August 3


The Profit Shortcut Review (2022) Here is the Simple Truth

Anis Founder of

By Anis Chity

August 3, 2022

The Profit Shortcut review

Hello! Welcome to my The Profit Shortcut review! (Updated 2022)

The internet is full of job opportunities wherein you can earn money online. However, not all of them are legit. That is why it is very important to check out a website or opportunity first.

In this review, we will be tackling The Profit Shortcut. If ever you came across this one, then this is your perfect time to learn about it.

We will get to know it and discover the secrets behind it in this The Profit Shortcut review!

Without any further ado, let's get started.

The Profit Shortcut Review: Quick Summary

Name:  The Profit Shortcut

Website: (Site is gone as of 2022)

Founder: Sarah Highland, Misha Wilson

Price: $37 + a lot of upsells

Rating: 1/5

Recommended? No!

The Profit Shortcut

What is The Profit Shortcut?

I have been reviewing a lot of websites and I guess I can now easily find out if one of them is a scam or not just by visiting it.

At first, when I visited The Profit Shortcut, it seemed like another get-rich-quick scam just like Affiliate Cash Club and Website Profits Pro.

It is because, the format itself of the website is really similar to those scams. Furthermore, the center of it is a video, which looks shady.

I really can't stress this enough. I have been there and done that. There are no such things as programs or services and products that will allow you to earn money instantly.

The Profit Shortcut promises that it can give you the best shortcut to earn $500 in a day!

If ever you see or hear something like that, you have to back out immediately. It won't do you any good.

I really thought that The Profit Shortcut is another useless scam that will just waste your time and money.

However, I did more research, and I found out that The Profit Shortcut is just a sales pitch for The Super Affiliate Network.

As of 2022, their website seems to be gone. This could be because they went out of business or they changed their name. 

So, it seems that something wasn't working right.

The Profit Shortcut Review: The Founders

Talking about the founder in this sense is hard, since there is no information available about Sarah Highland. However, there are some information about Misha Wilson which is the owner of The Super Affiliate Network.

Misha Wilson was supposedly made millions before reaching the age of 30. He started as an affiliate for other companies and succeeding in this field has given him the opportunity to start his own company at the age of 25. 

Now, whether or not Sarah Highland is directly connected to Misha Wilson is the mystery.

The Profit Shortcut Review: What is it Really?

The Super Affiliate Network

So basically, The Profit Shortcut is some kind of a doorway page that leads to another program called The Super Affiliate Network. Furthermore, it is a high ticket affiliate marketing system.

The Super Affiliate Network is an all-in-one platform. Moreover, the concept behind it is to purchase a lot of products in order for you to be able to promote it and earn commissions.

It was created by Misha Wilson. You are probably thinking why they used a new program (The Profit Shortcut) to gain customers for an old program (The Super Affiliate Network)?

Well, it is actually a strategy. By selling an old program through a new one, they are able to take a new approach in a way that they can target different and new people.

In the case of The Profit Shortcut, they are actually aiming to get the people who want the "shortcut" to earning money fast. Get it?

The Profit Shortcut Review: How does it work?

The Profit Shortcut is a sales funnel for The Super Affiliate Network. This means that their whole purpose is to trick people into joining the said network.

Basically, The Super Affiliate Network is a pay-to-play business opportunity. What that means is that you will need to purchase products to join. 

Furthermore, you can only start promoting and earning affiliate commissions after you have purchased a product.

It is because you can only promote the ones you have purchased. The more expensive the products you purchase, you more money you can potentially earn.

Personally, I do not prefer this kind of method. We are talking about affiliate marketing. Usually, you can apply for affiliate programs for free to begin. You won't need to purchase anything.

It can be challenging if you don't know what you are doing. So that is why I don't think purchasing products to promote is worth it.

Apart from that, the products cost a lot! You might end up losing money rather than earning.

How much does it cost?

So the first thing you need to pay for is $37. However this is just the beginning. This payment is for you to access the system.

Afterwards, you will be asked to upgrade your membership. They make it sound like it is optional. However, if you think about it, it is not. You really have to do it in order for you to earn money.

Here are the membership fees:

  • Basic membership fees - $24 to $47 per month
  • Annual membership fees - $297 or $397 per year
  • Pro Silver Membership - $2497
  • Pro Gold Membership - $2997
  • Maui Mastermind Event - $12,497
  • All-in Membership - $17,497

As you can see, the program really requires you to invest A LOT of money! These are the upsells.

Actually, these can be worth it IF ever you are guaranteed to make money. However, you are not! In fact, a few people only turn out to be successful. I will show you later on.

The payments do not stop here.


The Super Affiliate Network will provide you training on making money through the promotion of the same system.

Furthermore, the tools and materials needed are already set up and ready to use. One of the main things they will teach you to is purchasing and using solo ads.

What are these? Solo ads are basically advertisements in which other marketers can use to send to their email list for you.

So what's with this? The Super Affiliate Network works with paying for advertisements. Which means more payments that you have to do!

Advertising can quickly add up to $1000 or more every month. So if you add up the membership fee and this one, you will really need a lot of money to invest. And remember, you are not 100% guaranteed that you can make cash with this.

Can you make money with this?

Yes you can make money with The Super Affiliate Network. It was created by a professional marketer, right?

Furthermore, there have been a couple of success stories about it. However, the problem behind it is how much you can make money.

The Profit Shortcut Income

The picture above shows the Income Disclosure Statement of The Profit Shortcut. As you can see, only a small portion of people earn enough money to make a living.

Furthermore, they can only earn less than $31!

Here is another portion of the statement that caught my attention.

