December 28


Contena 2020 NOT Affiliated Review! Is This a BIG Scam or What?

Anis Founder of

By Anis

December 28, 2019

Contena Review

So many Contena reviews out there, but most of them seem to be written by affiliates.

The goal of these affiliates is to earn some referral commissions only, they are literally sugar coating Contena so you sign up!

But is Contena a scam? This review is BRUTALLY honest, I’m not promoting Contena, I’m only going to tell you things EXACTLY how they are!

Sounds good?

Then read this review until the end so you know what you’re actually buying and if it’s worth it!

Contena Summary Review

Name: Contena


Founder: Kevin Fleming

Price: $100 a month to $700 a year

Best for: Fairly experienced writers looking for more writing jobs.

Contena Review

Summary: Contena is not a bad site, you will definitely find some writing jobs but why charge so much money for something you can find online for free?

Contena is NOT a scam but the price is so exaggerated and this makes it NOT worth it. At least in my opinion.

There are many good things and ugly things about Contena which I’ll share with you in this review.

Rating: 3/5

Recommended? Yes, but there free alternatives.

What is Contena?

Contena is a website that helps you find freelancing writing jobs online, this freelancing gigs website is founded by a young entrepreneur named Kevin Fleming.

The owner of Contena claims that this membership site is the best for making money from writing.

Contena will show you how to create your own freelance writing business where you have a lot of clients, so basically Contena will NOT only teach how to write content but also how to market yourself.

Kevin the CEO of the company is confident that there is no better site than Contena on the internet.

He says that the difference between the other freelancing courses and his course is the fact Contena teaches you how to market yourself efficiently while other freelancing courses only focus on making you a better writer.

Contena is both good for newbies and experienced writers, at least to Kevin and the people behind this company.

This company for freelance writers focuses on helping you find location independent jobs so it’s basically a pure work from home job opportunity hunter.

But can you trust Contena? Is Kevin Fleming a scam artist? Is Contena free?

Keep reading if you want to learn the good and the bad about this site!

Who is Kevin Fleming?

Let’s start with the founder of this site, Kevin Fleming, if I purchase a course or anything online I like to research the founder.

Why? You might ask.

Well, I have reviewed 500’s of work from home courses on my site Fulltimehomebusiness. Here we review both legitimate and scam work from home opportunities.

I have lost count of how many scams that I have reviewed where the founder either is hidden or is presented under a fake identity.

If you don’t believe me just read some of the scam reviews I have published.

Anyway let’s go back to our topic, fortunately, Kevin Fleming is a real person, he is NOT hiding and in fact, I see him online on forums and other people sites answering the negative reviews about Contena.

Kevin Fleming is a young entrepreneur who is working on many projects, he has created Contena to help people find writing jobs a lot faster.

Without you having to go through the hustle of wasting time dealing with the shady work from home opportunities found online.

One negative thing that I noticed about Kevin is the fact he does not like to see ANY negative reviews about Contena.

Well, we all don’t like negative reviews but Kevin seems to threaten anyone that writes a negative review (even if it’s an honest review) with legal action.

As I was researching Kevin Fleming on Google I read a post about a person that says he has been threatened by Kevin to remove his post, the person used to be a paid Contena member who did NOT enjoy Contena.

He decided to write a review about his honest experience but unfortunately, he deleted his review after receiving the legal action threats from Kevin.

This does not sound good in my opinion.

Another thing is most of the positive Contena reviews you find online are written by affiliates, it means that they are writing a review with the goal to convince you to buy Contena only.

Since the content membership plans are not the cheapest, the affiliates are going to earn some nice commissions.

With that said, below I have added some screenshots from the conversation of the two guys that had their negative Contena reviews removed.

kevin fleming the founder of Contena is threating people who write negative reviews about his companyA member of contena is looking for a review as he bought contena and he is not satisfiedcontena negative review

How Does Contena Work?

