August 2


Babbletype Review (2022) Find Out the Simple Truth Here!

Anis Founder of

By Anis Chity

August 2, 2022

Babbletype review

Hello! Welcome to my Babbletype review! (Updated 2022)

There are a lot of ways to earn money online, thanks to the beauty of technology. One of them is transcription. You will basically, listen to an audio file and convert it into a text file.

To put it simply, just type the words and sentences you can hear, on an electronic document. It may sound simple, but it can be challenging.

Babbletype is one of the many companies out there that provide transcription services. In this article, we will review it! Let's find out whether this work-at-home opportunity is worth it or not.

Before we start, please do know that I have no connection or relation with Babbletype. So rest assured that I am not promoting it nor, pitching a sale.

I am simply making an honest review about it to help you understand it more. With that being said, let's get started!

Babbletype Review: Quick Summary

Name:  Babbletype


Founder: John Fieldcamp and Angela Wood

Price: Free to join

Rating: 3/5

Recommended? No if you want a great paying online job

Babbletype logo

What is Babbletype?

To formally start this Babbletype review, let's define it. Babbletype is an online website and company that provides transcription and translation services.

Furthermore, it is a work-at-home opportunity for people who are looking for ways to earn money online.

In the year 2009, its owners, John Feldcamp and Angela Wood were able to purchase a firm called MRT. Later on, they renamed it into Babbletype!

Companies and firms can focus on other aspects of their business while Babbletype does the transcription and translation jobs.

As for the workers, Babbletype offers a fixed amount of money per word or per minute. We will discuss that further later on.

The company's specialty lies on qualitative market research files. These include interview and focus groups. That means, Babbletype receives a lot of works involving these types of work.

Babbletype Review: Offered Jobs

When you are planning to work in Babbletype, there are 3 positions you can choose from. Here are they.


Transcription is basically the the act of converting an audio file to a text file. However, you must do it manually. That's right.

You should listen to the audio file. It can be a recording of an interview, a forum, discussion and many more.

The only thing you need to do is to type all the things you hear from the audio. It may sound easy. But the challenge lies behind the accuracy requirement.

You really should get the words right. Furthermore, you must always keep in mind the correct use of punctuation marks, syntax, correct spelling, etc.


Translation is somewhat similar to transcription because of the part wherein you have to type words into an electric document.

However, what you need to do is to listen to foreign audio files and then translate it into English or in a specified language.

That sounds difficult too, right?


On the other hand, proofreading basically requires you to read documents and check for errors.

These include the spelling, punctuation marks, grammar and many more. Furthermore, you will be proofreading various kinds of documents.

So you really have to be good at it especially since, some are official documents, which are very important.

How much can you earn?

Babbletype review pay rates

Shown above are the pay rates of Babbletype for each job. The most common one is based on the duration of the audio which is per minute.

Furthermore, when it comes to which one pays more, then translation is the answer. It is because it requires the workers to be fluent in multiple languages.

As you can see, it can be very hard to earn a decent income with this. Furthermore, you need to be a fast and accurate typist to maximize your time. 

As for the payment method, Babbletype has only one, which is Paypal. They make payments every week.

Anis Chity

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How does it work?

Anyone can apply for a work at Babbletype. However, this does not guarantee your employment. There are certain requirements and tests that you must meet first.

Babbletype needs people to work from home to be able to serve different companies and businesses around the world. Furthermore, majority of the work provided is general transcription.

There are not much any specialized transcription such as legal or medical.

Babbletype review process

The process behind Babbletype is pretty much straightforward. Companies that wish to avail the services of Babbletype only need to submit audio files they want to be translated, proofread and/or transcribed.

Babbletype will then assign these projects to its workers. After these are accomplished, the text documents will be forwarded to the companies. Every week, you will then be compensated for the work you have done! Simple process!

Babbletype test and requirements

Babbletype often receives work from trusted and renowned companies. Furthermore, they really want to ensure that their services are of high quality.

One way to do that is to hire the best of the best workers. And they do this through an evaluation test. That's right. If you wish to work at Babbletype you must pass this first.

