CB Cash Code Reviewed!
Is CB Cash Code a program that will allow you to earn $80,000 every single month easily and quickly or this is the usual scam?
You've probably decided to read a review before spending that $37 or you want to make sure this is not a scam.
Either way, this review is going to reveal the actual truth, no bs just the truth, I invite you to read this full review to find out what CB Cash Code is all about.
CB Cash Code Quick Review
- Name: CB Cash Code
- Website: cbcashcode.com
- Price: $37
- Owner: George Patterson
- Recommended? No

What is CB Cash Code?
CB Cash Code aka Clickbank Cash Code is a new product that was launched in September 2018. It was created by George Patterson.
CB Cash Code comes with very bold promises like making $80,000 a month easily and quickly.
George says that CB Cash Code is the easiest way ever to make money in fact, he even says that you won't believe how easy it is to make money with his secret site "Clickbank".
George shares with you a sad story in the video presentation where he explains how he and his brothers struggled financially.
George was tired of seeing his mom working and struggling to pay the bills, one day his mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and could not provide for her sons.
Then George started jumping from a minimum paying job to another until some guy called Jeremy handed him $40,000.
Goerge went back to Jeremy to ask him how he could afford to give him all that money and that's where George discovered this magic Clickbank system.
But is this even a REAL Story?
I'm 500% sure that this CB Cash Code story is fake because I have reviewed over 400 work from home scams and this storytelling technique is overused and unfortunately works.
The scammers always make sure their sales pitches have these invented stories to touch you emotionally and kind of make you relate to it.
It's a psychological technique that is popular among copywriters and sales page writers.
The person voicing the CB Cash Code video is just a paid professional sales person that was hired by the scammers behind CB Cash Code to make that video.
That's why you can't see the face of the person voicing the video and I am pretty sure George Patterson is not even a real person.
Below I talk more about the owner of CB Cash Code.
Key Takeaways
Who Is George Patterson?
As I am writing this, there is no picture or anything that shows George Patterson is actually a real person.
I have just reviewed a scam two days ago called Crypto Challenge which is also a Clickbank product where the owner is a fake persona who claims to be a professional investor!
Feel free to click on the orange link above to see what a scam that is and how similar it is to CB Cash Code!
If I were you I'd never believe a product where the owner is hidden!
Key Takeaways
The CB Cash Code Owner is Fake!
The Clickbank Screenshots are Fake!
CB Cash Code video is full of payment screenshots where the owner brags about his daily $8,000 paydays which to me look very fake.
Payment screenshots are so easy to fake and edit, anyone can fake screenshots online and when your identity is hidden it's even harder to think that CB Cash Code is legitimate.
Don't take my word for it just watch this video below and see how easy it is to fake Clickbank payments!
Key Takeaways
Don't Fall for the Payment screenshots of CB Cash Code because they are edited!
Sick & Tired of Scams?
CB Cash Code is fake and to earn money you need a real step by step training, there is one I recommend below which you can try for free!
The CB Cash Code Training is Weak!
Let me admit that I did not buy CB Cash Code so I don't have access to the training, but I have bought tons of Clickbank products in the past and I can guarantee you they are the same.
They literally have the same video presentation, same cheesy headlines with big income claims and the same price tag ($37).
The owner is always hidden.
You can read some of my previous Clickbank product reviews below to see how the other Clickbanks products are similar to CB Cash Code in terms of design, big income claims...
As I said before I did not buy CB Cash Code so I can't talk about the training but I have found a Youtube video of someone who actually bought this product and reviewed it.
You can watch the full video review below:
Basically, the CB Cash Code training comes in PDF format.
After you buy this product you will receive four PDF files which are:
- The CB Cash Code Guide.
- CB Cash Code PRO
- Clickbank Book Plus
- Clickbank Cash Code Secret Method.
What CB Cash Code is going to teach you is nothing groundbreaking.
These PDF files are going to teach you how to buy traffic from Bing ads and Google Adwords.
Buying traffic is extremely risky as you can waste tons of money if you don't know what you're doing.
You better hope the CB Cash Code paid traffic training is good otherwise it's going to be a lot of headaches.
I personally prefer free traffic which is risk-free as you don't have to invest any money, so you don't have to risk your hard earned money before starting to see profits.
The Training I Use & Recommend for Newbies is free to try and it focuses on teaching you free ways to drive traffic to your site and once you start making money you will learn how to reinvest some of that money into paid traffic.
That's how you should start an online business, you should never start investing massive amounts of money from the start, that's too risky especially if you're a newbie with a tight budget!
Either way, the CB Cash Code training as you have seen in the video above is low quality, the PDF'S are just summaries of some random techniques which are pretty useless.
Key Takeaways
The CB Cash Code training is low quality!
Can You Earn $80k/Month with CB Cash Code?
CB Cash Code is trying to make all this sound so easy but in reality, it's not if it was easy everyone would be doing it.
To make money using CB Cash Code you have to:
- Sign up to Clickbank Affiliate Program
- Start promoting Clickbank affiliate products
Clickbank gives you a unique link that you can send to people, if they buy using your link you will earn a commission.
CB Cash Code makes it sound like you can simply post your affiliate links everywhere and start earning thousands of dollars per week.
Unfortunately, THIS IS more complicated than that and I have to say that George Patterson is a wordsmith as he knows how to deceive people by using psychological techniques and playing with words.