After you buy the Contena membership (I’m going to breakdown the prices for you later in this review) you will get access to a LOT of resources.

Whether you’re a newbie writer or a professional writer I think you will find the Contena resources useful.

Because they offer so many tools and services that will make you a successful freelance writer if you work hard and follow the contena teachings.

The contena courses will allow you to write about any topic you want, because yes, you can make money writing about any anything you like.

contena amazing features

There are many website owners that are constantly looking for writers to write articles and blog posts for them.

I personally have paid many writers to write content for me and in the future, I might hire a writer to publish articles on my site while I focus on other projects.

The point is when it comes to the freelancing writing business there are so many opportunities and Contena will give you the keys to open these opportunities for you.

Anis Chity

Hey I’m Anis!

I Earn $3,000 a Month by Writing Content for Myself & Not for other people!

How Much Does Contena Cost?

One thing that is making a lot of Contena users and people that want to try this angry is the Contena pricing.

A lot of people expect to get access to Contena for free because most freelancing sites are free, but I don’t think Contena should be free because they offer so many tools and resources that simple online job boards don’t offer.

But I also DON’T think Contena should be this expensive!

Contena offers different membership levels and payment plans to their members.

Currently, there are two yearly memberships:

  • The gold membership = $500 a year
  • The Platinum membership = $800 a year

You can pay the gold membership in 5 monthly payments of $129 and the platinum membership in 5 payments of $199/month.

If you think this is so much money and you want to try Contena first for a shorter period there is the monthly membership which costs around $100-$179 per month!

Now that’s a lot of money in my opinion, to join Contena as far as I know you should sign up to their waiting list if you do you will receive emails regularly from Kevin and then the link to sign up for Contena.

According to many not so happy contena reviews online, I have read that the Contena waiting list is basically just a newsletter designed to sell people into Contena in a not so ethical way.

According to the negative reviews Kevin does not mention the price of the membership, he keeps saying that Contena is good and will make you money but then people when they get access to Contena they get shocked about the heavy price.

Another thing I noticed people complain a lot about is the refund policy, Contena members basically feel locked in after paying the heavy membership prices.

Let’s say you want to grab the gold membership and pay $500 for the year.

What if you want to get a refund?

You need to ask for a refund within 30 days and you need to prove that you have completed all the Contena Academy exercises and if the contena staff is not convinced about that they have the right to NOT give you a refund.

That’s not good, and this is a point that the Contena reviews I read online fail to mention, the affiliates of Contena simply say that if you want to refund you have 30 days to ask, but never mention that the refund policy comes with surprises!

With that said, I would like to talk about the things I liked and things I did not like about Contena, I break down for you everything in details below.

Tired of Scams? Check out My Top Recommendation Here!

What I Liked About Contena

1- Good Training for New Writers (Contena Academy)

these are the Contena Academy lessons

I think the Contena Academy is the best feature that Contena offers, this is a course designed for newbies to get started with their own freelance writing business.

Contena Academy focuses on teaching you more how to promote yourself and how to get more clients, it does not go deep on how to become a better writer.

They offer you many actionable exercises to complete, lessons and videos to watch, they also give you templates and writing samples.

The Contena Academy training is not so long, there are basically 9 videos and each video is 6-7 minutes long.

I think a writing course should focus more on making you a better writer versus teaching you how to promote yourself.

I know if you don’t promote your stuff you will never find clients, but think about it, Contena Academy is designed for newbies NOT experienced writers.

Even if you find clients if your writing is bad and does not add value why anyone would hire you?

People hire writers to take their businesses to the next level, so they are expecting a writer that knows his stuff.

I have hired many writers to write for my site, I pay them because they know how to write for the web, they know how to turn people into sales, into followers, into email subscribers.

At the end of the day, if you’re hiring a writer you want them to make you more money, that’s why I believe a beginner course should focus on teaching you how to write for the web.

