October 27


Is Amazon Affiliate Program A Scam? (Here Is The Truth!) (2019)

Anis Founder of Fulltimehomebusiness.com

By Anis Chity

October 27, 2019

Is Amazon Affiliate Program A Scam

Hello! Welcome to my Amazon Affiliate Program review!

In the world of affiliate marketing, it is very important to find an excellent and legit affiliate programs.

This is because there are a couple ones out there who are scams and will just use you and your hardwork without compensation.

In this article, we will be reviewing Amazon Associates, which is their affiliate program.

How does it work? How much can you earn? Is Amazon Affiliate Program a scam? Find out later as you read and finish this review!

Amazon Affiliate Quick Summary

Name:  Amazon Associates

Website: https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/

Founder: Jeff Bezos

​​Type: â€‹Affiliate program​​

​​​Rating: â€‹3/5

​Recommended? ​​​​Yes if you want to expand your affiliate marketing business​​​​​​​​​​​​

Amazon Affiliate Program


What is Amazon Associates?

Amazon Affiliate Program

Amazon Associates is the official affiliate program of the online marketplace, Amazon.com.​​

​​​It gives you the opportunity to earn money just by simply promoting and advertising their products in your website and any other places on the internet.

However, take note that it should meet the terms of conditions of the program.

Furthermore, Amazon has a lot of various products you can choose from. There are different categories and I am sure you can find one for your niche!

Each category has its own designated commission rate though. We will tackle that later on in the review.

How to join Amazon Associates?

#1 Visit the homepage

Amazon Associates homepage

The first thing you need to do is to visit the homepage of Amazon Associates.

You will be able to see information there. And if ever you want to join, then simply click the button "Join Now for Free".

You will be brought to a page where you can log into your account or create one. This is because you must have an Amazon account first.

#2 Provide your account information

Amazon Associates account information

The first step you need to do in creating your affiliate profile is to provide your account information.

This includes your name, address, and many more. Be sure to provide the correct details.

#3 Input your website information

Amazon Associates website information

The next step is where you will provide your website information. Amazon requires that its affiliates must have a website, which could be a blog, apps, YouTube channel or a page, etc.

This is to keep track of where the affiliates will be promoting their products.

#4 Enter your preferred store ID

Amazon Associates preferred store ID

You preferred store ID is usually the same as your website address. Furthermore, this is where you will provide the goals of your website.

Also, you will be presented with a lot of Amazon topics and categories in which your website falls unto.

#5 Way of getting traffic

Amazon Associates Traffic

Traffic is very important when it comes to affiliate marketing. They are the key people to making you earn income. 

With that, Amazon wants to know how you will be able to gain traffic, how you build links and many more.

Again, provide honest answers and details.

#6 Provide your phone number

Amazon Associates phone number

When you reach this step, you need to provide your phone number. You will then need to click "Call Me Now".

Wait for the response and then you will be given a 4-digit code which you will input.

This is to verify your account. Afterwards, your account will then be approved!

#7 Choose your payment method

Amazon Associates payment method

The last one is to choose your preferred payment method. Also, you must provide your tax ID information.

#8 Create your Amazon affiliate links

Amazon Associates affiliate links

After creating your profile, you will then be brought to your own Amazon Associate homepage.

This is where you can keep track of your progress. Furthermore, you can create your affiliate links here, along with the products you wish to promote.

Then you can start earning money online!

How does Amazon Associates work?

The concept behind Amazon Associates is affiliate marketing. More specifically, it is Amazon's affiliate program.

It gives people the chance to earn money with them. And they can do this by simply promoting Amazon products.

So basically, the first thing you need is a website or a blog. It can also be a YouTube channel, app or a platform where you can advertise products.

Then you must create an Amazon Associates account and the links. After that, you can basically put them on your preferred platform.

When your visitors or traffic click on your links, they will become your referrals. The moment they will make purchases, you will earn commissions! Simple as that.

Anis Chity FullTimeHomebusiness.com

Hello there! I am Anis and I am an affiliate marketer.


I earn a 4-figure monthly income, thanks to this program.


Check it out!

Commission rates

Unlike other affiliate programs, Amazon Associates has a lot of commission rates which depend on the category or type of the products.

If you wish to know them, then kindly click here to see the commission rates.

You can also see their commission and fee statements and policies here.

I suggest that you choose the type of products you will be promoting to maximize your affiliate commissions.

As for the cookie life, you only have 24 hours. Which means that if your referral does not make a purchase within 24 hours, then you will not be compensated.

