to hear about!

Are you ready? Then let's hop into the review now!

Voice Cash Pro Overview

  • Name: Voice Cash Pro
  • Website:
  • Price: $37 + $300's of upsells
  • Owner: Monica White
  • Recommended? No
Voice Cash Pro Reviewed

What is Voice Cash Pro?

Voice Cash Pro claims to be an opportunity that will bank you over $9,800 a week by simply making simple voiceovers over videos and video games.

Monica White who is the creator of this system claims to have a little secret that will enable you to make massive amounts of money with little work.

The Voice Cash Pro video comes with a nice story and it begins with the promise of you making you $1000 in 30 minutes which is so unrealistic.

First of all Voiceover jobs are legit, there are many people that do make money with voiceovers.

The problem is there is no such thing as making all that money promised in a short period of time.

There are many voiceover experts that are still looking for voiceover jobs so the competition is big and the chances of finding a voiceover job as an inexperienced person ​are very slim let alone making $9,800 a week.

The real truth is Voice Cash Pro is the opposite of what they promise and below you will learn how this system actually works.

How the Voice Cash Pro Scam Works!

Here's how Voice Cash Pro claims to work:

  • Buy the system for $37
  • Follow the step by step instructions
  • Work less than 2 hours a day
  • Start making $1000's daily

Now all of this sounds very nice and exciting in theory but unfortunately, the reality is a totally different story.

Newbies when they come across these type of scams they get so excited by these big income claims because that's exactly what they want to hear.

Everyone wants easy money, no one wants to put in the work and that's how scams take advantage of newbies that are looking for the easy routes.

Basically, the newbies get so excited about these frauds to the point they get blinded over the fact these income claims are not real but just a shiny nice looking hook used by the scammers to get inside your pockets and steal your hard earned cash!

Voice Cash Pro is a product that I don't recommend because it's simply not going to work for many reasons that include:

  • The training offered is just a few PDF's!
  • Voiceover jobs have been there for years (nothing new) and there is a big competition.
  • The income claims are SUPER overhyped.

The rest of this review is going to be about 3 red flags of Voice Cash Pro and why you should TOTALLY avoid it for good.

Before we get into that make sure you check out this legitimate alternative to build an online business for yourself.

Sick & Tired of Scams like Voice Cash Pro?

Voice Cash Pro is overhyped and the training is not good and it does not back up at all the promises made in the video.

I have a legit alternative for you which is the exact same training that I have been using and thanks to it I have been working from home full-time.

To learn more about how you can get 10 free lessons (no credit card) and start building your online empire just click the button below!

Voice Cash Pro 3 Ugly Red Flags Exposed!

1)  Monica White & the Testimonials are Fake!

Scams like Voice Cash Pro only last a few months and disappear.

Once lots of people know that Voice Cash Pro is a scam by reading reviews like mine, the scam will disappear.

That's why 99% of the time the real creator of such products is hidden and that definitely seems to be the case with Voice Cash Pro.

Monica White is NOT a real person but just a pen name used just for Voice Cash Pro and we don't know who is actually behind this program because his/her real identity is hidden!

Even the Testimonies are FAKE!

Monica at the beginning of the video talked about some of her students that she claims have made some good money quickly without experience.

These testimonials just like the owner are not real.

It's no surprise to me anymore, I review these scams all the time and buying testimonials has become the norm for them.

These testimonies are pretty cheap as they cost around $5-$10 per video testimonial.

For example, Monica talked about Matt Haskins and how he made $150k in just 6 months, that testimonial is a top rated paid actor at a website called and this is his Fiverr profile!

voice cash pro testimonial
Voice Cash Pro actor: I will create a professional looking spokesperson video

2) Voice Cash Pro - The Hidden Costs & Upsells!

Voice Cash Pro is advertised like it will cost only $37.

But people that buy this realize that they have to fork out over $300 right off the bat.

Voice Cash Pro relies on selling you upsells after upsells, every week they will try to sell you a new product using hype just like the sales video.

If you keep buying whatever they want you to buy, before you know it you will realize you have wasted ten thousands of dollar.

You may say now that yeah I'm not stupid to fall for their trap but trust me these guys have mastered the psychology of scamming and they do it very well.

That's why it's not a surprise to me anymore when I hear people wasting up to $200k for scammers online.

I don't think a product that comes with hidden shady upsells is legit.

That's why I love the Training I Recommend for Rookies because the price is so transparent and there are no upsells.

The training is so good that any newbie can leverage to build a full-time business and I am the proof!

The only good thing about Voice Cash Pro is that you're protected by Clickbank because Voice Cash Pro is sold via Clickbank which will give you a refund within 60 days if you request it.

Usually, the refund is no questions asked but sometimes you may have to try multiple times to get it, but thanks to Clickbank the refund is almost guaranteed.

3) Voice Cash Pro - An Old Scam with a New Mask!

Voice Cash Pro is just an old scam with a new face makeover and I am going to prove this now.

Just have a look at these screenshots and compare Voice Cash Pro to the other scams.

profit genesis reloaded reviewed
ultimate paydays reviewed

You can click on the links below to read some reviews of old scams that are basically the same as Voice Cash Pro but with just a few changes!

So Is Voice Cash Pro REALLY a Scam?

Voice Cash Pro is a pack full of deception, lies, psychological techniques and hype.

Even the creator of this product is hidden! 

The testimonials have been bought from and if you have read this review and seen the proof I shared with you I think you have no doubts too.

For all the reasons I mentioned above, I don't recommend this product because in my opinion, it's NOT legit!

But don't despair because I have for you a better alternative that is 100% legit!

Here's a System that Works!

Legit opportunities are not everywhere, unfortunately, but back in 2016, I came across this legit training that actually cares about you and your success.

I joined back in 2016 and I'm still a paying member.

I love this training because unlike Voice Cash Pro is:

  • Transparent
  • Comes with NO hidden costs or upsells.
  • REALLY good training & support
  • High-quality community
  • You CAN Try it for FREE (without even linking your credit card)

You know scammy programs get you to pay to get in because if they gave you a free trial you would run away.

The training I recommend gives you 10 free lessons to try the quality of the training and 7 days of premium features for free and you don't even need a credit card!

Thanks to this training I earn a full-time income and if you click on the link below you will learn everything on how I did it and how you can too!

0/5 (0 Reviews)
Anis Founder of

About Anis

Anis Chity used to be a struggling university student under debt from Italy, but thanks to this opportunity he managed to earn a 4 figure monthly income at the age of 24. Anis enjoys helping people avoid scams and find legit ways to work from home. He has many other businesses online as well.

In his free time he loves playing football & hanging out with friends.

Quick update: Anis now is 28 earning over $40k a month on average in affiliate commissions! Learn How He exactly did it here.

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