How to HELP business owners grow their businesses so they happily have you as their regular writer!

Learning to promote your self is VERY important and the Contena Academy course will teach you that well, but since it’s a beginners course, they should give you more than just writing samples and templates!

Is Contena Academy a good course?

Yes, it’s a very good course and even if it does not focus on making you a better writer, you will improve as a writer, but there are many better courses and alternatives that will make you a better writer that are even cheaper.

Carol has written a very good in-depth review about Contena, she used to be a paying member and on her post, she shares a lot of things about her experience with Contena Academy and many other things.

kevin fleming

Kevin Fleming, Contena CEO.

” We have surveyed the Contena users it turned out that most of them are newbies, that’s why we created the Contena Academy.”

2- The Contena Mediation (Escrow)

A good thing about Contena is that you’re protected from any possible shady clients, a very common problem among writers and their clients is if the client does not like the content written by the writer they may not pay and disappear.

This is really bad, I write articles several times a week, I know HOW hard it is to research and write an article, just imagine you spend 8+ hours per day researching and writing a post only to be rejected and not get paid for it?

That’s a problem fixed by Contena because the money paid by the client is put in an escrow account by Contena and it’s released only when both parties are satisfied so no one wastes time.

This is a REALLY good thing because thanks to the Contena mediation you will write content with an empty mind without worrying about shady clients!

Anis Chity

Hey I’m Anis!

I Earn $3,000 a Month by Writing Content for Myself & Not for other people!

3- The Customer Support (24/7)

I know many courses that offer good training but when you have a burning question you’re left alone in the dark.

If a course comes with mediocre or NO support I’d never invest into it, because if you buy a course you want to get help whenever you’re stuck, that’s very important.

Fortunately, this is NOT an issue with Contena because they have very good customers support, I did not read many negative reviews about people not getting help when they ask for it.

That’s a really good thing, for an expensive course the one would expect the customer support to be as good as Contena’s.

If you are reading this and have anything to say about the support team of Contena don’t be shy to share your experiences with us in the comments section.

At the end of the day, this review is for you, I have created this review so people can read the truth, I say things exactly as they are.

I mention the good and the bad with no filters but I would appreciate it if you add your experiences in the comments section and also share this post to spread the truth!

4- The Owner is Real & Always Available

As I said before it’s very important to research the founder of any program you want to invest in, just by researching the founder you will understand if the program you want to buy is worth it or not.

It looks like Kevin Fleming is NOT a fake persona or a hidden identity like most scams I review, Kevin is a REAL person and on top of that, you can even email him for support if you’re a member.

That’s very good, another thing I like about Kevin is he puts his face in front of any negative comment out there and tries to explain and resolve the issue.

I also like how passionate and motivated he is about Contena, obviously Contena is not perfect like anything in life and I appreciate what Kevin is doing.

The only thing that bothers me is the fact he threatens people who write negative reviews and forces them to take down their posts.

I think he should accept the negative reviews and see them as an opportunity to make his services better.

Because the negative reviews I read online are real and from paying members, I mean they are not written by people that only want to talk trash about Contena.

5- The Contena Scout

this is the contena scout feature on Contena

If you have ever tried looking for work from home jobs online you know how hard it is to find any legitimate offers.

The internet is really full of shady scams that are waiting for you to fall for their scams and I have experienced that first hand.

Before starting my own money making website I used to fall for scams so I know how hard it is to weed out the legit offers from the scam ones!

For example, here’s Master Writing Jobs, this is a site that helps you find writing gigs like Contena, the difference that this is a BIG scam and if you click on the link above you will read many people thanking me for putting that review up.

People cannot tell if a company is legit or a scam, that’s why I appreciate the Contena scout feature because it makes sure it shows you ONLY the legit writing gigs.

There are some complaints about Contena Scout but I think it’s a very good service because in one hand it saves you a LOT of time and in the second hand it only shows you the good and legit sites that will pay you and not waste your time!

