October 3


HireWriters Review (2022) This is All You Need to Know Now!

Anis Founder of Fulltimehomebusiness.com

By Anis

October 3, 2022

hirewriters review, make money with hirewriters, make money writing, What is hirewriters, what is hirewriters.com
HireWriters Review logo

Welcome to My Hirewriters review! (Updated 2022)

Chances are you want to make money writing or you're probably a website owner looking for website content?

Either way, this review is for you!

I have been buying articles from Hirewriters for 2 years and I'm ready to show you the tips and tricks to get top-notch content for cheap!

If you're looking to make money as a writer, then I'll show you how the site works and also legit alternatives to make money!

Ready? Let's get into this review!

HireWriters Review: Quick Summary

Name:  HireWriters

Website: HireWriters.com

Price:  FREE

Type: Writing service website

HireWriters Review logo

Summary: Hirewriters is a legit site, it's good for writers to make money and for website owners to get traffic.

In this review, I share with you some tricks that I learned to make good use of this site!

Overall Rank8 out of 10

Recommended? No!

What is HireWriters?

HireWriters is a company that connects writers with clients.

Furthermore, you can make money by writing articles, Facebook fan page posts, ebooks and more. On the other hand, you can pay to get articles, ebooks, and other content written for you.

The client posts projects directly on the work board, then you as a writer have the freedom to choose any project you like and start working on it.

Hirewriters offers different services like:

Here's how Hirewriters works in details.

HireWriters Review: How does it work?

The Registration Process

If you want to sign up for HireWriters you need to be a native English speaker from these countries.

  • US
  • UK
  • Canada
  • Australia
  • Ireland
  • New Zealand

For them to accept you, you need to pass a grammar test.

Don't be scared by this test because I was able to pass it even though my grammar skills are not top notch.

The test is usually 5 minutes long and all they ask you is some basic grammar questions.

Sometimes they might ask you to write a 500 words essay and talk about something. For example, they might ask you to talk about your favorite country and why you want to visit it.

Basic stuff really that anyone can do.

Maybe the real challenge is the limited time because they usually give you 5 minutes to 8 minutes to finish the test which can make you a bit anxious but it's doable.

Hirewriters grammar test

If you pass the test you will be notified by HireWriters via email within a few days.

After you get accepted you will be able to immediately start applying for gigs and make money writing.

The Hirewriters Ranking System 

New members are automatically considered beginners.

Beginners won't make a lot of money because content seekers are looking for skilled & expert writers.

If you want to make money with HireWriters, then you need to achieve the skilled or expert level.

However, to achieve such levels you need to work hard in the beginning and make sure you put your best so you get people to give you positive reviews and ratings.

Yes, you guessed it!

You need to get positive reviews in order to get a higher writer status at Hirewriters!

Here are the requirements to improve your Hirewriters level.

  • General:  3 positive reviews with at least four stars to achieve this level.
  • Skilled: 7 positive reviews with at least four stars to achieve this level.
  • Expert: 12 positive reviews with at least 4.5 stars to achieve this level

If you are an excellent writer and the clients love your content, it would be very easy for you to reach the expert level and earn up to $30 per article.

How Much Money Can You Make? 

If you want to make money online, then HireWriters is a great site that pays you to write.

You can make anywhere from $2 to $30 per article; however, it all depends on how good you are at writing!

While HireWriters is not the highest paying website the good thing about it is the fact that they easily accept applicants.

If you have tried applying for writing jobs online you probably know how 80% of them are so picky.

Most of them even require you to own a website in order for them to accept you!

That's why I like Hirewriters because they allow everyone to make money writing, they have a test but it's simple they just want to make sure your grammar and writing is not terrible.

When you join HireWriters they will consider you as a newbie writer so the earnings are going to be low.

You can expect to earn in the beginning something like $2 per article for 300-500 words articles but as you build your reputation as a writer within the site you earnings will increase as well.

HireWriters Review: Affiliate Program

Another great way to make money with HireWriters is to refer people to their site.

You will earn 10% for every sale you deliver! 

If you want to sign up as an HireWriters affiliate just sign up to their affiliate program.

You can make a full-time income by just promoting HireWriters to other people.

