June 30


How To Become An Affiliate Marketer For Amazon (2019 Complete Guide)

Anis Founder of Fulltimehomebusiness.com

By Anis Chity

June 30, 2019

How To Become An Affiliate Marketer For Amazon

Hello! Welcome to my "How To Become An Affiliate Marketer For Amazon" guide!

There are a lot of affiliate programs available for you and your website out there.

Amazon Associates, is one of the best affiliate programs you can join.

In this guide, I will teach you step-by-step how to become an affiliate marketer for Amazon.

Everything you need to know about Amazon Associates is here.

So, without any further ado, let's get down to it!

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Before, we talk about Amazon Associates, let's discuss first the main thing in this guide, which is affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is a type of marketing wherein you promote products or services of a merchant website.

Afterwards, you earn commission whenever you generate traffic for that website.

How does this work?

How affiliate marketing works

The picture above shows how affiliate marketing works (in the merchant's perspective).

Basically, the first thing you need to do is to apply for an affiliate program.

There are a lot of programs out there, however, in this article, we are focusing on Amazon Associates.

After applying, you will be able to create links that lead to your merchant website.

You can put these links on your websites or blogs.

And the best thing about this, is you can earn a passive income!

Whenever a web user clicks the links you provided, you can earn money. However, some programs only pay you after the web user completes a purchase of products or services.

What is Amazon Associates?

Amazon Associates is Amazon's affiliate program. Anyone with a blog or website can apply!

They will be provided by banners, widgets and text links which they can use on their websites and blogs.

Whenever a person clicks on those links and purchase products from Amazon, the affiliates can earn commissions!

Anis Chity FullTimeHomebusiness.com

Hello! I am Anis from Wealthy Affiliates.

 This affiliate program the best one out there! It has EVERYTHING you need!

What can you get from the program?

When you apply for the program, you will be given tools for marketing, such as:

  • Text links
  • Widgets
  • Banners

Also, you can get commission every time your referral purchases products from Amazon.

Commission Rates

Unlike other affiliate programs which offers one commission rate for all products and services, Amazon Associates has various rates.

These rates depend on the categories in which products belong to.

Below is the picture of the different categories and their designated commission rate.

Amazon Associates Commission Rates

Now that we are done with the general information about affiliate marketing and Amazon Associates, let's start with the steps on how to become an affiliate marketer for Amazon.

I included screenshots and pictures so that it will be easier for you to follow the steps.

Create your own website or blog

The first step of how to become an affiliate marketer for Amazon is to have your own website, blog, app or even a YouTube channel.

This is very important because this is where you will put the banners and links that lead to Amazon.

It is a lot better if your website or blog has content already so that users can interact more with your website.

Furthermore, it will appear active an authentic to Amazon.

Create your own website with this free-to-join program!

Note: Make sure that you know the purpose of your website or blog.


You should have a niche so that you know your target audience and what kind of products you will promote.
Some niches include dating sitestravel sitescars, sports and many more.


With that, you can bring in more traffic.


This is also important because during the application process, Amazon will ask you to give a description of your website.

Go to the Amazon Associates page

Amazon Associates Homepage

To start making your own Amazon Associates account, visit the homepage first.

Here, you can see the button, "Join now for free". You click that and you will be led to the account sign up page.

Create your Amazon Associates profile

Creating your Amazon Associates account of profile will require you to accomplish a series of steps. Here are they...

1. Create an Amazon account first.

Amazon Create Account

Before you can apply for the Amazon affiliate program, you must have an Amazon account.

However, if you already own one, then you can skip this step.

2. Provide your account information

Account Information

When you create your Amazon Associates account, the first thing you do is to provide some personal information, such as:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Contact number

This is required so that Amazon will know where they will send the payment.

3. Enter your website/blog address

Website address

In this step, you have to provide your website addresses or blog URLs, or your mobile app URLs, if you have one.

Amazon needs to know where you plan to put the banners, links and widgets they will provide you.

That is why, having a website or blog is very important for you to become an affiliate marketer for Amazon

4. Profile Information

Profile information

Here, you have to provide more information about your website or blogs.

Furthermore, you will provide your Associates Store ID here. It is usually the same as the name of your website.

This is the part where you will describe your website/s. You also have to choose what Amazon topics your website will target.

If you scroll down further, you will have to let Amazon know the ways you do to generate traffic to your website/s, how you earn income with your website/s, and how many people visit your website/s each month.

