July 22


Profit Point Autonomy Review [July 2020 Scam Update!!]

Anis Founder of Fulltimehomebusiness.com

By Anis Chity

July 22, 2020

Profit Point Autonomy Review

Hello! Welcome to my Profit Point Autonomy review!

Have you ever encountered any ads, videos or even websites that claim to make you rich immediately?

Well, to tell you the truth, these do not work! You will just be wasting your time and money. But what made me say such accusations? Well, I have reviewed a lot of them.

And another example is Profit Point Autonomy. In this review, we will discover the secrets and expose this get-rich-quick scheme!

Let's get started.

Profit Point Autonomy Quick Summary

Name:  Profit Point Autonomy

Type: Internet marketing

Founder: Unknown

Launch date: August 2019

Price: $47 + upsells

Best for: No one!

Rating: 1/5

Recommended? No!

Profit Point Autonomy


What is Profit Point Autonomy?

Profit Point Autonomy is a newly-launched website that claims it is a system that can make you rich instantly! Specifically, earn around $500 per day. Furthermore, you can simply do this with one click of a button!

By doing this, the money-making automated system will create websites. These websites will be the ones earning money for you. That's how simple it is. You won't do anything more than just click that button.

Let me ask you. Do you think this is real? If you do, you better think twice for your own sake.

If this was real, then everyone would probably be doing it. No one would be experiencing financial crisis. But unfortunately, it is not.

Profit Point Autonomy is just another get-rich-quick scheme. Similar to the ones I have reviewed before. Some of them are:

How does it work?

Over the years, I have reviewed websites, systems, apps and the like which claim to make you rich quickly. Profit Point Autonomy is not different from them.

The truth behind it is what we call affiliate marketing. Profit Point Autonomy is actually selling a system where it works with this kind of marketing.

Affiliate marketing is not a scam. It is a legit business model that has been existing throughout the years. In fact, it is what I do to earn money online!

However, Profit Point Autonomy makes all of these false, over-hyped and misleading claims. To tell you the truth, affiliate marketing is not that easy. You don't just click a button and then get rich instantly.

It takes time, patience, and effort to be able to build a profitable affiliate marketing business and website. You have to do it yourself. Nothing will do it for you. Do not even believe those claims wherein they can give you free-traffic.

But there are great training programs that will really help you from the bottom to the top. Like for example, Wealthy Affiliates, which is my best recommended program.

How does affiliate marketing work then?

The process behind it is pretty simple. First and foremost, it is very important that you have a website or a blog. That is because it is the foundation of your affiliate marketing business.

When you have it, you simply apply for affiliate programs. You will then be given affiliate tools such as banners, ads, text links and widgets. These should be put in your website.

With affiliate marketing, you main job is to promote products. Using those tools, people can click on them and become your referrals. They will be redirected to the website of the business that sells the said products.

If ever your referrals purchase something, you simple earn a commission!

Please do note that terms and conditions differ from each affiliate program. Some will pay you once a reader signs up or just simply click on those tools.

Anis Chity

Want to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing?

 Check out My Top Recommendation Here!

How much can you earn?

To be honest, the income you earn is uncapped. If you manage to do well, you can earn $500 or more, just like what Profit Point Autonomy claims. But you don't do it instantly with just one push of a button.

Furthermore, affiliate marketing is the best way to earn a passive income. You can just leave those affiliate tools and you can still earn money for years. As long as your website is still active.

How Much Does Profit Point Autonomy Cost?

The starting price to avail the services of Profit Point Autonomy is $47. Furthermore, when you are about to purchase it, you will be shown the payment form.

It will be indicated there that Profit Point Autonomy offers a 60-day money back guarantee. But I suggest that you don't trust it immediately. The website is not a part of any bigger networks.

But that's not the only costs you will be making. There will be upsells. Profit Point Autonomy will be trying to convince you to pay for more information to be able to earn more money.

However, when you do, these information won't just help you any further. The goal of the website is to simply get your money and just give you simple steps about affiliate marketing.

Profit Point Autonomy Red Flags

As you can see above on the quick summary, I gave Profit Point Autonomy only 1 out of 5 rating. The only reason being, it is about affiliate marketing. That's it.

The others are just red flags. Here are they.

#1 Changing names

Profit Point Autonomy website names

As you can see above, there are several websites out there that have different names but same domain.

