February 25


KidsEarnCash.Com Review – This Site is 200% SCAM!

Anis Founder of Fulltimehomebusiness.com

By Anis

February 25, 2019

kidsearncash.com reviewed

Did you join KidsEarncash.com and can’t seem to withdraw your money?

In this review, I’m going to explain why Kids Earn Cash won’t pay you.

If you did not join Kidsearncash.com yet make sure you read this honest review to find out why it’s a big scam and also find legit online jobs!

Kidsearncash.com Quick Review

Name:  Kids Earn Cash

Website: Kidsearncash.com

Founder: Hidden

Price: FREE

kidsearncash.com reviewed

Summary: Kidsearncash.com is a scam that has changed their name multiple times! In this review, I’ll prove to you why it’s a scam and also show you alternatives to make money online that I personally use!

Rating: 1/5

Recommended? No!

What is KidsEarnCash.com?

Kidsearncash.com is a fake website that pretends to be an online advertising marketing agency that connects brands with people that want to earn money online.

This website is advertised everywhere and they are promising you to earn over $500 per day.

Kidsearncash.com gives you a $25 sign up bonus and all you have to do is share your link everywhere to get referrals.

Below I talk about how Kidsearncash.com works in details!

How Does KidsEarnCash.com Work?

Kids Earn Cash wants you to join and share their links everywhere so they can scam as many people as possible

By sharing their links you are not going to earn any money you are just helping them promote their scam!

When you reach the minimum cash out limit you won’t be able to cash out and this is where the scam happens.

Kidsearncash.com was called KidsgetMoney.co just a few days ago but when a lot of bloggers exposed them they decided to change their name!

Check out my KidsgetMoney.co review and you’ll see that they are the same scam but with a different name.

Related! +125 FREE Ways to Make Money Online from Home!

Is KidsEarnCash.com a Scam? Yes here’s Why!

Kidsearncash.co sounds way too good to be true!

This website claims that you are going to make $500 today, seriously?!

The first flag, is the $25 sign up bonus.

They claim that you will get a $25 sign up bonus and $10 per referral.

Even the most popular and legitimate sites I know out there who have tons of members won’t give you anything near $25 as a sign up bonus!

Unfortunatley, I’ve seen a lot of newbies sharing their links all over social media and complaining because they weren’t able to cash out!

If you haven’t already sign up with this scam please do yourself a favour and stay away from them and aware your friends so they don’t waste their time on this fake site!

Do you still think that Kidsearncash.com legitimate?

Here are 5 red flags that will covince you to avoid it!

1) The Kids Earn Cash Success Stories are Fake!

You’ve probably clicked on the proof on the top page of Kidsearncash.com to see what people have to say about them?

But you probably didn’t notice that some members are claiming that they’ve been members since 2016 or 2017 as you can see below.

this are fake testimonials

According to scamadviser.com and Whois.com, this website is only 9 days old as you can see below:

So dear Kidsearncash.com (hidden) owner, are you trying to tell me that those testimonials have been members before your site was even founded?

Have a look at this youtuber (screenshot below) he claims that he made $1.8m in three months before even the site was founded

kids ean cash fake member

You be the Judge! 😀

Tired of Scams like KidsEarnCash.com? 

Check out My Top Recommendation Here!

2) Who the Hell is the Founder?

The Kids Earn Cash was mentioned in CNN, Forbes, Yahoo… (which is obviously a fake claim)

Because it’s SO easy to cut and paste those nice looking logos!

Guess what?

Every scammer and his mother are doing the same damn thing!

Don’t believe me?

Just have a quick look at some of my old reviews below 😉

But the owner is hidden, seriously?

Why is he hidden?

Ah right! He is a scammer and he is trying to keep his Identity a secret 😀

Personally, I think that there is absolutely no reason to hide your identity unless you are planning to scam people!

By the way Kidsgetmoney.co which is the old name of Kidsearncash.com was using a fake picture as their owner!

3) The Websites Links are Broken!

Now If you try to go the FAQ page or to maybe contact them on their Facebook page you will see a nice 404 broken link error message.

That’s because KidsEarnCash site has been rushed and quickly generated by a website builder, that’s what these scammers have been doing.

They just create random domain names left and right and create fake websites for them in order to scam people.

Below I talk about this point more 😉

4) KidsEarnCash.com is a REHASHED Scam!

As I mentiond above kidsearncash.com and kidsgetmoney.co are the same scam but with different names

Not only that!