With that said there are some links that will take you to sites like and some other free job board site.

And yeah most of the links can be found online for free but the benefit here is saving time and finding the good opportunities only.

kevin fleming

Kevin Fleming, Contena CEO.

” Contena focuses on work-from-home and location independent jobs and it’s very hard to find good remote jobs among the bad ones on the internet.”

6- The Contena Community

Contena has recently introduced a new feature called the Contena Community this is a place where you learn how to start a freelancing business with the help of professional writers who regularly add high-quality content for you to learn from and apply on your own business.

This community is going to help you improve every day by learning new things on a regular basis.

I have read some posts on the Contena Community that are also available for non paying members and they teach you different things related to writing like:

  • How to add professional images to your posts
  • Freelance writing’s checklist
  • How to write fast and make more money
  • & more

Honestly, by just reading these posts I have learned many things that I will apply on my business too!

7- Contena Alerts

Contena Alerts is another amazing feature that will save you even more time, this feature allows you to set up custom alerts about new work from home jobs.

You can set up Contena Alerts right from your account and be notified about new work at home jobs that ONLY meet your criteria.

Anis Chity

Hey I’m Anis!

I Earn $3,000 a Month by Writing Content for Myself & Not for other people!

As soon as Contena finds freelance writing jobs that pay well and does not require a lot of effort like you want you will receive a notification and quickly apply for it before anyone does!

I know there are many ways to receive emails and notifications for free about writing jobs but most of them will just send you some general work from home offers that are not as tailored, specific and custom like the Contena Alerts

You can watch this video walkthrough on how Contena Alerts work.

8- Even More Contena Great Features

The services I have talked about above are the best features of Contena, but there are many other good tools and features as well I want to talk about but quickly breakdown for you below.

My fingers are burning here, so I don’t want to talk in detail about every single feature 😀


– Contena Submissions

Contena helps you find many freelance writing jobs, but you still have to apply to every single one of them, send them a pitch and hope for the best. some will accept you while most will reject you because they are not looking for a writer or something like that.


That’s where the Contena Submission feature comes in, the feature will ONLY show you the companies that are ACTUALLY looking for writers and that will accept you if you send a pitch.

The Contena Submissions in a few words, helps you save time and effort and allows you to make more money with less effort!


Isn’t that amazing?


– Contena Coaches

This feature is another amazing feature, you basically get your own coach that will walk you through every thing, gives you motivation and makes sure you’re on the right path.

Contena Coaches though are not included in the membership, so don’t expect them to be affordable.

I have read a review online that says the Contena Coaches don’t give you sound advice and only say their opinions and ask you to do things your way and stuff like that.

I also read another review that said many good things about the coaches but it was an affiliate who wrote this post.

Either way, I hope you will share with us your experiences if you did hire a coach so we know if they are worth it or not so we help the next visitor.

I’ll be constantly updating this review as I get more info!


–  Contena Rates

Another great service at Contena. it’s called Contena rates, let’s say you find a lot of writing gigs and thanks to Contena submissions you know most of them will accept you as a writer and pay.

But what about the rates? How much will you earn after you finish your work?

With Contena rates you know in advance how much a company is going to pay you! So you will know exactly how much you will earn before you start putting in the work.

What I Did NOT Like About Contena

1-  Why So Expensive?

I understand that Contena offers many good features that a lot of sites don’t offer but I think this still does not justify the heavy membership prices.

There are so many free alternatives for every feature they have, yes you may not save time with the alternatives but you will save a lot of money.

Don’t get me wrong Contena is good but I think it’s really overpriced, there are many similar sites to Contena that are a lot cheaper, I’m going to actually share with you some alternatives at the end of this review.

2- It’s HARD to get a Refund!

You can get a refund but only if you complete all the Contena Academy exercises, but one thing that is strange to me is that Kevin (Contena CEO) said that it’s optional to follow the Contena Academy training.