The owner intentionally do this to be able to avoid the negative reviews. Furthermore, once a website is exposed, another one will be created.

Then people can start signing up again and purchase the system.

#2 No owner

All legitimate websites and businesses we find today, usually have an "About Me/Us" webpage, right?

This is where readers can view the brains and the creators behind them. However, with Profit Point Autonomy, it does not disclose any information about the owner.

If you visited the website and watched the video, the spokesperson is just a voice actor. Furthermore, there is no introduction or background information given.

#3 False claims

Profit Point Autonomy claims that you can get rich and earn money by just pushing a button.


This will not happen. There are no ways out there to get rich instantly. You have to work for it.

#4 Fake Testimonials

Profit Point Autonomy Fake Testimonials

In relation to the unknown owner and voice actor in the video, the testimonials regarding Profit Point Autonomy are just made by voice actors.

Some of them are even from Fiverr, working as freelance actors. There are paid to say positive reviews about the system.

#5 Scarcity Marketing is Fake

Profit Point Autonomy Fake Scarcity Marketing

First, what is scarcity marketing? It is a technique that sellers and marketers use to gain more sells. A common example is when a business offers a discount within 24 hours. 

Basically, in Profit Point Autonomy, there is a timer. As you can see in the picture above, it says 8 positions. Meaning, there are only 8 slots for people who can purchase the system.

However, this is fake. As time passes by, the number decreases. But when you refresh the page, so does the number!

Scams and get-rich-quick schemes are useless. But not this one!

Is Profit Point Autonomy a scam?

To close this Profit Point Autonomy review, it is time to answer whether it is legit or a scam.

Profit Point Autonomy is a scam! It is already obvious. I have provided you all of the reasons why.

By the time I heard that it claims to make you earn $500 a day with just a push of a button, I already knew it is a scam. It is not true.

To add to that, it uses fake testimonials. If Profit Point Autonomy was legit, what's the use of making such false statements?

$47 may be expensive or cheap to different people. However, I suggest that you save it and spend it on something worth it.

Never ever believe get-rich-quick schemes! There are no shortcuts to success. You just need to work hard and it will certainly pay off in the end.

This is How I Make Money from Home!

Since we are done stressing out regarding Profit Point Autonomy, it is time to know a way to earn money that is completely legit!

Get-rich-quick schemes mostly use false claims and advertising, when what's really behind it is affiliate marketing, which is a legit business model!

In fact, it is what I do to earn money online! Affiliate marketing revolves around promoting a product and then earn commissions when people purchase it.

The common thing between the get-rich-quick schemes that I have reviewed before is that they usually come down to affiliate marketing. Furthermore, they provide training for it.

However, it is not complete and most of them are just simple tips and steps. These will not really help you.

My top recommended training program, Wealthy Affiliates on the other hand, offers a complete, comprehensive and step-by-step training.

Additionally, it will give you the tools, including 2 websites. But it is not like what Profit Point Autonomy offers. Wealthy Affiliates makes sure that you have the knowledge to build your website.

And don't worry. You will even have access to its 24/7 live chat support with professional affiliate marketers.

Because of it, I make affiliate commissions on a daily basis. Here is my proof!

I earn affiliate commissions regularly

My November affiliate commissions thanks to Wealthy Affiliate!

0/5 (0 Reviews)
Anis Founder of Fulltimehomebusiness.com

About Anis

Anis Chity used to be a struggling university student under debt from Italy, but thanks to this opportunity he managed to earn a 4 figure monthly income at the age of 24. Anis enjoys helping people avoid scams and find legit ways to work from home. He has many other businesses online as well.

In his free time he loves playing football & hanging out with friends.

Quick update: Anis now is 28 earning over $40k a month on average in affiliate commissions! Learn How He exactly did it here.

  • i purchase this last dec. 07 2019, for 47 dollars then they send me email a lot of emails every time i opened it same video, they want me to click add chart again to purchased 47 dollars again, up to now January 22, 2020 i never receive any money

  • I posted a comment but I bet admin doesnt post it. Its amazing how these peop;e call programs scams but always have links to sell a program they are involved with. HMMMMM 🙂

  • You know it amazing how whenever these people do these reviews on a program, they always have a link to a system thet recommend or they use, which basically does the same thing just in a different way, …..Imagine that the things that make you go HMMMMMM L)

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