5. Identity verification

Identity verification

In order for Amazon to ensure that all of the information you provided are true, you need to verify your identity. 

You will provide your phone number and then receive a call, wherein you will generate your PIN.

6. Payment method

Choosing your payment method

Congratulations! You have reached the final step in how to become an affiliate marketer for Amazon!

In the last step, you will provide your preferred payment method.

You have to enter your payment and tax information.

Afterwards, you can proceed to your dashboard.


After signing up, in order for you to keep your membership, you need to make at least 3 sales during your first 180 days.

Generate your affiliate links

Amazon Associate Links

Now that you have your own Amazon Associates account, you can go to your personal homepage already. 

The picture above shows how it would look like.

You will find your performance statistics here such as total clicks and monthly summary.

This is also the page where you can search for products you will promote in your website.


  1. You have to choose an option between "Quick Links: Search for Product" or "Browse for Product".
  2. "Quick Links: Search for Product" will allow you to search for a product based on a specific keyword you will provide.
  3. "Browse for Product" will allow you to search for products based on the category they are in.
  4. After you have found a product of your choice, click the button, "Get link".
  5. Customize your link by adding images, color, text and many more.
  6. Check the preview of the link.
  7. Copy and paste the link you generated to your website or blog.

Bottom Line

Well done! You just finished this guide on how to become an affiliate marketer for Amazon!

Thank you so much for reading my article and I hope that it helped you and that you learned a lot!

Personally, I really prefer affiliate marketing as a way of earning money online and at home.

That is because you can work anytime and anywhere. And the best thing about it is the PASSIVE INCOME you earn.

After putting the links on your website, you just wait for people to click on them, purchase products and then you earn money!

Amazon is a great affiliate program. It offers all the tools you need and has various commission rates.

However, I prefer my top recommended program which is Wealthy Affiliates!

This is How I Make Money from Home!

For years, I have been doing affiliate marketing and signed up for various affiliate programs.

However, if you ask me which one is the best, I would always answer Wealthy Affiliates.


  • It has a community of professionals who can help you out, especially if you are still starting
  • Provides you with all the tools you need (not just banners and links).
  • Wealthy affiliates will give you 2 free websites
  • It is a free-to-join program
  • 24/7 support

Because of Wealthy Affiliates, I earn daily affiliate commissions just like these!

I earn affiliate commissions regularly

My November affiliate commissions thanks to Wealthy Affiliate!

0/5 (0 Reviews)
Anis Founder of Fulltimehomebusiness.com

About Anis

Anis Chity used to be a struggling university student under debt from Italy, but thanks to this opportunity he managed to earn a 4 figure monthly income at the age of 24. Anis enjoys helping people avoid scams and find legit ways to work from home. He has many other businesses online as well.

In his free time he loves playing football & hanging out with friends.

Quick update: Anis now is 28 earning over $40k a month on average in affiliate commissions! Learn How He exactly did it here.

  • Hi Anis, I am an affiliate marketer. There is no job in the world like this one. I learned everything I know at Wealthy Affiliate. Your step-by- step instructions are spot on. I couldn’t agree more. I hope you don’t mind but I would like to add one thing. When your reader signs up with Amazon Associates they will need to make 3 sales in the first 180 days to stay a member. This cannot be any person they are related to or remotely connected with. I hope this tip helps. 

    • Hello Laura! Thank you for reading my article.

      Really? Well, that is a very important tip. I should add it to this article. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge to all of us!

  • I joined Amazon’s affiliate program a few years back, so I had forgotten all of the steps that are necessary.   Yet, I have people ask me how to become an Amazon affiliate.   This article shows them exactly what they need to do.  You did an excellent job with this guide that explains how to become an affiliate marketer for Amazon.   I will be saving this link so that I can share this page with others.    Your explanation is much clearer than anything that I have tried to put together.  

    • Hello Sondra! That means to much to me! Thank you for reading my article and I m glad that you find it helpful!

  • Hi Anis, great article on how to become an affiliate marketer for amazon! I like that it’s very visual and easy to follow and understand. Also, your affiliate percentage from amazon is super helpful and informative. I do have a question, do you know if there’s a minimum you have to earn as an amazon marketer to get paid? And do you have to earn commission on a regular basis not to lose the affiliate membership?Thanks,Katya

    • Hello Katya! As far as I know, there is a minimum check threshold of $100.

      Also, I don’t think that there are any requirements about earning commissions on a regular basis to keep your membership.

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