But if you want a refund you need to prove that you have completed all the Contena Academy exercises.

Even if you complete all the exercises and the Contena team is not convinced they are not going to refund you.

This info can be found on their Refund policy page.

What if you don’t want to continue after paying the 24 months membership, it’s pretty bad to not have a “no questions asked refund policy” for a 24 or 12 months membership that offers no free trial!

Most freelancing writing courses offer good no questions asked refunds, even the Clickbank scams I review that are so shady offer quick refunds!

In my opinion, the refund policy is a very HEAVY negative thing about Contena and Kevin should definitely work on it.

If you have anything to say about this refund policy please leave comments and share with us your experiences.

Anis Chity

Hey I’m Anis!

I Earn $3,000 a Month by Writing articles for myself!

3- So Many Negative Reviews!

I have read some testimonial reviews on Contena these are testimonial posts published on the Contena website, I’m honestly not sure if these testimonies are real or fake.

I’m saying this because I came across 100’s of scams that make use of fake testimonials to enhance their products and make them look legit.

I’m not saying this is the case with Contena, but I had a look at their winning page and there is no proof that the testimonials are real or fake.

While on their website they post positive testimonies, there are many negative complaints online on sites like Trustpilot & Reddit, just click on the orange links to read the negative reviews!

I have also added some screenshots below if you’re too lazy to click on the links 😉

contena reviews from other membersthis is a contena review that says Contena is not worth itthis is a contena review from a real member

4- Contena is Not BBB Accredited

I did a quick research online and found out that Contena belongs to a company called Heroic, LLC and it’s not even BBB accredited.

Well, not being accredited by BBB does not mean they are a scam or bad, but it’s a red flag because people nowadays actually rely on and use BBB to rate/judge products and courses they want to invest in.

I also don’t see any positive reviews there but just a negative comment that was closed.

Is Contena Worth it?

I’m going to say my opinion only here, it depends on you if it’s worth it or not, in my opinion for newbies Contena is NOT worth it.

I think Contena is good for those writers with experience and that already have clients and want to market themselves better and crush it.

It’s an expensive course so experienced freelance writers will have no problems investing in it.

If you are a beginner and want to have a good career in writing, the first thing I recommend to do is to start your own website where you write articles.

This is one hand will make you money because if you do like me you can write articles that rank on Google, bring you traffic that you can monetize thanks to ads or affiliate links.

On the other hand, you will learn how to ACTUALLY write posts that webmasters will happily pay you big bucks for!

If you create a money making website you will hit two birds with one stone, make money and learn the secrets of writing great blog posts that will crash the competition.

If you want to get started with this, I highly recommend you to check out the:

Best Training to Start Your Own Money Making Website!

is Contena Worth it

Infographic CREDIT:

Contena Alternatives!

During my research, I came across many similar sites to Contena like and, I have no info about the two websites, but I’m planning to write reviews about them because they seem VERY similar to contena.

UPDATE: (I have written the reviews and linked to them above).

If you have anything to say about them please let us know!

Regarding the alternatives, here are some good resources where you can find freelance writing jobs for free:

Here are 5 other ways to make money writing.

Anis Chity

With this free to Join Program I can make money by writing content for my website and therefore earn a full-time income online!


I don’t have to keep looking for clients!

Is Contena A Scam?

I definitely do not think Contena is a scam, it’s very far from being so, it’s actually a good website, is it worth it? It depends on you, in my opinion, it’s overpriced even though the good features.

I personally also don’t like their refund policy, it’s very strict, other than that I do recommend Contena but not for newbies, this course focuses more on marketing yourself than actually learning how to write content that converts and gives results.

I hope my review was useful to you, I hope you will share it with people that might find it helpful too, and don’t forget to also let me know your opinion about Contena so we help people decide if they should join it or not.

I Make Money Writing for Myself!

Writing for other people can make you some good money every month, but you will earn even more if you write content for yourself.

