May 4

0 comments (2019 Review) -You WON’T Get Paid it’s a Scam!

Anis Founder of

By Anis

May 4, 2019

viralbucks review

Welcome to my review!

Are you tired of the FAKE positive reviews?

Are you looking for a brutally honest review?

So the million dollar question is " Is a scam?"

The short answer is yes!

In this review, I'm going to give you PROOF why it's a scam so keep reading! Summary Review

Name:  Viral Bucks


Founder: Hidden

Age: 6 days old

Best for: No one!

Recommended? No

viralbucks review

What is is a website that was launched just a few days ago and now it's pretending like it was founded in 2017. claims to be an influencer network where you can earn $10 for every friend you refer and $2 for every click your link receives.

So chances are you were intrigued by the promises but your gut suggested you to look for a review.

Now you're here on my site reading the most honest review about Viralbucks.

How Does Exactly Work?

So first of all does not work but just for the sake of this review I'm going to explain to you how it works.

I mean I'm going to explain to you how they are fooling you into making money and what is going to happen after you request a payout.

So in order for this review to make sense let me show what possibilities give you and how fake they are.

#1 Invite Your Friends

The first earning method that offers you is referring your friends.

As I said above, you're promised to earn $10 for every single friend you refer and $5 if they click your affiliate link.

viralbucks fake refer and earn

Let me ask you a question.

Who in the world would pay you $5 just for a click?

That's insane.

Any company that will pay $5 for a click will go bankrupt!

Well, is not going to pay you anyway! (I'm going to prove that later)

#2 Make a Youtube Video

In the Youtube submission tab you are promised to earn $50 for just creating a promotional Youtube video about

If you click the Youtube Submission button, you will find a pre-made title and a description for your video.

Well, this is just a strategy that they are using to market their scam at your costs.

#3 Create a Promotional Post encourages you to create promotional posts on social media so you can get more referrals.

They even give you banners and images to help you promote their site.

If you pay attention you will notice that these images and banners have the name NOT the name.


Remember this name " because I'm going to talk about it soon 😉

#4 Download Apps & Complete Surveys

Another opportunity to earn with by downloading apps and doing surveys.

I had a look at their surveys and apps and they look like this. fraud apps

These apps are full of viruses and malware and they are just going to wreck your laptop.

Making $30 for each survey and app is a joke and I guarantee that the only one that is going to make money is the unanimous founder.

Anis Chity

Hey I'm Anis!

I can earn over $3.000 a month thanks to this "REALISTIC" program!

5 Reasons Why is a Scam!

#1 - is 6 Days Old! 

In their about us page Viralbucks claims that they have been in the business since 2017.

That's a flat lie, I have been reviewing their old scams and I can assure you that they are ONLY 6 days old.

Yes, as of today 5th May 2019 ViralBucks is only 6 days old.

Let me share with you this quick tip.

Whenever you see a certain website like telling you they have been in business in years just do this.

Visit Scam Adviser and type in the name of the website you want to check.

In this case I'll type in


As soon as you type in the URL you will get some information and a rating of the website you have typed in.

So after typing in I get this info.

analyses of viral bucks
scam adviser analyses of viralbucks

As you can see Viralbucks is NOT safe and it was created 6 days ago.

#2 - is A COPY of other scams! belongs to the one scammer who creates different variations of one scam.

As I am writing this there are three variations of this scam.

They are the same website, the same design, the same scam!

viral pay reviewed reviewed

Here's a video review I did on that confirms it's similar to

And it does not end here, there are even more scams that are VERY similar to which include:

Anis Chity

Thanks to this Program I was able to create a monthly 4-figure income.


This is something I'd not be able to do with scams like


If you want to finally work from home ignore the BS and invest like me in this program!

#3 - Don't Get Fooled by the Fake Payment Screenshots!

You probably have noticed that shows off lots of Paypal payment screenshots.

They do this because they want to prove that their site works.

I want to tell you that those screenshots are fake.

First of all, if you look closely at the screenshots you'll realize there is the logo in them.

viralbucks fake payment proof

Secondly, those screenshots can be easily manipulated.

You'd be Surprised...

You will be surprised how easy it is to fake the Paypal payment screenshots.

Don't believe me?

Just watch this video and let me know!

#4- You'll NEVER Get Paid from!

Do you know what is going to happen after you request a payment from

You're NOT going to receive any payments.

They will just kick you out and never pay you.

Don't believe me?

Just read these reviews from the scammed members of and!

viral pay complaint

#5- Fake Testimonials As Usual!

Scammers always use paid actors to Make their useless sites look legitimate.

This guy who claims that he made $500 with is just a paid actor from a website called

viral pay fake testimonials

I've seen him in hundreds of scam sites that I have reviewed and in each time he goes with a different name.

He said that his name is Brian here, and in he goes with Teddy, it's really insane what some people are doing for money.

How Can I Delete My Account?

If you have already created your account at Viralbucks, all you have to do is unsubscribe.

Here's a video that is going to show you how to unsubscribe from getting emails from a certain newsletter.

If you're receiving too much spam then here is an article by the FTC on how to get rid spam and how to report it.

Final Review - is a Scam. is a complete scam, if you have read this review I'm pretty sure you have no doubts that it's a scam.

There is no such thing as easy money.

To make money online you need to find a legit program, work hard and invest to make money.

Below I'm going to show you how I work from home.

This is How I Make Money Online...

If you want to make money online I recommend you to check out affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is a business model where you learn how to make money selling other people products on your website and earn commissions.

In fact thanks to affiliate marketing I was able to:

  • Create a website that attracts over 1.1k visits a day
  • Earn a full-time income online
  • Work whenever I want and when I want!

Thanks to affiliate marketing I can earn affiliate commissions like these!

I earn affiliate commissions regularly

My November affiliate commissions thanks to Wealthy Affiliate!

0/5 (0 Reviews)
Anis Founder of

About Anis

Anis Chity used to be a struggling university student under debt from Italy, but thanks to this opportunity he managed to earn a 4 figure monthly income at the age of 24. Anis enjoys helping people avoid scams and find legit ways to work from home. He has many other businesses online as well.

In his free time he loves playing football & hanging out with friends.

Quick update: Anis now is 28 earning over $40k a month on average in affiliate commissions! Learn How He exactly did it here.

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This is HOW Newbies like me & You Can Make Money Online