If you need help finding people that will use your affiliate links I recommend to check out my affiliate marketing guide for newbies.

HireWriters Review: Payment Method

Hirewriters will pay you every Friday, but to request a payment you need to earn at least $10.

They make payments via Paypal.

What I Liked about HireWriters 

1) Simple & Easy to Use Interface

What I Like about Hirewrites is their platform it's so easy on the eyes.

There is nothing confusing about the platform the whole site is so easy to navigate.

For example, if you want to order an article all you have to do is click a button and fill up the form by choosing the right category and adding all the details and requirements for your article.

hire writers projects

2) Affordable Prices

Another reason why I love Hirewriters is the affordable prices they offer!

HireWriters Review Rate

I know you might get scared by the affordable prices thinking the quality of the content must be low since it's cheap.

But that's not the case because if you give clear instructions to the HireWriters writers they will offer you good content!

I have experienced that first hand, I have ordered many posts from HireWriters that brought me lots of traffic because I posted them on my site!

Just to give you an example my Friend Roope's $14 article he bought from HireWriters made him $877!

Below, you can see all of their rates for different media.

HireWriters Review Prices

3) Get Content from Native English Speakers

Yes, since HireWriters only accepts members that are native English speakers. So, you're going to get content that is not written with severe grammatical mistakes.

I have ordered a lot of content from HireWriters and I can guarantee that writers are native English speakers.

Furthermore, I have even hired a writer that has this unique writing style which I really liked.

This writer has written for me articles that are really engaging and that comes with a sense of humor too!

4) You ONLY Pay when You Love the Article

Yes, when you submit an article request into Hirewriters a random writer will start working on it.

When they finish the writing you will receive a notification.

However, you will have the ability to read the article but you can't copy it or anything because it's protected with a watermark.

You can receive the article only when you accept it.

The good thing about HireWriters is you can ask your writer to re-edit the post until it meets your standards.

Once you're satisfied, you can accept the article and the money will be sent to the writer.

5) They give you the ability to "Favourite" Writers!

This is a really good feature because it allows you to favorite your writers and find them quickly when you need articles.

For example, when I was ordering content from Hirewriters 5 particular writers impressed me.

That's why they are on my favorite list at Hirewriters!

Hire writers favorite writers

My Favorite Writers at Hirewriters

6) You Can Easily Add Funds to Your Account

HireWriters allows you to easily top up your account with money which you will use to pay writers.

Furthermore, HireWriters have a sort of an escrow system which protects you and the writers.

The minimum amount you can deposit is $10 which can buy you an article from an expert writer 🙂

You can pay using Paypal, your credit card or even Bitcoin!

7) New Service!  HireWriters Managed Services!

I have just updated this HireWriters review because I'd like to add that Hirewriters have just launched this new service which is very exciting.

In the past you could only order single articles or ebooks now you can hire a Hirewriter manager!

If you want to outsource a part of your business let's say your email marketing for example.

You can hire someone to do it for you so you can focus on other aspects of your business!

Another example is you can hire a writer to do all the content creation for you and post directly on your website.

Sounds good? 

Then get started with Hirewriters by getting a $10 bonus! 

Make sure you use my affiliate link only if you have found this review useful! 😉

What I did not Like!

1) Low Pay Rate (to the writers)

One of the most complaints I see from people that write for Hirewriters is the low payments.

Many writers say that Hirewriters is taking advantage of them and their writing.

This makes sense since you're getting articles for cheap it means that the writers are not paid well.

But I can't comment on this because I never applied as a writer at Hirewriters (I applied just for the sake of this review actually)

If you're a writer please don't hesitate to leave your comments below and let us know what you think about this!

2) Locked Accounts & Writers Not Getting Paid

So, I have read tons of negative reviews from writers not getting paid for the articles they write.

I can understand that because since the content seekers can refuse the article (which will result in the writer not getting paid) and waste the time of the writer.

However, I know there are many picky website owners that will just refuse any article written by the writer which will waste the time of the latter.

Another common complaint is about the writer accounts getting locked.

But most of the locked accounts belong to writers that don't respect the HireWriters terms of service.

3) Some Writers are Complete Cheaters

Yes, unfortunately, there are many cheaters at Hirewriters.