The test will take you about 3 hours to finish. If hired, you will receive a notification from Babbletype.

Please do know that they will not give you compensation for the test. Moreover, taking it is not a guarantee that they will hire you. So, you really have to do your best in this one if you want to work at Babbletype.

As for the requirements, of course you need to be fluent in the English language. Furthermore, if you also speak other languages, then it will be very advantageous for you.

Knowing the correct sentence structures, grammar, spelling, syntax and many more, is also required.

As for the equipment, you will need a fast internet connection because you will need to download the audio files and they can have a huge file size.

A good pair of headphones is also needed to help you listen clearly to the audio files.

Babbletype Review: Red Flags

#1 Transcription is not for everyone

We have already learned about what transcription is and what you should do. However, even though it sounds simple, actually it is not.

Yes it is true that you will only need to listen and type. But there are a lot of skills needed for you to do this properly. This includes grammar, punctuation marks, syntax, sentence structure and many more.

Furthermore, it is worth noting that your clients will be companies. You really have to take the job seriously and as much as possible, finish the projects with almost 100% accuracy.

With that being said, transcription may not be for everyone. It will even need training.

#2 Potential income is low

Babbletype pay rate complaint

Another thing we have discussed are the pay rates of each job. However, if you really think about it, the rates are very low.

I don't think it is worth it to do something challenging and get paid for a low amount of money.

Above is a screenshot of a complaint regarding the pay rate of Babbletype. Sad to say, Babbletype does not really fall under the industry standard for the pay rates of transcribers.

Moreover, you should know that it is not a guarantee that you will be compensated when you are done with a project!

The client must approve of your work first. If ever he/she is not satisfied with your work, you will not be paid!

#3 There's not much training provided

Like I mentioned above, transcription needs training. There are times when audio files may not be audible enough for you to understand what are the words being said.

With some training, you will be able to know what to do. However, Babbletype does not provided any training.

Although there will be videos that will teach you how to proceed, these are still not enough for you to do the job properly.

How I see it, with Babbletype's test requirement, they already expect that once you pass it, you are already good and does not require any training. With that, I do not recommend this to beginners.

#4 Audio files may not sound clear

This is very common in transcription jobs. Remember, most audio files are recordings. So there will be parts of it that are inaudible.

Because of that, you will have a more difficult time trying to understand the words. Furthermore, that will take more of your time and remember, the pay is low even if you really work hard for hours.

It is because, the basis is the duration of the audio file.

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Babbletype Review: Pros

#1 Flexible

One thing I like about working in Babbletype is it is very flexible. You can work anytime and anywhere!

You can easily fit it on your daily schedule. Furthermore, it is a work-from-home job.

This is perfect for those who want to have a sideline source of income.

#2 No minimum work required

Another thing worth noting is that there is no minimum work required for you to get paid.

So basically, you can decide whether you want to work or not! Nevertheless, you will still get paid as long as your projects are approved.

Is Babbletype a scam?

To conclude this Babbletype review, it is time to answer if it is a scam. Fortunately, Babbletype is not a scam

It is a legitimate company that started out in 2009 by John Feldcamp and Angela Wood. Since then, it has been offering transcription, translation and proofreading services to various companies.

Furthermore, it has given opportunities to people who wanted to work from their homes.

The main concern I have for Babbletype is of course, the pay rate. Compared to an independent transcriber, it is very low. Therefore, I do not recommend this to anyone who really wish to earn a good amount of money and make a living online.

Thank you so much for reading my Babbletype review! If you have comments and questions, please leave them on the comment section below!

This is How I Make Money from Home!

Although Babbletype is a great company, I can't say the same thing towards its opportunity for its workers. The pay rate is low and you will not be earning a passive income.

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0/5 (0 Reviews)
Anis Founder of

About Anis

Anis Chity used to be a struggling university student under debt from Italy, but thanks to this opportunity he managed to earn a 4 figure monthly income at the age of 24. Anis enjoys helping people avoid scams and find legit ways to work from home. He has many other businesses online as well.

In his free time he loves playing football & hanging out with friends.

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