"The average partner spends between $3000 and $12,000 in expenses per year as they build their business. Less than 2% earns sufficient commissions to cover their costs of the The Profit Short Cut products"

The Profit Shortcut Income Disclosure Statement

As you can see, it says that only 2% of their clients make it. The other 98% end up losing money!

However, I am not pointing this out to discourage you. Who knows? Maybe you can be one of the 2%.

But the program itself does not deliver its promise which is the "shortcut" to earning money. In fact, that statement has a different story.

So if ever you still want to pursue this program, you should already know what to expect of the outcome.

The Profit Shortcut Review: Red Flags

#1 Hype sales page

I have reviewed a lot of scams already and the most common thing they have is a hype sales page.

Furthermore, the format of their website is almost similar to each other. Honestly, I am starting to think that they are created by one person.

But then again, although The Profit Shortcut (The Super Affiliate Network) is legit, since it was created by a professional marketer, there are still red flags.

The sales page is too hyped. It promises to provide a "shortcut" to earning lots of money? Oh please, that can't fool me. However, there are people who can easily fall for those.

I really feel bad for them. The only people who can benefit from these programs are the creators themselves.

Whenever you will pay for their system, you will get simple products only. There is no system. In short, you just wasted your time, effort and money.

#2 High prices

Another red flag is the expensive prices of the membership fees. I get that it is an investment. However, the results are not that good.

And don't forget the advertising payment! If you think about it, you must do it in order for you to recoup every dollar you paid.

You are better off using your payment to somewhere else. Furthermore, there are better job opportunities out there that will not even cost you thousands of dollars!

You don't need to pay that kind of money to become successful and earn money online. Trust me. I have been there.

#3 Pay to play business model

The Super Affiliate Network's business model is "pay-to-play". Basically, you really need to purchase those products yourself so that you can promote it and earn commissions.

If not, you will miss out on the opportunity. Even though they make it sound like it is optional, well it is not.

Furthermore, it has been compared to being a pyramid scheme. But don't get me wrong, it is not either of those. The Super Affiliate Network does not only focus entirely on recruiting people.

But yes, you really have to pay in order for you to earn money. Isn't that a bit weird? Well, leave your thoughts in the comment section below!

#4 The Profit Shortcut does not exist

Again, there is no such thing as The Profit Shortcut! Furthermore, there are no shortcuts to earning money online just like what it said in the sales page.

It is basically just a funnel page or a doorway page that will lead you to the real program, which is The Super Affiliate Network.

Although I have indicated it as a strategy, it can be really misleading to the people. And that is one red flag that is common to scams I have reviewed.

#5 Low success potential

Think about this worst case scenario. You paid for the all-in membership for $17,497. However, you are only making $21 PER MONTH!!!

It doesn't take a genius to see what's wrong with that. Yes, you can earn money with The Super Affiliate Network. But the problem is the potential of earning much.

Even the Income Disclosure Statement said so. Only 2% will make it. But then again, hardwork and determination is the key to success.

It will be up to you whether you will take your chances or not. Will you?

Anis Chity

Stop wasting your time and money in investing on SCAMS!

This program is what you need. It helped me earn a 4-figure monthly income. And you can too!

Check it out!

Is The Profit Shortcut a scam?

It is time for my final verdict! Is The Profit Shortcut a scam? Well, the answer is a yes and no. Now hear me out why I think so.

First, it is a scam because there is no such thing as "shortcuts" that it promised on the sales page. Basically, they made promises that they can't keep.

Second, The Profit Shortcut does not even exist! It is just a funnel page for The Super Affiliate Network.

The Super Affiliate Network is not a scam. It is created by Misha Wilson, a professional internet marketer. Furthermore, you can make money with the system.

But the downside is the high prices and low income ratio. You cuold end up earning just $21 dollars every month, when you are paying thousands of dollars for your membership. That is actually absurd.

But in the end, it will always be up to you. My job is to only make you aware of what you will really expect. Moreover, remember, just work hard and never give up!

To conclude, I want to thank you for reading my The Profit Shortcut review! If you have questions or comments, please leave them on the comment section below! I would love to respond to them.

This is How I Make Money from Home!

If you want to take your risks spending thousands of dollars to invest on a program, then sure. However, there are better ways for you to earn money online without using that much money.

How I do this is through affiliate marketing. To put it simply, all I need to do is to promote products on my website. I will then earn commissions everytime someone purchases it.

Yes, it sounds pretty much the same as The Super Affiliate Network. However, the big difference is that, you don't need to buy the product to be able to promote it!

You just need to apply for the affiliate program, which is always FREE. As for the income, it is excellent because it will be passive!

If you need help, which I certainly did when I was starting out, I totally recommend Wealthy Affiliate. It is the best training program out there.

It will provide you the following:

  • Complete and comprehensive step-by-step training
  • Complete affiliate tools and materials
  • Websites that are made for you
  • 24/7 support
  • Access to a live chat with professional marketers
  • And many more

Because of them, I can now earn affiliate commissions daily! Here is an example.

I earn affiliate commissions regularly

My November affiliate commissions thanks to Wealthy Affiliate!

0/5 (0 Reviews)
Anis Founder of

About Anis

Anis Chity used to be a struggling university student under debt from Italy, but thanks to this opportunity he managed to earn a 4 figure monthly income at the age of 24. Anis enjoys helping people avoid scams and find legit ways to work from home. He has many other businesses online as well.

In his free time he loves playing football & hanging out with friends.

Quick update: Anis now is 28 earning over $40k a month on average in affiliate commissions! Learn How He exactly did it here.

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This is HOW Newbies like me & You Can Make Money Online