I personally had to deal with many cheaters when ordering articles from Hirewriters.

For example, one time one writer sent me a completely copied and spun article, I would have never known it was copied if I did not use an online plagiarism checker tool!

So if you order content from Hirewriters make sure you use a plagiarism checker tool because copied content is something that the search engines hate!

How to Get QUALITY Content for Your Site!

If you are a website owner and don't have enough time to write content regularly on your site you may want to hire a writer to help you keep your website regularly updated with high-quality content.

High-quality content will rank high in the search engines, as a result, make you more money.

Unfortunately, it's not very easy to find writers that provide quality content that will fit on your website.

Hirewriters makes this process very easy; you can search for writers directly from the site..

Here are some tips to make sure you get the best content for your business.

  • Pay attention to the rating and the reviews of the writer you are interested in.
  • Pay attention to the rejection rating.
Hire writers favourite writers

My Favorite Writers at Hirewriters

How to use HireWriters for your website.

The best thing about HireWriters is if you order an article you can receive it in less than 24 hours.

You also have the freedom to reject it or have the writer edit or rewrite the parts you don't like about it.

Here are the various levels of the writers you can hire:

  • Beginner: they offer cheap content usually for less than $3 per article, but it may contain serious grammar mistakes
  • General: Some grammar issues but you can quickly correct them, they usually charge less than $7 per article.
  • Skilled: They offer good content for less than $13
  • Expert: Great and creative content but it will cost you around $19-$30 per article 

Remember you always have the right to reject the articles you get.

When a writer sends you an article it's protected with a watermark from Hirewriters, so you don't steal it.

Plus, you will get charged by the writer only if you accept their work.

Sometimes I buy articles from beginner writers for $2 or $3, and completely rewrite them, you know it's easier to rewrite an article than actually writing it yourself.

If you want to order an article in HireWriters you can do it in two ways:

You can search for a writer to send them a private message or post a project from your dashboard.

This video shows how you can post a job from your HireWriters dashboard.

I have been buying content from Hirewriters and I really like the platform.

These are the latest articles I ordered from the site (screenshot below) and they are doing pretty well in terms of rankings.

Hire Writers articles

HireWriters Review: Pros and Cons


  • Payments are made every Friday
  • Referral program payments are processed every month
  • Easy and fast payments via PayPal
  • Easy to order articles with fast delivery
  • The possibility to reject articles and accept them unless you are 100% satisfied.
  • You can order ebooks, Facebook fan pages posts...
  • Protected articles, if you don't like an article you can reject it but you can't steal it since it's protected
  • Good prices
  • You get a 25% bonus for every deposit you make; I deposited $30 on the site a few weeks ago and they gave me $7.25 as a bonus!


  •  Awful support team, I sent them an email one month ago to withdraw the money I deposited because I wasn't using the site, still no response from them.
  • If you hire articles from beginner or general writers, you get poorly written articles.
  • HireWriters Review: The Alternatives

    If you're looking for alternatives to HireWriters there are a lot of other sites that will pay you to write.

    One that I have recently reviewed is called Authority Content

    Other good writing sites include:

    Writing jobs to avoid are:

    Here's t a full list of sites that pay you to write.

    Is HireWriters a Scam?

    Hirewriters is definitely a legitimate platform where you can hire writers and make money writing content for other people.

    They have 3 out of 5 stars at SiteJabber

    HireWriters Review: Final Verdict

    Hirewriters is a good website; plus, it's 100% legit. If you want quality content, then I recommend you to order articles from expert writers. The price is a bit high; however, it's worth it.

    If you want to make money writing, then just do your best to write quality content. Clients will love it; furthermore, you will become an expert writer in no time and enjoy high payments for each article you write.

    Plus, you can also join their affiliate program to earn more money.

    If you to get started with Hirewriters and start ordering content for your site make you use our affiliate link if the review was useful! 🙂

    This is How I Make Money from Home!

    While writing content is a good way to make money.

    I think there is no better way to earn than starting your own affiliate website and writing the content for yourself.

    This way you can build an affiliate marketing website that makes you money while you sleep.

    Unlike getting paid a few bucks to write here and there.

    An affiliate marketing website (selling other people's products online) is something that pays off big time and gives you freedom.