If you click on the following links you will be taken to the same page:

  • Dinerofacil.gratis
  • Kidsearnmoney.co
  • Kidspaidmoney.co
  • InfluencersClub.co
  • Kidsgetmoney.co
  • Kidsearn.money
  • teensmakecash.com

Give it a try to see what I’m talking about.

They all take you to the same scam (kidsearncash.com)

I have another proof 🙂

If you check out the privacy policy page you will read “our website address is kidsgetmoney.com” as you can clearly see on the screenshot below 🙂

kidsearncash.com is the new kidsgetmoney.co

Not only that!

They also forgot to change their name in the “terms” page and the “proof” page as you can clearly see in the screenshots below!

kidsearncash and kids get money are the same scamkids earn cash terms of use

The founder is probably a lazy person that’s why instead of puting new (fake) testimonials and “terms of use” he/she decided to copy and past them 😀

Looking for a Legit KidsEarnCash.com Alternative? 

Check out My Top Recommendation Here!

5) Kids Earn Cash Won’t Pay You!

After wasting your prescious time sharing their links, you WON’T get paid!

People who promoted this site (kidsgetmoney.co , kidsearncash.com, kidspaidmoney…) will realize that they’ve been scammed when they will try to cash out.

This is how this scam work!

After making you lose your time sharing their links and bringing them traffic they will vanish and leave you hanging without giving you a single cent.

A lot of people are complaining online about not getting paid!

These are some of the complaints (screenshot below)

kidsgetmoney complaint

Source: https://twitter.com/hashtag/kidspaidmoney?lang=en

kids get money complaintkidsgetmoney complaintkidsgetmoneycomplaint

Source: https://twitter.com/hashtag/kidspaidmoney?lang=en

If you see any positive reviews about this website you better believe that they are paid members because Kidsearncash.com is a scam!

Final KidsEarnCash.com Review – It’s a Scam!

Kidsearncash.com is 200% a scam because of the following reasons:

  • Kidsearncash is too good to be true!
  • Fake testimonials
  • Hidden owner & hidden business location!
  • It’s only 9 days old!
  • So many complaints
  • You Won’t get paid
  • No costumer support
  • & More

Please don’t waste your time and effort sharing their links because you are only helping them to scam more people.

And don’t forget to share this review with your friends so they don’t fall for this scam.

Because Kidsearncash.com are making a buzz these days and their links are all over social media.

Here’s HOW I Make Money from Home!

There is no such a way as “making money easily & fast”

If somebody tells you that you will earn something like $500 in one day quickly, just run away!

The first rule to succeed online is to stop falling for these half baked scams that promise you large amounts of money quickly!

I hope this Kidsearncash.com review saved your time though!

I’ve used to fall for scams like this one in the past, but not anymore.

Because I’ve found a training that thought me how to make money online legitimately!

If you want to learn how I make money online then check out my #1 recommendation for newbies to start making commissions like me as you can see in the screenshot below.

I earn affiliate commissions regularly

My November affiliate commissions thanks to Wealthy Affiliate!

What do you think about Kidsearncash.com?

Feel free to leave your opinion & comments below 🙂

Don’t forget to share this review with your loved ones & friends so they don’t get scammed!

Spread the awareness & let’s make the internet a safe place to make money!

0/5 (0 Reviews)
Anis Founder of Fulltimehomebusiness.com

About Anis

Anis Chity used to be a struggling university student under debt from Italy, but thanks to this opportunity he managed to earn a 4 figure monthly income at the age of 24. Anis enjoys helping people avoid scams and find legit ways to work from home. He has many other businesses online as well.

In his free time he loves playing football & hanging out with friends.

Quick update: Anis now is 28 earning over $40k a month on average in affiliate commissions! Learn How He exactly did it here.

    • Wealthy Affiliate is what I recommend, they will teach how to make money with a website by following a 4 step formula, the same I have used to make a 4 figure income online.

  • It is always fascinated me the creativity of people when it comes to scamming others of they cash. If only the same amount of effort was invested in creating something that actually works, then more people would be financially successful. Its interesting how many inaccuracies you highlighted in your post with regards the reviews but I think people don’t always pick up on the small signs that should red flag this site.

    Any site that promises these sorts of returns for little to no effort immediately sets off warning bells in my mind and anyone who has been around online businesses even for a short times should be alive to these signs. Thanks for highlighting this online scam and I am sure this will go a long way in helping others avoid it too.


  • it is really good that you expose this scam. I can’t even believe that they are using a name like this that would certainly attract young kids to try it since it is for free.Shame on these people for doing so. Thank you for exposing them and I will make sure to share your article with others, i have two kids at home, they could easily be the victims of these types of scams

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