What do I mean by writing content for yourself?

It means :

  • Start your own website about a topic you’re passionate
  • Write about things you like writing about.
  • Bring visitors for free from Google and other search engines.
  • Add affiliate links & ads on your posts.
  • Make a solid monthly income even while you sleep!

That’s how I make money online, so far I have published over 400 posts on my site, they are all making me money while I sleep!

If you write content for other people, your hard work will make them money forever, so why not write articles for your site and profit from your articles and make money while you sleep?

Warren Buffet said it best!

warren buffet

Warren Buffet

” If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep you will work until you die.”

That’s right, making money from your website is better than writing for other people! This is what I do and I love it.

If you want to start working for yourself I invite you to have a look at the training I recommend for beginners.

Just click on the orange link below to get started!

0/5 (0 Reviews)
Anis Founder of

About Anis

Anis Chity used to be a struggling university student under debt from Italy, but thanks to this opportunity he managed to earn a 4 figure monthly income at the age of 24. Anis enjoys helping people avoid scams and find legit ways to work from home. He has many other businesses online as well.

In his free time he loves playing football & hanging out with friends.

Quick update: Anis now is 28 earning over $40k a month on average in affiliate commissions! Learn How He exactly did it here.

  • I’m really glad to see some negative Contena reviews. I signed up at almost $1000 and it was a huge waste of money. I completed the academy, which I found very mediocre (granted, I’ve done professional writing before, but that’s what the big bucks were for, to improve my writing, right?). The jobs listings were either US-based or required that I had the right to work in the US. I’m neither. The other listings were either expired or worth peanuts. They were also broadly available job listings and were certainly not vetted by Contena for legitimacy. I tried to get a refund and I was met with disinterest or outright rudeness. I was happy to pay for use of the site while I used it, but there was pure hostility to that suggestion. I made zero money through Contena. It’s a collosal waste of money – please don’t be conned like I was.

  • I don’t really think it is fair to the honest reviewers to take down their reviews of Contena. It’s not like they are trying to slander them.Just the fact that he is going after all negative reviewers of his program makes me feel like he is trying to hide something or he has too much free time that he could be using to build Contena into an even better product. I mean it sounds like a great product based on the features you mentioned. Why not make it better?

    • Yeah, you’re right Jessie, Kevin should see the negative reviews read them and try to turn them into positive reviews. so everyone stays happy! Thanks for visiting and have a great day!Anis

  • Hey Anis,Thank you for sharing this lengthy and informative review about Contena. While, I agreed with you that Contena is a good membership site that comes with plenty of resources and tools but it was too pricey to join.Do you know how much their members charge to write an article? Can they recoup their investment?l like your idea to start your own website and writing your own article. In such a way you can perfect your writing skill and as well making money with your website.l also applaud you for your efforts in writing so many reviews to alert people between legit and scam programs.All the best!

    • Hi Shui, yes Contena is a good site too bad it’s expensive, I don’t know how much the members charge for an article, and yeah starting a website is the best way to make your writing skills better while you earn a living!Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment I appreciate it!

  • Anis, this is a very interesting and thought provoking review of Contena.   I have not used it, but I have been looking into options for getting paid as a writer.    Looking at this from an objective, analytical standpoint, it seems that to me the founder, Keven Fleming, should consider marketing Contena’s services differently.   He should be selling it a program that specializes writers that are new to the writing business as a way to gain, manage and grow their business activities.   They should proudly display what Contena costs and explain why it is a great deal.   For example, the escrow services alone are an awesome feature.  The savings in actually getting paid for what was earned and the time trying to get paid for a writing assignment could cover the cost. Mr. Fleming should stop worrying about trying to market to people that can not afford Contena.   Trying to capture prospects that can not afford the service, is a waste of time.   If he avoided letting people sign up that can not afford Contena, most likely he would not need to spend so much time worrying about reviews.    The practice of threatening people so that they will take down negative reviews is only hurting his reputation.  Since I have not used Contena, I can not extol other virtues that could be marketed to the target audience that can afford Contena and will actually be happy to pay for it.   Sorry this reply has gotten so wrong.   Yet, it makes me sad to see a company such as Contena hurting their potential success by the way that they are advertising what they are doing.    If they are an expensive race horse, they should advertise themselves as a race horse.  As is, it seems they are a race horse yet they are trying to appeal to people that are looking for a child’s pony.   