    Thanks to my website I earn affiliate commissions regularly!

    I earn affiliate commissions regularly

    My November affiliate commissions thanks to Wealthy Affiliate!

    Hope you have enjoyed my HireWriters review if you have any type of questions just drop a comment below! 😀

    0/5 (0 Reviews)
    Anis Founder of Fulltimehomebusiness.com

    About Anis

    Anis Chity used to be a struggling university student under debt from Italy, but thanks to this opportunity he managed to earn a 4 figure monthly income at the age of 24. Anis enjoys helping people avoid scams and find legit ways to work from home. He has many other businesses online as well.

    In his free time he loves playing football & hanging out with friends.

    Quick update: Anis now is 28 earning over $40k a month on average in affiliate commissions! Learn How He exactly did it here.

  • Hirewriters has been dead for about 2 years now. Very few jobs on its job board and they are gone in a flash if there is one or two posted.

    I have been treated fairly well there but miss the old days when they had 80 to 100 jobs available.

  • this is amazing and in depth article thanks a lot i’m waiting form long time finally i got it with wonderful knowledge ones again thanks a lot

  • This is great information! I’ve been looking to outsource some of content writing as it’s very time consuming and I wondered how Hirewriters compared to the likes of Upwork and iWriter?

    I’ve had trouble, especially with iWriter with the quality of writers, even with a high rating. I find writing a thorough job description helps though and asking for a sample fo their work. Thanks I’ll head over and check it out.

    • Unfortunately not, I have sent them multiple emails but never sent my money back, it looks like they don’t like people to withdraw their money back if they don’t want to use the service anymore, that’s the only thing I hated about Hirewriters, I could not withdraw and had to spend it there for articles, it sucks.

  • Hirewriters looks like a great idea, both for webmasters with too little time to write themselves, and for aspiring writers who want to earn some commissions.

    Unfortunately when you are writing for your own sites, there is little time to write for others, but it is great to know that there are options out there.

    If you start as a beginner writer, do you have any idea how long it takes to get your first job?

    • As a begginer you can find a lot of jobs in the job board, you can apply for any job but you need to expect low payment, if you deliver good content to your client, they will love it and give you ratings and review to take you to the next level.

  • Thank you for your review, I also find them rather good service, never considered the affiliate side though! I keep on hearing that several people have rather bad experiences with the articles that are produced by HireWriters. However I would generally say you get what you pay for. Nobody is going to write you a great 1700 word article for 20USD, what you pay is what you get.

  • Hey Anis! Great article, it sounds like a lot more niche then websites like ‘Upwork’ and ‘Fiverr’ which both focus on a broad spectrum. If I ever get lost for words I think I would take your advice and try out a beginner. Like you said, you can edit it and its only costing a few dollars. So it’s really not a huge loss for trying something new. Cheers buddy!

  • Hello, I can see you gave a very good rating to the Hirewriters.com, however, from your post it appears to be a site to go to for paid articles. I am only concern about plagiarism which you know is a very serious issue with Google. So, how do ascertain the article that was written for you to make sure it is free of copyright?

    Thanks for the beautiful post, I love it.

    • There are many tools that you can use to make sure that the content you’re getting is not copied I have used the service and had no problem with this, just make sure you follow the tips mentioned to the best of this site, thanks for stopping by!

  • Hello, very cool website. I like all the information you have. Writing is a very important, and fun. The opportunities that you share in your website is very good and helpful. This is something I have never heard about, and is something I will definately be looking into really soon.

  • Hi there, someone told me that you can earn money writing articles or authoring. I am quite interested in this as I regularly wrote blogs on my own site. I always wondered how to do this so I really appreciate this article. It’s a pity that you have to start as a beginner though. I think this is a bit unfair don’t you think? Some people may already be skilled in authoring. Thanks for sharing, I’ll check it out.

  • Thanks for introducing me to HireWriters. I love to write, but with several websites to manage I can’t get it all done. I like your idea of buying an articel written by a beginner and the rewriting it.

    Also, sites like HireWriters is a great place for a beginner freelancer to get lots of experience fast and gain confidence.

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    This is HOW Newbies like me & You Can Make Money Online