To make money and actually convince people to buy using your affiliate links you will have to do a lot of things like:
- Fixing people problems
- Adding value
For example, if someone is looking for a good pair of shoes that is good for wide feet, that's an example of a problem.
That person can't find a good pair of shoes for his/her wide feet.
To make money from this person, you can write a blog post that includes the best shoes for wide feet and you include affiliate links that send people to buy these type of shoes.
The more people find valuable your information the more are going to click on your affiliate links and buy.
That's how all this works, the point is you're not going to make money because you have affiliate links to offer to people, everyone and his mother can sign up for an affiliate program and promote stuff, but the person that makes money is the one that offers value.
For example, you're reading this CB Cash Code review because you have a problem, you have no idea whether this is legit or a scam.
It took me a lot of time and effort to write this review and to prove to you that it's not legit.
Now after helping you find out that CB Cash Code is not legit, chances are you're going trust me (hopefully) when I say that My Recommended Training is legit and can actually make you money
If you buy the training I recommend I will make a commission, in fact, that's how I earn money by helping people avoid scams and show them legit ways to earn money.
Now I'm pretty sure that if I randomly posted my affiliate links on random sites like CB Cash Code recommends I'm going to make little or no money because I'm spamming and not helping anyone!
So can you make money with CB Cash Code? I don't think so!
Key Takeaways
Even the Testimonials are FAKE!
Guess what? Even the CB Cash Code testimonials are NOT real.
If you have watched the Clickbank Cash Code video then you have probably seen some testimonials saying how this product helped them make lots of money easily!
Testimonials are powerful because they can convince people to buy and that's why CB Cash Code is leveraging them.
The testimonials need to be people that have actually bought and succeeded using CB Cash Code training in order to be legitimate which are not.
Yeah because these testimonials are only paid actors from a micro freelancing site called Fiverr.com.
For instance, that lady below says she makes thousands of dollars every day working only 10 minutes a day!
But below you can see that she is a paid actor that offers testimonial services to anyone for a specific amount of money usually $5 to $30 per video testimonial.
As you can see nothing is real about this program, everything is fake!
Another thing is if you have a look at the CB Cash Code disclaimer page you will notice that it refers to a totally different program.
As you can see in the screenshot the program mentioned is called Ecom Profit Sniper.
SOURCE: http://www.thecbcashcode.com/disclaimer.html
This means that CB Cash code is planning to sell you a third party product that has nothing to do with CB Cash Code, obviously, they are going to earn nice commissions off you, because Ecom Profit Sniper is a pretty expensive program.
I have never written a review about Ecom Profit Formula so I can't say anything about it, but my friend Grace has written a good review about it where she explains how it's not a good program to purchase!
I have also embedded for you a video of Ecom Profit Sniper from Ipoopcash.com to watch down below:
Key Takeaways
The CB Cash Code Testimonials are FAKE PAID ACTORS!
Is CB Cash Code A Scam?
In my opinion, CB Cash Code is a scam.
I have shared with you above many reasons why this a scam that include:
- The owner is anonymous and using a fake pen name.
- Fake sad story to touch you emotionally.
- The Clickbank earnings screenshots are fake.
- The training is weak
- CB Cash Code is copied from other scams.
- I have also proved how the testimonials are just paid actors.
Because of these reasons, I can't recommend this Clickbank product.
If you're still looking for a legitimate training to make money I invite you to keep reading below.
Legit Training that ACTUALLY Works!
If you want to finally start earning money online you need to get trained, you need to learn the required skills to make money online.
If you don't find good training you will keep buying a product after product forever.
CB Cash Code is not a real training, as a newbie, you won't find some PDF files any useful.
I was in your shoes just 2 years ago when I was buying a low quality product after low quality product.
In 2016 I found this amazing training that is 100% LEGIT!
Before I explain how good it is I'd like to mention first you can try it for free without using a credit card.
You can take 10 lessons, two websites and see the features of this training before spending your money!
This training has allowed me to start making money online because it's more than just a training it's a warm and welcoming community with millions of members that are going to give you support from day one!
Well, if you're interested in joining this amazing community just click on the orange button below to learn more about it!
Do you think CB Cash Code is legit or a scam?
Did you buy it? Can you share with us your experiences?
If you have any questions or something to say just leave your comments below and don't forget to share this review!
Hi Anis,
You are really good at blogging! This is something I can’t do but I still want to make money online as I am taking care of little kids. I wanted to try your recommendation but can you honestly tell me I can still make money with this affiliate using my website I already created on my own with a little content in it. (I am still working on it and trying to find legit recommendations to people to make money online).
So I have a website and I wanted to post affiliate links in it. What training do you have for me? I am kind of new to affiliates but I have learned a lot by researching and watching tutorials. Also, lessons learned by not getting scammed again! And yes, I am an avid affiliate of Clickbank. Maybe not anymore after seeing all the scams from there. Hopefully, I do not need to start from the beginning, I only need to continue from the website I already have. It is secure. Please help and if you could email me, I would appreciate it a lot more than anything!!
Thanks for your articles, it helped me a lot!
Hi, Joy glad to hear my blogging was useful to you! I invite you to check out Wealthy Affiliate if you want to take your blog to the next level, the WA training is perfect for newbies and advanced bloggers! I learned it all there.