    • Hi Sondra, thanks a lot for your feedback, I do agree that Kevin is only hurting his reputation by threatening people to take down their negative reviews.Contena is good but if they only make the membership more affordable and improve some aspects of the service they will be VERY fine!CheersAnis

  • Hi this is an excellent review about Contena product. I have found this information is useful for all beginner who want to learn about writing technique and concept building. I also sometime feels some weakness in writing. So I believe this will be perfect for me to learn some advance technique. I will join this program soon. Thanks for your informative review on this.

  • Oh, thanks for the review about Contena as to whether it’s worth investing in or not! Literally speaking, I’ve not come across a single review post about Contena, though a few people might have written reviews about it online. Thanks for disclosing that it’s not worth the cost as anyone can find what they’re selling out for free online. And I know commission-minded affiliate marketers write such reviews for those products because of the money they want to make.Thanks for a passionate job!Israel Olatunji

  • Hey Anis thanks for the review of Contena , looks more like a marketing course than a freelance writing platform . With the cost of membership and the fact you say that a refund is hard to get looks like something to stay away from . There are lots of other freelance sites that have better reviews that anyone looking to be a free lance writer can join , Thanks for sharing .

    • Yeah, that’s right Rick, it’s a bummer that they make it that hard to get a refund for such an expensive program that comes with no free trial. Thanks for visiting!Anis

  • That really is a serious amount of money to be paying a service that provides you with work every month. I know that writing is a popular online job, and this service does seem to be professional and elite, but $100 a month to $700 a year – way over the top in my book.What do they offer that backs up these high membership prices?

  • Hey Anis, thanks for sharing this thorough review. I actually heard about this when my best friend was looking for ways to make money as a copywriter.I think it is a good platform if a newbie wants to learn more about writing and to find extra income with it. But with the prices, it’s just too much… I think there are a lot of other ways to learn how to write – and I agree that building a blog can really help sharpen our writing skills.Or if someone wants to learn how to market themselves as a copywriter, I believe there are much cheaper options to learn from such as in udemy and skillshare.Did you personally take a course from Contena? I like your writing flow btw!You have a good day, thanks 🙂

  • Thanks so much for this review of Contena. It does seem like a really great place for freelance writers. Too bad the price tag doesn’t justify joining. $800 a year? Holy moly! That is really expensive. Even $500 a year for the Gold Membership seems a bit excessive. You’d have to work HARD just to make up the price of the product. I also think it’s crazy to threaten legal action for anyone who writes a negative comment. I mean, why not take those negative comments and try to improve your business? I think that’s a good opportunity for Kevin to listen to his customers.I really appreciate the breakdown you did her. If the CEO took his customer’s views into account and the price was lowered to something reasonable, I would definitely consider joining. Until then, I’m out. 

  • Yeah I agree with you that it’s definitely not worth it. I don’t feel comfortable putting up my money when there’s so many negative reviews. There’s so much free information and tools out there it’s unnecessary to pay $100+ a month for this, it’s not even guaranteed that you’ll make that back the first month, because what if you applied their training but still couldn’t get enough writing jobs? Then you’ll want your refund but seems like they don’t want to give you that.

  • Omg you are so right. Everywhere I see no one really gives an honest review about Contena. Web is filled with all affiliates and it is so hard to find an honest review. Thank you so much for your honest unbiased review on Contena. It does seems really pricey so you are right.

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