What I like about it

#1 Trusted and popular website

Amazon has been around for a long time already. It is a trusted website with millions of visitors and customers around the world.

Furthermore, most of the time, they serve their clients well. Another thing is that it is well known in the online shopping industry. Almost everyone knows about it!

This means that you can easily gain referrals, increasing your chances of earning affiliate commissions.

#2 Various commission rates

Amazon Associates offer different commission rates for its products. Speaking of products, they have a lot of options for you to choose from!

I am sure that a couple of products can fit your niche.

#3 Easy to join

Joining the Amazon affiliate program is easy to join. There are no complicated steps for you to do.

Furthermore, it is free and anyone can join as long as you can meet the requirements, such as the website.

#4 Bounty program

Amazon has its own products such as Twitch Prime, Kindle Unlimited, Amazon Prime and many more.

If ever you get someone to sign up for these, you will earn money! This is the bounty program of Amazon Associates.

#5 Sales funnel

Amazon has a sales funnel that recommends other products to your referrals. With this, if your referral purchases a product that is not even the one your promoted or related to it, you can still earn commissions.

However, again, it must be made within 24 hours from the time the referral visited the link.

#6 Affiliate tools and materials

Affiliates can customize their own banners and ads that they can use for promoting Amazon products.

Furthermore, your homepage has a dashboard and tool which you can use to keep track of your progress. This includes your earnings and clicks on your website.

Do you want to become better at affiliate marketing? This program can help you!

What I don't like about it

#1 Low rates

Although Amazon Associates have a lot of commission rates on different categories, the rates are low compared to other programs.

Most products only have a 5% commission on them.

#2 Short cookie duration

Another one is that a 24-hour cookie duration is something of a disadvantage. This means that when your referrals make a purchase after the 24-hour time period, you will not earn any commission.

Other programs offer 1 month, 1 week or even 1 year of cookie life.

#3 No Paypal option

The payment method is through direct deposit, Amazon gift card or check. There is no Paypal option for the affiliates.

#4 Links cannot be sent through emails

Amazon Associates does not allow its affiliates to send their links through email. Moreover, this includes blog posts that are sent in emails.

This is a very disappointing rule since emails are great in marketing.

#5 No referral program

There is no referral program with Amazon Associates.

What I mean is that you will not be compensated if ever you refer someone to sign up to the Amazon affiliate program.

Other websites do have that feature, such as eBay and ShareAsale.

#6 Quota

After joining the program, you will need to complete a task first to have your account reviewed.

Your task is to make 3 sales within your first 180 days after joining the program. When you have accomplished that, your account will then be reviewed.

As far as I know, other programs do not have this kind of quota to be met to join them.

Is Amazon Affiliate Program A Scam?

To conclude this review of Amazon Associates, it is time to answer the big question.

"Is Amazon Affiliate Program a scam?"

No it is not. Amazon Associates is a legit program that really gives people the opportunity to earn money. Furthermore, it has been around for a long time!

Because of that, it has made a name for itself and gain the trust of many customers around the world.

Of course, it has its cons and it is not perfect. However, the program can be a good addition for your affiliate marketing business.

The brand itself can make you earn money since people visit it everyday and many purchases.

Thank you so much for reading my "Is Amazon Affiliate Program a scam?" â€‹review! If you have questions or comments, please feel free to leave them on the comment section below!​​

Increase your affiliate commissions with this!

Affiliate marketing is great because of its passive income. However, it can be challenging to start. Even the ones who are successful at it today, had to go through a difficult process.

With that, I am here to recommend you the best affiliate marketing training program, Wealthy Affiliates!

It is composed of a community of professional marketers. Furthermore, they are the reason why I am now doing good at it.

Basically, they will provide you with a complete and comprehensive training program. Moreover, you will be given different affiliate tools and materials. This includes a website of your own!

Apart from that, you will have an access to a live chat with the professionals who can help you. Also, the support is available 24/7!

With them, I now earn affiliate commissions daily like this!

I earn affiliate commissions regularly

My November affiliate commissions thanks to Wealthy Affiliate!

0/5 (0 Reviews)
Anis Founder of Fulltimehomebusiness.com

About Anis

Anis Chity used to be a struggling university student under debt from Italy, but thanks to this opportunity he managed to earn a 4 figure monthly income at the age of 24. Anis enjoys helping people avoid scams and find legit ways to work from home. He has many other businesses online as well.

In his free time he loves playing football & hanging out with friends.

Quick update: Anis now is 28 earning over $40k a month on average in affiliate commissions! Learn How He exactly did it here.

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